So the London subway bomber was a Muslim refugee taken in by some poor liberal family. The police raided their home and arrested the muslim shitskin. I'm sure the family is shocked for some reason.
London Subway Bomber
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Attack in England AGAIN?
from a day or two ago.
Stupid fucking do-gooding whites will destroy the world.
Indeed, 22 innocent Brits were servery burned thanks to white guilt ridden liberals.
Oh no, 0.0001% of the British public were lightly injured! The world will be destroyed!
Part and parcel of living with Muslims, aye Gov'nor!
Easy to say until it's you or your loved ones.
1 girl died in Charlottesville and the media was ready to declare "white supremacy" the end of the world / delete a ton of WN content off the internet
But they said that was a gasleak user
In the liberal minds, black brown = baby races, white and Asians = adults
They took a cuckoo into their nest and expected it to not act as a cuckoo.
why is he wrapping her in plastic like leftovers
Racists BTFO. They took in over 20 refugees over the years and only one of them tried to blow up an underground train.
Ungrateful son of a bitch.
So 1 out of 20 will be terrorists? Those are bad odds. So out of 10,000 refugees 500 could be devout ISIS member's? That's fucking horrifying.
Can we just start killing these people plz?
>poor liberals
Did you know you can get £20,000-£50,000 per year per child, this poor liberal couple fostered hundreds.
They are minted.
Terrorist attacks and terrorists are the exception and not the status quo
t. Worked at a refugee camp in Germany and met many nice and grateful people
You know the British government would arrest and allow its own people to be killed before they would ever take action against a Muslim.
Have a (((You))).
It's a cash cow
Same thing in America in my state with Somalians
>white boomer cucks raise hundreds of shitskins while they make bombs to kill whites
Is there anything more emblematic of the West?
Even still, many refugee hate gays and disrespect women. Expect more terror too.
Oh and rapes are up!
But rich liberals feel all warm and fuzzy inside virtue signaling even though they are not having to compete for work or live around them and their culture clash mayhem .
I am sure you met many nice , but we have to consider our own poor people too.
so how does that work, do they just give them the money and the foster parents are left to decide how to spend it?
Is conflict even avoidable at this point?
Did London have another attack? I Didn't even notice. Don't give a shit either.
Boomers. Not even once.
>white guilt ridden BOOMERS
The eternal boomer strikes again.
At least our boomers only sold us out. The European boomers imported Muslims and Africans to replace them since they were too lazy to have kids.
was 200 years of crusades against them not enough to show this would happen?
boomers aren't really guilt ridden. X was and instilled it in the worst generation (millennials)
I'm working on either moving to Singapore, Hong Kong or the US. Failing that I would probably even settle for fucking Guam. I just can't take this grey, miserable, cucked, thought-policing patch of dirt any logner
>This is all our fault.
>We probably weren't hospitable enough
>Do you think we did something to offend him?
>Did he get enough dessert at mealtime? (oh no, that one's going to haunt me)
>Maybe it's just cultural differences.
>Perhaps he didn't mean to hurt anyone.
>It might just be a a religious tradition.
>He was probably trying to make fireworks.
>I hope no one thinks we will side with Islamophobes because of this.
London is 50% non-white.
>Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
That boomer mind, I didn't see your post before I posted mine.
You channel the cuckthink well leaf...
A little too well.
The young people in Canada, NZ and Straya know who is doing this their countries.
Boomers run the lot, they run the media, the government, the education system. They control it all.
That looks like food grade cling film. Lying Mason traitors and their dirty race-baiting hoaxes. All the terror attacks in Britain this year have been hoaxes. The guy on the bike is making a masonic 'M' hand signs. Bunch of other occult stuff also. They look inserted into the street scene also. Journalists and politicians are lying rats.
Okay Bongs, tell me truly what the attitude on the street is with shit like this. We can of course assume that London and Scotland are having a cheeky wank at the thought of native families enabling terrorists, but what of the average blokechaplad outside of those shitholes?
>It's a your government pays you to genocide yourselves episode
Come to the US, 2016 was the first year that white births were the majority of newborns. We're nowhere near safe, but we're trying, and white grills (especially liberal ones who go on and on about how great Europe is) will be filthy cumsluts 4uuuu at the sound of your accent. It is your civic duty to redpill our lefty slags and help create the Greater Anglo-American white refuge.
We know what they look like.
We know how they get in.
We know where they radicalize.
We know who spreads these ideas.
For fuck sake the Arianne concert bomber was on wtclist.
Why are we not doing anything.
and by we, I mean the nation-states of Europe.
Bombs and guns found at the foster home. Police raided it two weeks ago. Didn't arrest the would-be bomber.
No Muslims = No Jihad
Well I think you're getting a little carried away there matey but they are certainly the ones telling our governments:
>Yeah sure! Sell out the future generations! As long as you keep my pockets full... look at how much my house is worth!
>Billy why haven't you bought a house and gotten married yet?
