How can white nationalism work in America without wide-scale bloodshed and civil war?

How can white nationalism work in America without wide-scale bloodshed and civil war?

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It can't. LARPers want to talk about their utopia but will never have it.

>but will never have it.
It literally existed 60 years ago.
How shameful...

He said

Blood shed = anger,sadness,suicide etc

The emotions.. i belive there is...

But within todays society its hard


Can we just go for the next best thing then? Why does Sup Forums seem to be so adamant about an ethnostate?

>Can we just go for the next best thing then?
Which is?

Beign a Mexican ethnostate?


It can't, because whites are cucks.

No, just end welfare.
The problem fixes itself then very quickly as all the shit people leave to parasite off of the next group of productive White people.

Maybe it can't.
But if anything is worth bloodshed and civil war, it's a white nation.

How can niggers eat if EBT stops working?

Heavily pro-white civic nationalism. Basically what it was before.

So this has been bothering me for a good while now.

Not being even supportive of total identity politics can be beneficial at the current political climate. Taking advantage of the left's neurotic and impulsive actions and inevitability to save face. So going full out RAHOWA would not be smart. I would not interrupt the enemy when he is interrupting himself way worse.

The fact is that at theend of the day idenity politics has always been there. The left has not been the only one playing the game. But the right does have ideals that are not color oriented. The left does not have any color orientation in a blatant way but they will always chime for the colored guy because the colored will always be the eternal victim. Where as the right CAN be color blind in this day and age...

I do beleieve that colored CAN uphold the right wing white values in a passable manner. Yes not aswell as whites have done in the previous decades but still enought to prevent conservatism being obliged to rehash its ideals because 'shit just not workin for the civic citizens welp'.

TLDR; civic nattys aint that bad atm. just lay low for a while because in the end something cool and new will come about


embrace identity politics now. mobilize to organize actual people not just political points. win the hearts of the passionate and hurt etc.

The only way to achieve that is through a revival of the common sense people used to have about demographics.
The facts and rhetoric which get this concept into people's heads ultimately leads to a realization of the realities of race. Biologically, our understanding is better and more "scientifically racist" than it was when that term was being used to discredit it.
I don't think the line between pro-white civic nationalism and a white ethnostate can be tread without people realizing that there's no good reason NOT to have a homogeneous nation.

>not having an ethnoplanet




lay low on the radical.

Have confidence in the common sense and biological inclinations of white people. Trumps age will bring about a surge of it even if it is slight we cannot scorch it will alinsky shit that will only make current ((society)) to nodge its leash on our people even more making the normies lash out against us and themselves.

The future will bring about balkanization. The best thing right now is to breed. Literally even if your going about it nigger tier. Secondly prepare yourself to a minimalist but complete approach to life.

it didnt. the country was 10% nigger.

That's the next step of course, but once whites are able to wake up and take our own side there really aren't any limits on what we can accomplish.
We just need to knock down that first domino and everything will fall into place, but damn is it a heavy one.

>it didnt. the country was 10% nigger.
Yea but they were segregated. It was essentially the paradise white nationalists hope for.

Step 1. Halt immigration
Step 2. Provide financial incentives to nonwhites to leave
Step 3. Reopen immigration for white migrants
Step 4. Wait

We just need to stand up for ourselves and the other races will respect us! Jews are a whole other matter tho. There's no getting around that one.

That's the other thing. What does "white" even mean in America? How much nonwhite or semitic DNA are you allowed to have and still be allowed in the ethnostate? Or in the even of a literal race war how the fuck would you tell who's on your side?

only in southern states. america has never been an ethnostate in the way the white nationalists would want it to be.

>there's no good reason NOT to have a homogeneous nation.
In theory, but in today's context it would require the aforementioned bloodshed and civil war, especially in the multicultural nightmare known as America.


Same way the law works without large scale bloodshed.

I'd say be implicitly pro-white and civic nationalist, but at the same time drop that cringey cuckservative "DEMS ARE DA REAL RACISTS" bullcrap. Continue having things like HWNDU where a bunch of nonwhite and mongrel Sup Forumstards through up seig heils whilst reciting the 14 words on camera (which actually did fucking happen, Jesus Christ) and watch the shitlibs' heads explode in frustration. Beat them at their own game.

At the end of the day you're not going to get enough whites to abandon all of their nonwhite friends or willingly give up their jobs and livelihoods for an identitarian movement, unless you want to go full revolutionary-style accelerationist mode (which would basically entail becoming the right-wing version of Antifa, i.e. domestic terrorists).

