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>The UN

Gee, I wonder if they factored in all the free housing, food and other gibs we give them.

I just want to leave this country.

I agree we should send them back to Africa.

>I just want to leave this country
you are not real american, pussy

What the fuck do you idiots think welfare is?

It was there own people who sold them into slavery, are they going to tell Africa to pay reparations next?!?!
Fucking niggers I tell ya.



Will never work. Most whites here are descended from immigrants who came after slavery ended. Why should they have to pay? Both my parents are second generation Americans. Also, what about people who are 1/2, or even 1/4 black? Fucking liberals are brain dead.

"UN Experts". Do another panel that refutes it.

- black people already got billions in welfare payments that were funded via taxes already.
- blacks have the same rights as anyone else in the US.
- Today's white people didn't commit slavery and aren't responsible.

My family owned slaves. The govt stole them, where the fuck is my reparations for my stole goods. I want my money or my families slaves back.

I've been paying reparations my whole life.

they already got reparations...

if they want to cash in on said reparations they are located in Freetown Liberia.

I believe trump will keep us safe from these un elected, absolute animals that are the UN representatives. If those mongrel cia cucks get somebody in eventually, I will personally am ready to revolt. Have been for years, fuck that shit.

Niggers should stfu. Whites died for their freedom.

Diversity only causes pain and suffering.
Aristotle was right, a multi-ethnic society is always a house divided against itself. There is not hope for this country that in-fights this much. All the while we are slowly eroding our history and elbowing the descendants of the people who built the nation off the stage of history.

No one who has not owned a slave may be obligated to pay reparations, nor to give an apology. Oh there are none alive except for those in human trafficking that we're trying to catch anyways?


We already do... it's called welfare.

Your reparations are being allowed to live in the greatest country on earth instead of hunting animals in Africa

I bet most pavement apes don't even know what the UN is.

>human rights crisis
Tell me, when does this crisis end exactly and under what conditions?

Reparations on the condition of repatriation?

Then go to one of the totally white countr-
Oh wait



>Article date: one year ago, September 2016
How many hundreds of times more will you post this

I do pay reparations.
What do you think taxes go towards, white people?

Also, pay Poland, Merkel!

>Niggers: Muh gibs, white people
>Polacks: Muh gibs, Germany
Undeniable niggatry. Nothing positive has ever come from Poland. The sooner we return to 1914 borders the better.

828,000 Northern Men died. How's that for reparations? And that's not even counting the Confederates.

does the un have a headquarters and can the US storm it?
oh nvm trump can disband it with a flick of the wrist

What the fuck do they think welfare is



That's minus the lands and gold given to african tribal leaders for your slave asses

minus shipping

minus the civil war, completely paid by the white man

minus the 40 acres of land

minus trip to liberia to find your own colony

minus all the gibsmedats, projects and affirmative action

minus damage caused to the white man by riots, looting and court costs by lawyers and police duty, cause you spent all your money on crack

That comes up to a gazillion times what your black asses were worth as cotton picking slaves.

True, but only when diverse populations consist of low-IQ groups. Singapore, for example, handles diversity better than most places. Make no mistake, if America included ONLY whites, Asians, Indians, and native Americans, there would be very little racial issues, mainly gender-related ones (women are stupid regardless of race).

Sure, they just need to prove that they are descended from former US slaves. I don't know how they'll do this without knowing who their fathers are but best of luck to them.

Here, have this.

Is there a push for reparations over slavery anywhere else in the world? I only ever see it for the United States, but slavery is thousands of years old, and the US is only ~250 years old.

My main question is who gets reparations and who is going to pay. The majority of whites in the US never owned slaves. This is a fact. DNA testing also tells us that the average black person in the US is 25% European. Many of these blacks got that european blood from slave owners. So a black american is more likely to have white slave owning ancestors than a white America.

So if anyone is paying reparations it should be the mixed blacks.

The problem is they all see us as the majority and therefore the enemy and will go along with anything that reduces our group.

At this point just pay them to shut up

Nevermind that they now have opportunities to become acclaimed brain surgeons like Dr. Carson or even the President like Obongo. No, let's ignore all of that and stay on the "sins of the father/ancient ancestor" grievance train.

>send blacks back to africa
>they get enslaved again

Say what whiteboi???

who gives a flying fuck what happens to them once they get there. just ship their baboon asses back to da muddaland and let nature takes its course.

subtract damage by blacks
blacks owe whites money

Pay reparations to whom? No one was a slave that is still alive.
Also, considering how niggers take half of welfare, while also committing half of murder/rape, no reparations are needed. They should be paying us at this point.

>pic related is their "reparations"

the UN can get fucked

basically black people wont stop until they have an upper middle class level of living without having to work or learn anything...and at that point theyll continue to torment the people earning that money for them...basically you be the slave to them...forever...

You know damn well appeasement doesn't work

But I was a slave on both sides of my family... Where are my reparations?

t. White Irish/Scottish was brought to England as slaves to monarchy.

Isn't that the point of welfare?

Somehow the UN turned out to be even worse than the League of Nations
Ages pass, but this song is still relevant.

