When did you realize Jews are the true master race, and hatred for the Jews, is like Black people bitching about White people for their own failures?

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 Jews are just parasites that cannot function without a host

>tribe on tranny loving con artists
>master race

choose one, faggot

they are satans master race the corruption of that religion was what jesus preached about.

>is like Black people bitching about White people for their own failures
Opinion discarded

So you are basically saying, that a lower race has managed to con a superior one? That's axiomatically incorrect by it's own definition.
To be a conman, you need to be very smart.

>Muh Christianity

Literally, African tier Yakub fairytale stories
Truth hurts, doesn't it?

>Tranny loving

>Said on a board obsessed with feminine penises

Yes the Ashkenazi Jews are smart, but that's not the only quality in determining who is superior. Jews are essentially a tribe of illusionists who lie about everything and transform whatever they touch into filth. They are fundamentally in conflict with reality so they seek to use their pilpul(ie sophistry) to 'alter reality'.

They are analogous to Satan, the Devil is very smart but is the epitome of vileness and is hardly superior. In a way he's a pathetic creature.

But I do!
>tranny loving
White goys are most degenerate by far, around 50% of Jews are ultrareligious, and would stone a tranny.
>con artists
Implying outsmarting goys is "unfair". Literally Yakub tier shit.
>they are satans master race the corruption of that religion was what jesus preached about.
Again, Yakub tier shit. We can't compete, das becuz dey ebil and serve Saten. Also, they invented Christianity to exploit goys like you.

>Believes Satan is real
>He gets to decide what makes a race superior or not
Aha, so niggers are superior to whites because they have bigger dicks and higher testosterone levels.

Truth is, Jews are not only great business owners, they are also the most proficient scientists and inventors. If humanity makes a great technological leap in the next decades, it will be without a doubt, thanks to the Jewish cognitive elite.

If whites let themselves be controlled by Jews, then they deserve to be controlled by Jews, just like Blacks are below Whites in the social strata. That's life kid, tough luck.

Whites haven't failed though, they are in a downward slide though, due to the corrosive influence of the j00s. Blacks on the other hand are a failed race, as a whole and their situation is really incomparable to the white/Jew relationship.
>nb4 Jews are just parasites that cannot function without a host
Seeing as it's true, this is like that one prick friend you always had who would make up rules for himself during games and annoy everyone. Nice slide though.

I was using Satan as a metaphor, I don't believe he's real.

Ultra-religious Haredim are nothing more than a pedophile mind control cult of, they are far from pious.

>I was using Satan as a metaphor, I don't believe he's real.

It's nonsensical, Blacks could use Satan (and do) as a metaphor for white people for all the things they did to them. That doesn't take away from the fact, whites are superiors to blacks, as it doesn't take away from the facts Jews rule on top.

Jews are the master parasite. They are smarter than whites, but their predisposition to certain behaviors ensures that they will never create a functioning society without whites to leech off of. Israel was a shithole money sink when the Romans ruled it, and it's the same now.

Low IQ nigs blame whites > low iq whites blame jews.

Fuck off kike

Not only do they have a functional society, they have taken control of the biggest military power in the world, and it means of communication. All funded and creating through the death and money of whites.
You lost the game, along time ago.

The blacks are wrong, whites created the best civilization ever, blacks have none(the net effect of white contact with blacks was to improve their lot), Jews have essentially destroyed the best civilization with their subversion. Trying to equate blacks' argument with mine is pure pilpul. If all the blacks disappeared, whites would have an improved existence; if all the whites disappeared, Jews would likely cease to exist. Jews are even falling for their own tricks and losing their identity due to the multiculturalism and race mixing they promote, their long term prognosis is to be subsumed into the degraded world they created.

>master race
>can't survive without parasitism
>have never been able to run their own nation without fucking it up by being fanatical repugnant kikes

What sort of master race can't even survive on their own? They're a race of trust fund babies sucking the blood of noble whites.

Also as usual with cucked ideology types you don't know that whites have the highest variance in IQ. Meaning our top 1% is far higher than any other racial group. This is why we've invented practically everything.

Man, Israel is sure a great country.

>jews being master race
>never invented anything worthwhile

inb4 muh Einstein

>have the highest propensity towards mental illness and crippling physical disabilities among any ethnicity
>master race

>inb4 Jews are just parasites that cannot function without a host

Unironically true though. Look at Israel. Even with papa US covering their ass they STILL haven't found a solution the Palestinian problem, can't convince the majority of goys to keep supporting them, and are utterly failing at keeping Israel Jewish to the point where even if they suceed at pulling off GrossIsraeliums, Jews will be even more of a minority than they're already slated to be by 2050. The only kikes having kids are Hasidic leeches.