>the absolute state of America

I bet you if you offered them that, they would take it in a heartbeat.


The nuremberg laws are a good start.
The exact spots where we draw the lines aren't as important as just having them drawn so we would need to get to that point first.
Statistically, whites in America are pretty "pure" despite miscegenation rhetoric and memes. Even leftist whites have a natural inclination toward their own race, however hard they may try to suppress it.

Southern whites would never give up a single southern state, lol. I'd totally make Ben Carson president of Dindustan though, maybe he'd actually be able to make something out of it.

Would anyone who discusses this sort of thing even say that? I thought that was a 100% normie tier republican thing.

Haha yeah it's almost like we could work something out if we didn't have Jews fucking with everything.

People like to pull that card when they see nonwhites standing up to anti-whiteness, or they like to talk about the Democratic plantation theory (which actually isn't false at all). Even if we're not technically "racist" in that we don't hate people solely because of their race and even if we have nonwhite allies, it's still pointless and cringey to virtue signal about it as it would be much more effective to just disarm the shitlibs completely with a "Yeah, so what?" response.

A right wint antifa would be detrimental at this stage of ((society)).

As i said this will only make ((society)) mostly made up of conditioned white people to lash out into self destructive behavior even quicker. Right now the best approach is to let the left's mask fall out. Then when the evidence of the left's chaos is non deniable. Subsequently with alternative news sources being more powerful, with white people being more conscious and organized, with memes actually conceiving power to our side and reaching popularity, with comedy such as the one you mentioned. Every will fall into place and by then we had been ready with our own monopolizes to finally consolidate any real revolutionary movement.

Because i do believe revolutionary notions have to come about. Working within the system will not work IN THE FUTURE LATER STAGES of this fucking drama.

It worked back when the country was founded.
However, now that we have brownies in and they can vote, we have passed the event horizon. There is no going back, and we must pursue this multicultural experiment to its logical conclusion. We can't vote for real change or real solutions, we must wait while the country swells up like a balloon, little by little, until it eventually pops.

White Americans will lose the majority in 23 years according to the census, but who can say when it turns into civil war 2.0?


Opt out of the sysmte as much as possible. But socialize heavily with each other. Keep at it with the comedy the ufnniest jokes are the ones with truth. Make movements of every colored flags and labels make a fucking rainbow cult for preserving racial diversity in the world who cares how glib it is. This will on desensitize our notions to the people while also staying under the radar from jewciety's hammer.

We are winning. But dont flex muscle like antifa. Dont spazz when we are actually winnig the fight.

I was one of the radicals and i still have but i am not a spazz that thinks revolution has to come about because white people aint left! when in fact white people are experiencing a slight surge in numbers. This is just one example for why we need to lay low for now. lay low but sprint to organize and create more of the same shit.

If it does turn into civil war I feel like it would be more of a civil war among whites than a literal race war. Look at who primarily makes up groups like Antifa, I don't think they're PoC.

It's pretty disingenuous as far as current identitarian movements go. Generation Identity lets virtually anyone join, whereas Identity Europa will reject you for having literally 1/16th Jewish blood.

Do not marry the system. The system is a state of mind. Following the green and the rat race is an illusion that begets never ending unsatisfaction. This is 101 generic red pill but it can be easily ignored.

Be a NEET be whatever the fuck as long as you breed who gives a shit if you aren't rich. Latinos breed 4, 5 kids and you don't seem them more stressed than the pasty male/female "companionship" with a kid or two. live off the government if you have to the government has taken your fucking future so watch your can turn easily into brutal stupidity.The PIGS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. But be polite to officer morning coffee and do not hate or assault anyone. You do not even have to break the law simply have a life like it was a long term battle plan.

It looks to be Jews, White cucks, Niggers vs Proud Whites, Patriot non whites, and based black guy. It's a sad state of affairs.


We need the RAISE act, end of birthright citizenship, no amnesty and to boot every illegal. With that combo, and maybe a stricter update to the RAISE act sometime down the road, we can bring the percent of White population back to pre 1980s levels.

Additionally, adding language to the RAISE act to "preserve our culture and heritage" (similar to the language in the immigration law of several other nations, including Mexico) that seeks to reestablish our historic demographics levels through immigration would allow us to even get back to 80%-90% White.