>"Dreamers" should be allowed to stay in the US, they shouldn't have to suffer for their parents' choices
>Whites should pay for the actions of 3% of their ancestors 200 years ago

I just want one article in pidgin demanding reparations and wetin gib dem dollar

Does welfare, civilisation and technology count?

If the US is so oppressive and awful, blacks are welcome to fuck off back to Africa.

It worked so well in South Africa... and Rhodesia... and Haiti... etc.

Come and take em

Fuck yeah fucking edgy

find ten black people in america who honestly believe that and i'll take it under consideration

pay the niggers reparations, they'll buy useless crap and the money is back in white bank accounts within a week. problem solved.

We will, we're still waiting on Germany to pay back every country they invaded during WWII, it's so many I can't remember all the names.
Here's a few Poland, Russia, France Yugoslavia oh I'm tired of typing, you of all ppl should know OP

you have been sheltered too long

go to any bus stop near a liqour store in any major city and ask any 10 random niggers knuckling around. BAM. done.


I do not get it.

Shit skins invade their countries en mass and rape children by the thousands and suck up huge amounts of welfare. Yet they are fucking dead set determined to make the native population feel guilty and pay the invader for crimes they did not commit.

How? How did this happen? Why is noting being done about it?

Jews were responsible for slavery in America

i said black people, i didn't say niggers

Here you go.

I don't believe for 1 second that we will make it to 2050 without a full blown civil war.

no. fuck off nigger

a rose by any other name

you can't keep that 1% of black astronaut kangs without keeping the 99% of them that are low IQ criminal shit skinned useless parasites.

right after you give all those jews their art, jewelry and gold back, krout.
glass houses and all that...

the un is always trying this shit. they also try to take our guns away too

The us could wipe away all nig debt and give each one 50k to start a life.

The ones who O.D or get arressted for murder/assault (trying to take other money) could have whats left of their cash confiscated.

The few hundred sucsessful blacks would then take the burden of helpin dey bruthas out.

Or there is the solution of genociding each non white invader to the us and keeping the money for a white ethnostate.

>tired of typing with its fat mcdonald fingers
Stay classy mr 45%.

Poland just needs to invade and conquer Germany. The sooner this happened the sooner Europe can remove kebab.

Food Stamps
Public Aid
Affirmative Action
Free Schooling
Cheap Housing

And accepting the massive burden that comes with policing black communities

The reparations have been more than paid in full.

Nice digits

Blackpill post though, I guess this is a sign

>The us could wipe away all nig debt and give each one 50k to start a life. Africa.

This would be a great investment in the long run.

Why didn't we listen to the ancients?

We're so arrogant to think we know better or are somehow more civilized than they were. They lived through the same experiences and gained the kind of wisdom we should've always been listening to

Our founders were obsessed with ancient Greece and Rome. It's why every major government building in DC is columns, they modeled the nation on Roman government and Greek ideals

>Something something Polish reparations
>Something something NATO funding

Pay denbts first, Fritz

Yes but they conveniently forget how they leech off white tax dollars

Pretty sure no American would ever take an order from the UN. we aren't Germany.

Yeah, having presidents, judges, juries, police officers, teachers, attorney generals, bankers, librarians, actors, directors, radio stations, clothing lines, welfare, affirmative action, free rides to college, government agents, senate representatives, white house members, journalists, and authors that are black isn't enough reparations, we must all carry the black human and remember the nigger in everything that exists, giving daily offerings and prays and songs.

i think the united nations is a terrorist organization that threatens economic instability and tries to whimsically undermine nations. the UN panel hang themselves.

Thats right...write them a check for 50,000 bucks and make it clear it can only be cashed in Africa and no return to America....or stfu

I hate non-whites so much. They flee collectivist shitholes and try to turn their new destination into a collectivist shithole.


Pay them to illegally cross the border to canada they love immigrants. Its not like recieving 250 a day from the us since trump was elected has made them shift their policy.

Also when is britain gunna pay us dem reparations 800 years of oppression THINK OF ALL THAT MONEY err i mean 800 years of slavery and rape pay us u limeys. I want a new gaming pc, renew my gym membership and a few hundred bottles of Gordons Gin the rest can be deposited in a savings fund


It's the white liberals you should hate more than anyone. Nonwhites are just seizing an opportunity in a moment of weakness for whites, and the white liberals enable them

Maybe you can share some of those Euros you are saving for Poland ...

Yeah! everything will be forgiven if you buy each n.gger a ticket to return to Africa.

>They flee
I'm not so sure about that anymore. That would indicate previous generations in those civilizations were better off than they are now, and that's not the case.

They're still fleeing an inferior society for a superior society. That whites hadn't invented the technology yet to make it so cheap and easy 200 years ago doesn't change that fact.

The day the US agrees to pay reparations is the day I stop paying taxes.

civil war would ensue instantly

>UN panel says
Good luck with that, niggerfaggots.

If they were fleeing, they wouldn't hold allegiances to their home nation and culture as they do. They are merely transplants. They didn't run from anything.

> black people in the US are facing a human rights crisis
What in the actual fuck are they talking about?