Before coming to /pol obviously

>t crypto-kike

>(whatever that means)
This is the level of bluepilling kikes want to push on us. For fuck's sake. EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SAY "JEWISH FACE" IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT. In before saying someone "looks Jewish" is considered hate speech in some country where Holohoax denial is already illegal.

I know. But Jews will die themselves after they kill their host. They can't control blacks and Arabs and chinks the way they can control whites. The empathy isn't there.

RIP "true master race"

So white people are right?

>if all the whites disappeared, Jews would likely cease to exist

In your dreams, they would create a better ethno-state and civilization with ten times more technological and scientific progress.

>They can't control blacks and Arabs

Unlike bleeding heart whites that kill each other in the millions to defend the rights of those who kill them, we Jews have no problem genociding Arabs & Blacks, and we would do it in a heartbeat if we didn't have to keep up appearances.

>STILL haven't found a solution the Palestinian problem

Of course they have, white phosphorus works really well.

Most awesome music and comedy channels in you tube are actually from Jews. The blessings of drive and high verbal IQ.


Oh I see now, you're a Jew.



We'll I mean, I suppose it would only make sense. Self preservation even manifests itself in parasitic animals. Have a good night, and sleep well. Carry on believing in what you believe, I suppose there's hardly ever such consequence for such things now are there?

>Black scientist

Tyson, hardly a scientist with basically is a token negro to bring science curiosity to the low IQ masses. No astrophysicists papers published since 2005, and even then they were hardly impressive

>White Scientists

Bill Nye, a bleeding heart liberal obsessed with climate change and identity politics. Thing is, he's not even a scientist, he's just an engineer.

>Jewish Scientists

Lawrence Krauss, actually physicist doing real science and publishing impressive scientific papers like a fucking madman on amphetamines. Propelling human knowledge forwards while he's lesser friends spend time trying to explain to the masses the importance of science and tranny loving.
>Average black IQ


>Average White IQ


>Average Jewish IQ

Good night, goy.

you are superior at sucking off infants foreskin

You're pretty good at letting your women get blacked, I'll give you that goy.

kek, let me know once sandniggers stop stealing your women
24:08 is gold

master at getting gassed

It's funny when Sup Forums brings the 6 million up, when 54 million whites died in WW2, and that ended up in the creation of a Jewish Ethnostate.

>master race
They're just taking advantage of the empathy and "humanism" of western people. Without the whole antisemite shtick they would be expelled or victims of pogrom like they used to be.
It's like when a kid guilts you to get shit, but the law doesn't allow you to spank him for that.

Jews are not a race. They are simply a subset of white people. (Btw NON-Ashkenazi Jews = fake Jews)


>kikes actually belive this

>Jews are able to use white laws against white people

Jews are too smart for you stupid system, your anger arises from your inferiority. Just like black lives matter.


Wrong, Jewish are Semites. Funny how Sup Forums suddenly wants to make Jews white when convenient for them.
Low IQ gentiles, you are a joke.

>So you are basically saying, that a lower race has managed to con a superior one?
A dog has a hard time getting a tick to stop sucking blood. also show flag shlomo.

Laws they get through guilt.

Kikes are so intelligent they shit where they eat and now go to israel "baaaaawww we shitted France and now muslims beat the living shit out of us". So intelligent.

>Literally admits white people are fucking dogs

Everyone here will be like 'Jews not masterrace dey parasites n sheeit' but the truth is they've been recognized as a power people forever. It drive the hatred towards them. People hate jews because of envy. They can rationalize any explanation about what they do or who they hurt or whatever, but it is envy that drives antisemitism and nothing else at the core.

I mean, saying jews are intelligent is like saying a virus, or more generally a parasite, is intelligent. Yes it can contaminate somebody, yes it may even kill it, but you'd never say a parasite he is "intelligent", it's just his nature.

>Everyone here will be like 'Flu not masterrace dey parasites n sheeit' but the truth is they've been recognized as disease forever. It drive the hatred towards them. People hate flu because of envy. They can rationalize any explanation about what they do or who they hurt or whatever, but it is envy that drives flu vaccination and nothing else at the core.
This is you.

Whites are the only ones to blame here, you are too low IQ to notice what's going on. Just like Indians were to low IQ to realize selling their lands to the Americans wasn't a fucking good idea, or the same way Niggers couldn't realize diamonds had such much value and they were literally under their feet.

Then why would they need to live in western nations to be successful? There isn't many successful jews in the mid east, Africa or Asia. I wonder why that is. Absolutely would love them to leave if they hate us so much and believe they can be successful without us.


>Why would you control the biggest military power in the world and the means of communication to propagate your own agenda and assure your survival
Who knows, it's a fucking mystery.