Forgot to add. If we don't want to do it the slow way, which realistically would be very difficult as the Left and Establishment Republicans would fight this every step of the way, we would need revolution and genocide.

At this point i'm fine doing it either way. In fact the genocide method would rid us of a whole lot of Whites that are degenerate and would continue to bring down the nation should we makes changes legally.

Cant and we would have a totalitarian police state before that happens.

Natsoc was literally trolling and autistic retards unironically started taking it too seriously.

Who the fuck else would worship a man that sent his nuclear scientists to american and opened a war on both sides of his country?

Look at the kind of schizo autism in pic related.

Cancel all fucking citizenships starting the Reagan era. Deport all.

so you think civil war is an impossibility?

Police state will seize power long before that. You can play insurgency if you want but the authoritarian factions (neocon and neolib) are just itching for the oppertunity to implement all those emergency marshall law executive orders which Obama passed. Their game plan is for one of the alt right fags or antifa to commit a double false flag or impeach trump or both to do this. Literally anyone here advocating for violence is nothing but a neo iberal or neocon USEFUL IDIOT.

potassium cyanide

Dude they got a bunch of retards working in the Police. Make no mistake if civil war comes, we'll kill them and become the new police. We have no time for government lapdogs.

what does it matter if we make a white utopia, the cycle will continue forever

I think it would be just like the first civil war. You would have one ideology or movement well delineated by state borders and regions and an opposing ideology or movement in the other parts of the country. And yeah, there will be a lot of whites on both sides, but the /ourguys/ side will be almost entirely white. Whites are still the establishment so they will be the leaders and orchestrators of the conflict I'm sure.

Let's just hope we finish what we started when we first brought the niggers here. Between all the nonwhites and the conflicts they bring and the pointless brother wars on our hands, I'm really starting to get sick of people thinking they can play god and shape the world with the utopian ideas bouncing around in their heads. I mean our countries are really going off the rails these days.

You and the 50k basement dwellers?

You realize even if there was 10 million of you that it wouldnt matter because your average gun owning conservative wants nothing to do with dumb racist hicks and psycho autists?

And it doesnt matter because youre underestimating the power of the police state. The west coast wouldnt even put up a fight except for a few downtown chimp outs which would get stomped with the full support of the citizenry and national guard units. The east coast would obviously go authoritarian without hesitation and we would be left again with pockets of resistance in the south where you would be made into an insurgency. But make no mistake youre too pussy to do jack shit and would just do whatever your mom and dad told you to do.

Youre a fucking idiot if you think that youre going to "win" something which the authoritarians are pushing towards. They have a game plan and youre walking riiiiight into it by advocating for violence online. USEFUL IDIOTS.

Ur too low test to even fuck pic related.

>this much fucking delusion
I'm surprised you havent been coaxed into some FBI entrapment scheme to round up random psychos.

And that brings me to my second point. You faggots realize the data that's been collected on you? At the begining of a domestic conflict they would know exactly who to fucking target.

>a literal anarchist
who is the psycho here? point out what's wrong with my post or fuck off faggot.

Strong in bearing any sacrifice! Good thing they've been having to fill that gender quota. Cops ain't what they use to be. Explains why they really don't stand for justice anymore.

States rights. People already naturally self segregate. Just accelerate this on a state by state basis. See that diagram of state by state faggot friendliness. Then imagine the same for races.

It will just naturally happen. You can't stop it.


How dare you demonize the white race. We only want to give non-whites warm blankets again out of caring and let the cards fall as they may.


The jews who own Trump won't let him see this!

>the fact that most nonwhites don't vote in our interests means that we should exclude the few nonwhites who do vote in our interests from even being allies
I feel like this is the mentality a lot of the "far-right" has. You can be pro-white without wanting to deport everyone who's not 100% pure bavarian phenotype.

It literally existed 60 years ago.

Yeah, likewise we should deport whites who are leftists.

>civic nationalism
aka bolshevism
Ethnostates laws enforced for all races and no more AA forced equality
Minorities will end up self cannibalizing to levels that can be dealt with more trail of tears style than civil war style

Just bring up south african genocide post apartheid and rhodesia
The social engineering in place from holohoax and slavery white guilt lifelong indoctrination does the rest since those topics will register along the same thought loops

It's like placing walls in your mind. They would never think to explore outside what they've been taught about all of it.

3 to 6% of niggers spics chinks is good