Oh, and of course they closed down the thread on reddit as soon as people figured out it was a nigger. But you can still go read genius comments like "white guys rape too" if your blood pressure is too low right now.
Oh, and of course they closed down the thread on reddit as soon as people figured out it was a nigger. But you can still go read genius comments like "white guys rape too" if your blood pressure is too low right now.
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's archive
>independent co uk/news/uk/crime/girl-14-raped-london-avery-hill-park-greenwich-teenager-a7949851.html
Don't forget all the little white girls and boys raped by their white fathers in their own bedrooms.
The media stopped commenting on black crime a long time ago, in an effort to portray the white race as the true "evildoers", which was only possible by not reporting on black crime and only reporting on white crime.
One comment said white people are the biggest pedophiles on earth. Forget the entirety of the 3rd world where child rape is a normal part of life, and that it's only Western countries who established age of consent laws, but, hey, turns out white people are the real pedos.
How anyone can even think that could be true for one second makes me want to gas 99% of the world population.
A natural and healthy instinct, I would say
I'm going to assume that he was muslim
because its so common.
its like hey everybody a nigger stole a bike wow
or whoa a nigger sold some crack
nobody posts those threads either
niggers are the scum of the earth
thats when we chime in and say "all populations have sex with children throughout all of human history, because its perfectly natural and we should be more tolerant and progressive about it #NAMBLA"
Sounds part and parcel to me
And people doubt for one second that niggers are literally scum
White liberals are the cause of this.
Good woman. Actually tries to defend his bf. She's a keeper.
>Locked for excessive racism/bigotry
Not sure why I expected anything else from leddit
I posted it, no one cares anymore it happens so often now.
takes punches over and over again for him
im impressed
There's no video of the attack ? How do we know it happened? Why is there no video? I'd like to...see it.
what is there to be outrage about? Don't you know girls aren't allowed to ride vehicles in Muslim/African country's? Get used to it burger Muslim/African are allowed to this by liberals
I don't really care about my fellow countrymen anymore. They've royally fucked up everything for the young. If I ever have kids, there's no way I'm raising them in England.
Lmao, where is this still from?
Isn't that every day stuff in bongland ?
Bump, and outrage machine activated
>excessive racism/bigotry: locked
What the fuck are you talking about, idiot?
I said "still", which means picture. I was asking about the picture.
>I was asking about the picture.
It's been on here for 4+ years dumbfuck. It used to be posted in almost every thread.
>Part and parcel
>excessive racism/bigotry: locked
>excessive racism/bigotry: locked
This is the worst part of Reddit without a doubt. Especially in the big default subs
Regarding this rape, it's fucked up and I hope the rapist rots in hell after he gets the firing squad, but this is a necessary evil as Europe needs to get redpilled, and the rape and murder of their children is the only way
Unlike you, faggot, I don't spend 18 hours a day on the computer, nor do I scour every pol thread remember shit from 4 years ago.
Dear God, get a life, you fucking loser.
t. africa in the making
>Dear God, get a life, you fucking loser.
Hard-on, if you lurked for even a week before you started shutting up threads with your trash, you wouldn't be asking retard questions. It's literally everywhere here. Like asking someone how to type a url.
>but this is a necessary evil as Europe needs to get redpilled
You are fucking stupid.
Why the fuck does anyone even remotely alt-right treat Reddit seriously, their censorship issues are practically mainstream right now
also, holocaust
now go watch porn
Aloha snackbar right?
I'm not saying I agree with him, but clearly they're not getting it. Even after all of the attacks, all of the child sex rings, all of the problems brought on by immigrants. They keep on accepting immigrants. In curious as to how far they can push before white people start to push back. Clearly, it's nothing short of nuclear war.
What a violent, vicious pack of beasts. For what? For what did they need to attack these two people??
>conservative bigotry
>most comments weren't even nigger jokes
Reddit is fucking garbage.
that webm makes me sweat uncontrollably until i am as red as those cops
how much longer until those two words mean jack shit to the average woman? and why the fuck did god make it so that only now, while I'm in my prime dating age, that women are obsessed with the well being of minorities, and repulsed by their own men? It just seems so fucked up that 10 years ago, women weren't like this, and in 10 years they probably won't be anymore, but my youth has to coincide directly with that brief spell of female insanity.
I wish I was one of the cops in that situation. I woulda bashed some nigger brains in with my flashlight
Wow you couldn't be more of a newfag retard, could you? This is why we're getting raked
Link between contraceptive pills oxytocin and ethnocentrism.
> mental illness
> alchohol fetal syndrome
I keep seeing you here. Stop being a self-hating cuck, fag.