Proof that people do NOT learn from history.
rip bus tights
This is virtually the archetype of a populist talking point. It's too good. So what will they claim, it was set up by the russians?
they're a demoralized country like no other, you could literally invade any city with a million soldiers and everybody that wasn't directly affected would just pretend everything was fine.
An entire country of people that has no connection to each other, no unity. Might as well be farm animals.
I used to think they just had shit for brains. Now I think boomers actively conspire to fuck their countries up as much as possible before they die.
>Didn't arrest the would-be bomber.
But why?
Weird picture, suede shoes on right found time to get coffee amd smoke a fag.
These are supposed to be the train people?
>8 terror attacks in Britain this year
>Russell Brand is nowhere to be seen
Really tickles my pickle
you wrap second degree burns with plastic when you dont have access to saline water and sophisticated medical equipment you FUCKING STUPID IDIOT
How's your rapefugee situation? I heard you took in a couple hundred and they rapidly spread STDs among the degenerate Elf Sex demographic.
To keep her fresh for the next attack
Honestly, when the fuck are they going to realize that stopping terrorism is racist?
What else are you going to do with evidence? They gotta store her in a locker for the trial.
Thankfully we have Trump and the Muslim ban here in the US, as well as geographical barriers to keep us away from the shitskin muslims unlike Europe. It doesn't help that they let them in with open arms.
because people react harsher to possible racism than their countrymen and children getting blown to pieces.
Everybody does social risk management, even police.
If and when the day of the rope should come, I'll be thinking of messages like this as I garrote the necks of liberals.
>Boomers run the lot, they run the media, the government, the education system
Interesting way of writing JEWS.
The ultimate red pill. Having a terrorist in your flat
People should be ashamed at arresting this individuals. Nobody is prohibiting you from using fireworks, so why should you stop them?
Global warming is the real issue right guys
You are getting conquered by a resurgent Aztec Empire buddy.
At least the history books will read Australia was conquered by the Chinese and not fucking Mexico.
schizophrenic retard just like that ausfag who was posting the same nonsense the other day
>UK wants brexit
>UK secedes
>Terrorists, pakis and muzzies are now confined
We dodged a bullet
>Thankfully we have Trump and the Muslim ban here in the US
"We" have no such thing, and the Mexicans just as fucking savage. I used to curse Catholics and especially Jesuits for "converting" these animals, but probably better to get to them before muslims in which case they'd be even worse. Don't know why the English didn't just clean house in Africa like Americans did in ZOG with savages.
I used to think we were the worst generation until i got red-pilled on boomers.
And who feeds their fucking poison to the rest of us?
>Hurr Durr; 'Israel is our greatest ally' says they typical evangelical boomer conservative.
>We dodged a bullet
You dodged a bullet and ran in a mortar. How many millions of niggers this year alone from libya?
>white and Asians
Gook detected. You're going back too.
>'Israel is our greatest ally'
The Jew is the demon behind the corruption of mankind. I just hate the fucking reedit "le boomer" meme. They were just lazy dupes of the jews. If "the greatest goys" had let hitler finish cleaning house in europe, none of this would be a problem. And the cancer that is Israel would be non-existent.
The Australian variety is even worse than yours because they LOVE the government and the nanny state. They despise guns & individual freedom.
They hate personal responsibility; they the government to run their entire fucking lives.
Let there be war.
Germany and France will have those niggers. They have no welfare and no subsidies here to live on after the first year, and they won't have even working documents if they are economic immigrants (100% of them).
The remaining are going to be deported.
You got so amazingly lucky the abos are so low IQ even the Jews can't weaponize them against you.
No other generation stuffed libtards into every fucking institution like they did.
The boomers are a fundamentally liberal generation.
>The remaining are going to be deported.
keep telling yourself that. I'd like to see them all shoved into the Vatican after all the valuable art has been safely removed.
Fuck off Jeremy. Poor people are like cockroachs
>No other generation stuffed libtards into every fucking institution
It's not "the generation." It's the evolution of Jewish mind-control and cultural marxism starting with the jew edward bernet. The Jews (with dog and russia holding guns to their heads) were able to brainwash Germans who fought for AH. It's not one generation is bad and another good. It's that one is less White and more jewish propaganda.
This is the future of western Europe. At least Poland and Hungary are safe. For now.
Sweetie, niggers are the smallest group of immigrants here, because people are inherently racist.
You might see quite of them in the tourist areas, but just because they try to sell you gadgets and such. As soon as you exit tourist areas you can't see any niggers here.
They can't survive without gibs
did they also arrest the couple ?
Hi mate
This guy is right
Nobody here is willing to say anything bad about Muslims. Pic related is a facebook post by my own fucking father. He is a cuck of course, and will never critisize muslims
Honestly I feel the people are becoming LESS likely to do anything with every passing attack
also the media is blaming fucking police cuts lmao.
holy shit
England has fallen
>people die
>yeah well it's only some people who died. It wasn't me or a lot of people. A lot of people dying might make me care, but only some people died. Stupid 22 people, why did they have to get in the way of my narrative by being brutally fucking murdered? Stupid fucking conservatives.
For being good, empathetic humans?