How do you feel about abortion, Sup Forums?
How do you feel about abortion, Sup Forums?
good for niggers
It's cold-blooded murder.
Let's women be whores with no repercussions
Once the white ethnostate is created, abortion must end.
I don't give a shit about children, because most of them are dumb and will grow up to be dumb adults. The less dumb adults we have the better, so whatever.
It's murder and nothing more.
There's always this "buhbuhbuh what if you got raped" excuse but that's like 0.1% of the cases. You just know just about all of the whores getting abortions are, well, whores.
It's evil and I will crush it when I become the supreme leader of everything
It should be free for non whites
It's morally unethical.
I still wouldn't keep the baby though. More parents should be willing to adopt out their kids if they're not financially or emotionally prepared.
If its white the mother should be executed, otherwise its a good thing.
Abort every new life.
End humanity.
Birth is preventable torture.
Don't be an idiot like your parents.
Life is pain. It is avoidable.
Don't create a sapient.
You didn't ask to exist; you couldn't have.
Don't fill the world with more drones.
Don't give the sadists at the top more toys to play with.
Do you enjoy your life?
Is your life more pain than pleasure?
There is no purpose in experiencing pain.
Don't create another person, just so it can experience a life of pain and subjugation in the servitude of the greedy.
Abort all new life.
What race is it?
Save your sob story for the rick and morty subreddit
Thanks Schlomo.
Your misery is the only gift your parents gave you.
You will die a pawn, having accomplished nothing but causing pain for others.
I said _all_ life, nothing racist. All life, all sentience should come to an end as soon as possible. All it does is suffer.
Not a sob story. Why the hell do we keep making more of ourselves?
This world is a disgusting mess of stupid mistakes.
Sure, lets just make some more stupid people bound to end up in poverty, starving to death. What a great life! They sure made a difference moving the species forward, and brought smiles to so many faces.
This isn't our fight we're fighting. This wasn't even our parent's fight. It has been passed down since the first sapient. We are all mistakes, and the only thing we can do about it is just stop.
Really, just fucking stop. Nobody needs to exist.
I personally abhor it and a consider it a sin (except in the case of rape or if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or child), but unwanted births are a problem no one seems to want to solve (I don't take pro-lifers seriously unless they've adopted multiple children), and, more importantly, because I do think that there are times where abortion is a legitimate choice to be made by a woman, and the circumstances under which it is made are usually horrific (getting raped or having a life threatening complication during a perhaps desired pregnancy), I don't believe in putting those women through some horrific process to have the pregnancy terminated, even if it means easy access for women who just don't want to deal with consequences. I'll let God deal with them; it's not my place anyways. There's also the fact that many states where abortion is difficult also have shitty sex ed programs and curiously corresponding high rates of unwanted, teen pregnancy.
TL;DR: I'm pro-choice, but not because I think abortion is okay, but because I think women should be left the fuck alone if they have to have one.
planned parenthood should have affirmative action payment plans for blax and spix, ie free 'borshuns.
satanic evil
Mandatory for non-whites, prohibited for whites.
I'm for 'em!
Faggot detected.
Life isn't special. Life isn't precious. The Earth is overpopulated. We need less humans to preserve the beauty in this world. Kill the lesser babies.
Kill the offspring of sin.
>How do you feel about abortion, Sup Forums?
the women should pay for it themselves.
It's murder but I don't really care anymore. It was always disturbing to me that women and liberals would get so triggered when someone said they were anti-abortion. Now I get it. I get it. And I'm drunk right now.
It's legal murder for lazy bitches who wanted to fuck but didn't want to accept the consequences of it.
This is how disgusting females are when you don't dominate them.
They will casually defend and even come up with new names to avoid accept the blame for, murdering babies.
That's what it is.
If left to their own devices, and not aborted, they would eventually develop into an adult human being.
Liberals will call the babies fetuses though, because it sounds better, and lets them sleep at night.
I honestly don't know, killing unborn babies left and right because you're too stupid to use a condom or just "aren't ready" is bad tho, but even then, some people don't deserve children.
You sound like a nigger who just got redpilled on his own people kek
They all end up nihilistic
To be fair, I would too, though
I don't really care, if my sister got knocked up my some useless faggot I'd be fine with her getting rid of it.
I just don't think you can MORALLY justify it, it's definitely killing a baby.
SLippery slope. Shouldn't be legal because doctors make a ton of money off it and it's infanticide. It's murder plain and simple. I understand the arguments but if you look deep inside yourself in your quietest and most sincere introspective moments you know it's wrong. I remember in hs I almost got a girl pregnant and it made me realize how selfish I was that I would even consider abortion/murder because I was so stupid as to have sex in the first place but sex without a condom.
Wheres the videos of abortions. There arent any cause its the worst shit you can see. Its a crime against yourself. The clinics have bullet proof glass for a reason. If poeple actually saw a video of one no one would support that shit.
Overall conservative, but very pro-choice.
Less single moms = less welfare
Threads like this with answers like this is on of the reasons ita hard to trust u lurking faggots and o say this a a right winged nationalist. Fuck of u christian betas
Caucasian mutt, thankfully. I can pass as just about anything European.
I'm really just angry that I was created by mindless drones to struggle, and then die. I've already actualized, have a list of accomplishments (which is short enough to identify me, unfortunately), and am living comfortably.
The most honorable thing we can do is to end all life, or as much of it as we can before we die.
Here's to hoping an ET with the same objective comes along to offer us just such a service.
Right, and the obvious solution is to force them to have the kid they don't want so they can grow up in a hostile environment and become a whore themselves, because you can totally fix 'the whore problem.'
that was sarcasm, by the way, christfag.
They can always adopt there kids away.
Have you seen an abortion if you had you wouldnt support it one bit. Where bits of flesh are ripped out with forceps.
Less is better. I don't really know or care why you faggots call killing having a tumor removed, we need to erase from existence most of the people in this planet possible.
The problem is with new people coming into existence. Look at "The Human Footprint" (no link, sorry) for more information.
Abortions look gruesome, but that is only because we tend to empathetically project ourselves onto any homonculoid (e.g. we'll feel more sympathy for a cow being slaughtered than a snake getting run over by a truck). It isn't a bad thing, but bear in mind the brain of a fetus is probably less complex than a mouse for most of its development. 2nd trimester abortions are akin to killing a rat. It may look like a thinking human, but it really isn't capable of sustaining a conversation, let alone protesting its condition.
It is better that its suffering, however simple, be made as brief as possible, rather than to allow its development into an adult, only to consume more resources, take up more space, and potentially serve as the carrier of new diseases, etc...
Make it illegal for whites.
Make it mandatory for non-whites.
The answer is to just stop birthing new people, and gradually shut down our infrastructure while the suffering dies down to a perfect silence.
If we can manage, we should sterilize the planet - eliminate all lifeforms - so that sentient life does not again develop here at some future time.
same way i feel about losing the banana horde
the greatest sadness
Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.
Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.
These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.
In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.
So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.