Show me one instance of this image getting posted outside of your anecdotes, cuck.
No push back.
The police protect them more than us.
oh woops sorry
European nigger, riding a bike
> excessive racism/bigotry: locked
Part and parcel. A small price to pay for the joys of living in a vibrant, multicultural city.
noggin jogging
they LOVE to extrapolate the actions of individuals though
>makes the world a far worse place
banishing undesirables makes my country more pleasant to live in
Wow, that response is some pseudo-intellectual shit. The softcock little cunt probably thinks using big boy words like "extrapolate" and "aggregate" makes him sound smart to all the m'ladies browsing Reddit.
I fucking hate Reddit.
Then I guess you'll continue to be flooded. Sucks to suck I suppose.
> my friend
uh, sweetie
So what as if you guys don't want to be raped by an african I know I do. The girl should be glad and proud.
When they catch this cunt they should drown him in the Thames. I'd let anyone off for it if I was on their jury.
>brief spell of female insanity
I've got bad news for you...
In the UK this is a celebration of diversity.
Brits are subhumans that don't deserve our sympathy. They essentially created all of the worlds problems anyway.
>excessive racism/bigotry: locked
niggers belong in the earth
>My friend
Reminds me of "my good sir" which is just as cringey. Fuck Reddit.
Where does that insecurity come from, bud? Sounds like you get bullied a lot. Maybe it is you who should get a life. A new one. The current one isn't doing you any good.
The 17 hours you spend on the computer could be spent on something productive like lifting to generate some testosterone on your girly insecure complexion.
you cant be a pedophile if theres no law against fucking 9 year olds
>t. liberal
This is why I don't browse reddit, mods just lock your thread up once it goes off their agenda.
The opposite of freedom of speech. Reddit is a communist site.
Do it user, i'm sure Jesus/God will understand. In fact, it's justified. People have got to die.
>For what? For what did they need to attack these two people??
There is no need to question it user, they are not human and I honestly don't blame people like Dylan Roof for going out of his way to shoot them up.
In fact people need to start doing it, our countries are been overrun with this scum.
can you fucking imagine the racial epithets that would fly if a white man raped a 14 year old nigger refugee?
it'd be all over the news, but in the reverse case, they actually shut down discussion on it
Coons on the whole are savages, where as chinks poos and even mudslimes have positive features about them,, niggers have lliterally nothing other than the ability to 'ape' the surrounding culture if the happen to be a very small minority.
>excessive racism/bigotry: locked
>btits can't protect their kids
1000s thread
here's the thing about leaf posters. many tend to come from far less trafficked but politically similar sites/forums and take themselves very seriously. being from canada they're normally politically marginalized irl and more came across Sup Forums because of its recent popularity. they are completely unfamiliar with Sup Forums, board culture and only come here exclusively for Sup Forums. their profile is typically older, unfunny, salty as fuck and very thin skinned. that's why leaf posters come off as shit as they do, like newfag ledditors, just not liberal.
>between 9am and 1pm
>FOUR HOURS of rape
execute him?
Make like a Canadian and LEAF!
British "Police" will surely get him!
lmao they put female police in the streets
how tolerant and trans humanistic
no where near as bad as jewtube
Bump this shit
>The media stopped commenting on black crime a long time ago
oh wow, what a great idea... if i win the powerball, i'll totally start buying up broadcast television stations to start The Crime Channel. nothing but uncensored airing of police blotters and mug shots in your local service areas.
>White liberals are the cause of this.
jews aren't white
i cannot watch it anymore for this reason.
Well, shit happens
>see this on Reddit
>"thread locked due to excessive racism"
>come here
>it was a dindu
I really try, Sup Forums. I really try not to be racist. But god damnit, it's just so consistent.
>excessive racism/bigotry: locked
Part and parcel.
No-one is going to comment about nordbro posting an archive link with Odin in it?
That guy is a fighter! Good for him!
He resisted until the last moment.
Only white ppl create dungeons in their basement to rape their own daughter for more than a decade and birth offspring with her.
>They essentially created all of the worlds problems anyway.
Yeah like America, hope you get nuked (After you're done sucking Uncie Israel's cock that is). Faggot.
>tfw no loyal gf
Haha, once saw a similar comment, the retard used Google as proof. "If you google the term 'child rape', the first results are white males". I then posted the brownies you get when you googled "child rape" translated into the weird scribbles of Hindu and Arab, and that was the end of it. The fucking liberals who are oh-so-cosmopolitan can't look beyond their own little neighborhood/society/language, and they extrapolate this to the whole wide world. Fucking retards.
Anyone lurking here who considered going to reddit
Dont. They are all still retarded.