Think about it, back in the 20's you would of been treated the same if you were gay as if you were a pedophile today.
In a few decades they will start decriminalizing it and letting adults marry kids if they "consent"
Just look at the end comments in this thread, they are literally defending having pedophile tendencies this is what it is going to lead to.
Accepting gays will eventually lead to accepting pedophiles
Love is love user
>How long before we say enough is enough?
The only question that needs answering.
No it won't, what a load of rubbish.
t. homo
So it's not reasonable to say that?
Sure its reasonable. But the idea of homosexuality and pedophilia is completely different in most sane peoples minds. And the latter will never be accepted by the masses. The only reason being gay wasn't accepted was essentially all religions ingraining into the minds of the people for so long, and essentially still does. But as more and more people give up religion that notion will fade. It's a learning vs moral situation.
we are 4/5 down the slippery slope that totally doesnt exist. what do you think?
Democracy is bullshit.
Women, niggers and beta males will always vote for whichever degeneracy the Jew programmes them to go for with hollyood and media bullshit.
Total collapse of this freakshow bullshit """"society"""" is inevitable at this point.
The state won't protect your family from these filthy perverts. It's up to you.
> ingraining into the minds of the people for so long
"love is love" "Anyone can marry who ever they want" "if two consenting people want to get married why do you care?"
All the things that they say now, which will eventually lead to loving WHOEVER regardless of age. Don't underestimate the power of political correctness.
What is consent between adults?
Im with OP but let me clarify
Its not that most homos are pedos. Its that most pedos are homos. This is true but a differing truth that strawmans its way out of being true by most leftists.
Fact of the matter is most abused children are boys and mostly they are abused my men.
Gays are like what 1-2% of the population? And they are doing a majority of the childhood sexual interference. You cannot ignore this. Im not going to crunch numbers like a faggot but any normie can see the truth in this.
OP is right. I dont tolerate homosexuality, and its explicitally because of pedophilia and sodomys consequences.
Thank you!
Its no mystery that gay men and gay porn is notorious for
which is just a perverted euphemism for boys.
anyone denying the youth focality of homosexuality and in essence the creation of new homosexuals through abuse should be forced into a gaybars restroom on a non-school night and strapped in a room with a 12hr marathon of the most popular gay pornos.
Hell... do any anons here remember that youtube music video we tried to get banned for something like a week that literally featured fags shitting into eachother mouths.
Was completely unrestricted iirc on youtube and we reported it for at least a week until it got deleted.
Somehow they got away with it because it was a music video.
logic is a very slippery slope, user.
If you accept certain arguments, all it takes is using that same argument for different things and then it gets accepted because denying that argument for any purpose what so ever would mean you deny it for the original purpose.
like "why do you care what two consenting people do behind closed doors?"
That can protect homosexuality and incest, and possibly pedophilia if people debate hard enough using the "tranny children acceptance" argument.
I know the PC bs is getting out of hand, and I hate it as much as the next guy, especially since its starting to take a hold in this country. But i think the quotes you've made carry no water to underage relationships. I couldn't give 2 shits what gay people get up to as long as they are adults. If I see that start changing then I will make a stand, but taking what people say on a Mongolian rug discussion board as what will happen is silly.
>Im not going to crunch numbers like a faggot but
Because the facts for that don't exist, and all studies show there is 0 correlation between the 2.
Two pedophile dicks in the ass are better than one. Liberals say so!
(((They))) already accept consent from a child, to cut his dinkie off.
Accepting a child's consent to get fucked by an adult is actually less horrible.
okay i was literally waiting for you to say this like a predictable fag so here are the numbers
And while we are on the topic of legalizing pedophilia.....isn't it odd that the former mayor of Seattle, Ed Murray, is accused of raping 5 kids, and that the allegations were NOT new. He was previously investigated for sodomy and child sex abuse in the 80s. Several victims went to local lawmakers a decade ago, police did nothing, then to the Seattle Times, who sat on the story for 10 years because it was politically inconvenient.
>couldn't give 2 shits what gay people get up to as long as they are adults
If you were born 100 years ago, you wouldn't have said that at all.
What i am saying is in 100 years people will start saying "I don't care if adults want to fuck kids as long as they consent".
That is the point i am trying to make, that PC will change the thought process of everyone just how it has with homosexuals.
You really activated my almonds there, user.
Please lose the meme flag tho.
The entire marketing of progressivism is to normalize pedophiloa.
a hundred years ago, the age of consent was well below what it is now in the USA.
but not like pedophile age of like 12 and below, more like 13~14 and up.
>muh slippery slope fallacy
what they do affects you in no way; you'll be free to fuck fucking all the dingoes you want, cletus.
grow up, immature faggot.
