Im starting The mexicanalt right fuck you all

Im starting The mexicanalt right fuck you all

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Im building The wall

based what would constitute the Mexican Alt right? I'd like to support this

That would be cultural appropriation, and we will sue you for it.


Good luck Jose

What if we archive that

For starters remove welfare system and dumb working laws

I dont give a fuck about cultural appropiation. Fucking leftist pussies They invent stupid shit

Seriously man, not even a minute of difference and you dont want me to call you a bot? You must be a cyborg

Welfare in mexico is creating bugs like cockroaches that Live from public money

So you're going to fight on behalf of your people?
That's actually really good user, you should do that.
Your people deserve to be protected, and outsiders will never put them as a priority over their own, no matter how well-intentioned.

im glad somebody saw this, nobody is talking about it here

Mexican politicians are corrupt im taking power im runnig for independent congressman

that's just right wing how would you go about creating an ethno state? who would you remove?

There is a good show for you to see. Its in despicable anglo, but i think most of them have more current podcasts in their native clicks.

I would remove The political class, They breed among themselves, They are a cancer

The wall is good for mexico. It prevents its citizens from risking their lives on illegal crossing

To remove the political class, you need political, military or police power.

You are planning on fighting political institutions solo.

No, its just the name of the podcast, Jose. It was originally created to explain a bit on what goes on in latin america to burgers, hence why its in english. I find it a facinating podcast.

I hace family in The military . Proud José herei

you should create a militia similar to the autodefensas that kill welfare leaches, politicians and cartel faggots. You should also imprison and or kill those who get caught trying to illegally enter the US.

Traitor, fuck you gringos

Illegal border crossers are money for The mexican human traffickers, They Get rich from them. México has go stop illegal immigration Or The us will collapse