There is only one solution to the gay question and I think you all know what it is but you are not comfortable with the reality. It involves bullets, trenches, and bulldozers. The gay agenda won't stop. It's never sleeps. We have to stop it, and that means that we are going to start thinking a little more extremist in our thoughts.
Yeah i am reading here it was like 14-16.
But we also used to hang people for stealing a loaf of bread.
Just because it used to happen doesn't mean it's right.
>random numbers given by random user
Ok, also reading that, he makes the assumption that being gay and a pedophile is linked. There is no facts there bro. Try again.
I probably wouldn't have said it then. But i still doubt that will happen. I may be wrong and you may be right though. I won't be around to know though.
Yeah and i would be free to fuck your infant son, would you have a problem if that happened to you?
We all know this to be true, Pedophiles in 50 years will be fucking childsexbots or full on limited cognition clones of somesort.
The 22nd century is going to be insane after WWIII. Anybody who makes it there will be living the life where your dreams come true.
LIterally look up homosexuality links to pedophilia.
I did one day and i only found one article for a respectable doctor that said there was none, and i found 12 saying there is or there could be a link.
As for what you said to me, so you went from saying my argument was "rubbish" to saying you may be wrong.
Something like this isn't worth taking the risk mate, there is nothing more important in this world than the safety of children.
>Dob'nt dread on mee fleg :DDD
Dibsredarded xDDDDd fugg u snegger
You forgot about goatphiles, sheephiles, arachnophiles, entomophiles, reptophiles, rock-o-philes; need I continue?
nobody is here to convince you of anything user.
you are apparently here to convince us of something quite unhealthy.
sodomy is unhealthy. its not okay to eat fecal matter. you are not supposed to put fecal matter on your reproductive organ. i would honestly not sodomize my own wife.
Ain't nothin wrong with shaggin a sheep here and there cunt.
>Proofs plz
Yeah nah go look up Pedo statistics and bring em back to me when you find out most pedos are men fucking boys. We've been there before and CBA after doing so much digging. You new here or something?
I know, I'm from Montana (state in USA). Gotta stay warm in the winter months somehow. Oh I forgot:
I don't see why you people are so unaccepting. They were born that way. They can't help who they're attracted to.
not an argument, dingo fucker.
not an argument, goat fucker.
If someone is born a pedophile we should just accept them and molest children?
reasonable logic.
but honestly, what do you consider the age that it becomes pedophilic?
I was talking about gays.
>immature insult
I think we can all agree who the real immature one is here.
Honestly i agree with the age of consent at the moment HOWEVER if a guy is attracted to say a 15 year old girl who has breast and hips that does not make him a pedophile. Being attracted to a 5 year old who is clearly undeveloped is being a pedophile.
Yes, and i am saying that will lead to accepted pedophiles, have you not read anything in this thread?
did you know that 14 year olds can also obtain those similar attributes that you describe a 15 year old to have?
The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.
not an argument, dingo fucker.
also i think accepted pedophilia will happen so much sooner.
they immediately tried to push trans rights literally as soon as they guaranteed gay rights to marry and get tax exemptions as a regular couple.
also, I wouldnt trust anything psychology says nowadays. After the 1970s, the board of the APA that dictates mental illness removed homosexuality from teh dms-2 because of massive invasive protests about the inclusion of homosexuality.
Yes and so can a 12 year old girl because females develop earlier than males, HOWEVER not all females fully developed at the age of 12 or even 14, thats why the age of consent is inplace at the moment so ensure they are FULLY developed to have sex. Does that make sense?
Wud if goabd gonsends dho??? :DDD
The point is that they are post-puberty. Paedos predate on pre-pubescent children.
It's like squares and rectangles. All paedos are child predators, but nor all child predators are paedos.
not an argument.
Accepting LGBTQ+ is a gateway to normalizing pedophilia.
I found literally a dozen of articles saying that there is or could be a link between homosexuality and pedophilia HOWEVER even i am not fully convinced by it.
I think that pedophiles were all molsted themselves thats why they do it but what i am saying is that the LGBT community just keeps adding letters to their name to include outcasts and eventually they will start including pedos and defend them.
Not an argument you filthy reprobate abomination. You are basically saying the men who abuse young boys cannot be characterized as "homosexuals". "Homosexuality" is not a sexual orientation.
>I'm not going to crunch numbers
>I have no proof but it feels true
You sound like a feminist
Literally google link between homosexuality and pedophilia you will find numerous articles saying that there is or could be.
i literally posted the numbers two posts down I sincerely hope you have a good morning tomorrow.
But what if the argument consents tho?
I understand what you're getting at, however thats subjective and can be debated on a per case basis simply due to the genetics of certain individuals.
But like you said, most of it stops after age 14.
but at that point, people can argue the "love is love" shit and just allow "nonsexual relationships" between adults and them.
There were already a few threads on here advocating for pedophilia, and there were several faggots in favor of it.
The OP is correct.
We should've stopped this when the faggots got loud.
>like "why do you care what two consenting people do behind closed doors?"
It's always been 2 consenting adults. Not children and not adult + child. Incest will never be allowed neither will pedophilia. We have laws against those crimes and they will not be modified. Your slippery slope argument is complete bullshit.
So the promotion of transgenderism for kids is actually really healthy yeah
>because it's what the child wants
How long before
Having sex with children
>because it's what the child wants
The whole lgbtq bla blah is cover for the ulimate aim of legalising child abuse.
Do you honestly believe the people with the power to promote this stuff care about lgbtq's? No
Who cares if they sound like this
honestly it depends on the new face of the democratic party.
If its going to be identity politics, then bet your bottom dollar that they're gonna try to protect those people.
logic in their minds is very unfixed, and very liquid.
if you argue and say the right shit, they'd join in on your fight.
I mean, for sure we don't know where we will head as a society in the future, but as long as we keep with our laws and show that incest, bestiality, and pedophilia is wrong (and I hope we never actually have to defend the position that it's wrong) then we have nothing to worry about.
Yeah i know what you mean man.
Have you been reading this thread?
That is literally my point is that one day WE WILL have to defend it.
We never used to have to defend that homosexuality is wrong now we do, never know in 50 years we might be defending pedophilia.
lol is that Jordan Peterson?
What two adults do behind closed doors is irrelevant. Firstly, it's other consequences that share roots with that desire, and secondly the logical progression that proceeds, as we've seen already... Once the root of the desire, and the nature of the desire itself is excused or overlooked, or dismissed with faulty science, and the progressives progress, you have a problem. For instance, they want kids.... The problem with that, is not up for debate.
As long as this kind of shit ^ is intolerable, I say we're doing just fine and going to be fine in the near future. I understand your point however.
the only logical thing that i can think of that could be untouched in terms of its laws is beastiality, and that point people can argue "it tried to hump my leg, that means it wanted to fuck me so its okay if i pulled down my shorts and got fucked by it."
and I think it might happen within 5-10 years simply because how quickly they pushed the transexual acceptance agenda and how far it went.
These are the slime bags promoting this shit in the UK along with the BBC
Man I know most of ya'll have a monotone voice but damn - sounded like I was listening to a text to speech.
And yes, as a pedo I am autistic :^)
You should be locked up and never allowed near any children
Such a deep manly voice. Tbf, I bet he has a nice cock that could smash my ass
You're just cut because i have a masculine voice. Where you sound like a beta autist.
>You should be locked up and never allowed near any children
You're mean.
I actually do have a really veiny thick cock.
>as a pedo
say that outloud in a crowded place
>as a murderer
Your voice alone is literally enough to make me cum
good for you.
yeah, the shits gonna come up faster than expected due to europe and its immigrants.
They'll rather legalized pedophilia and sex with minors before they'll admit their immigrants are up to no good.
>You're just cut because i have a masculine voice.
A deep voice doesn't equal "masculine" - you have to be able to carry some emotion behind it, all I got was Bob from text to speech. I just tried your sentence in a text to speech program, your voice tone sounded exactly the same.
> Where you sound like a beta autist.
Ok. There's a lot of men and especially women that'd disagree with it that but okay.
>say that outloud in a crowded place
I would if I knew it safe to do so. Got nothing to hide besides being a pedo and the odd foot fetish or two.
foot fetish isnt actually that weird. its basically a teeth fetish by proxy.
being a pedophile is impossible. you realize this right?
People age. How are you supposed to couple with someone and then they age and you find a new one? You realize how ridiculous this is right?
>How are you supposed to couple with someone and then they age and you find a new one? You realize how ridiculous this is right?
You murder them to immortalized their youth or you leave them/they leave you.
No you're an evil piece of shit that wants to abuse innocent children, die scum
>pedophile intellectual
ironically the only relatable aspect a pedophile has ever shown is being murderous.
some carnal instinct inside me has told me to murder many previous lovers of mine.
im not a nigger so i don't. but i think men can relate to the idea of killing a woman.
let girls be girls. once theyve even sucked a dick they change forever. now a days every girl in middle school is sucking cock. puritan values keep women pure. pedos are literally the liberals scapegoat. you sick fucks are actually devolving society.
Look at his flag.
Dont take the bait.
Are you actually gay?