Game setting based off Europe

>Game setting based off Europe

>State religion is based off Spanish Inquisition style Christianity except it's actually justified because witchcraft really exists

>Said witchcraft is coming from an Africanesque supercontinent that drives everyone who went there completely crazy and makes them want to practice dark magic

>Above-mentioned continent is also responsible for an imported plague that's threatening the empire

>Play a master race Mediterranean styling on his Anglo, Celtic and Slav enemies

>Defeat the evil government bureaucrats and aristocracy by restoring the monarchy

>Police and Armed Forced portrayed in a negative light

>Kidnap, torture and kill an evil capitalist whose name rhymes with Rothschild

Is this the most Sup Forums video game setting ever?

>Kidnap, torture and kill an evil capitalist whose name rhymes with Rothschild
Wha-wha-whhhaaa? I don't remember this. Enlighten me, please

The guy who was behind the environment designs in HL2/City 17 also worked on it heavily.

Arkane games are pretty good in general. Prey is 7/5 good

>Is this the most Sup Forums video game setting ever?

stopped reading there

Rothswild slaughter house

>f Spanish Inquisition style Christianity except it's actually justified
The spanish inquisition was completely justified. Look up "Marrano Jews" and how their high misery destroyed the Spanish Empire after they destroyed it once by opening gates for Saracens. the problem with the Inquisition is that it didn't go far enough.

Wasn't that just the dlc?

Then the sequel shat the bed.

>You're a niggress

Need I say more?

It was a game that came out like three years too late for the Steampunk thing.

I'll have to check it out.

Side note anyone have that image of black females with fros in recent games?

you get the bad ending if you kill people though.

mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

The end result of SJWs invading the video game industry is always the same, all that was once golden becomes covered in shit.

The dishonored sequel really dishonored the first dishonored game, and ultimately dishonored the entire dishonored franchise.

we just have to go through this phase, pandering to SJWs is not sustainable

Prey is a criminally underrated game

Gawd I don't play a lot of Vidya anymore but really looked forward to #2. I borrowed it and feel cheated...


Why was it so shit? All the reviews I saw said the liked it and it had some time travel switching mechanism.

not the one I was looking for though.

Just stick to pre-2000s games.

I'll never trust a cook again


You have to be 18 or older to post here

General cutoff for me is 04, with a few exceptions here and there


>Africanesque supercontinent
TO you maybe, to everyone else it is just a psychic realm.
>Play a master race Mediterranean styling on his Anglo, Celtic and Slav enemies
"Play as based X killing not based X!"
>Defeat the evil government bureaucrats and aristocracy by restoring the monarchy
Implying that monarchies are inherently better than just plain govts.
>Police and Armed Forced portrayed in a negative light
"Yeah! Fuck order! Anarchy rules!"
>Kidnap, torture and kill an evil capitalist whose name rhymes with Rothschild
Ummm... no? And how is kidnap and torture a good thing?

It is your bias, not the game itself that makes it seem so.
And stop playing videogames you degenerate, there are bigger issues at hand right now.

This one?


How diverse!!!


>by restoring the monarchy
>most Sup Forums video game
pick one

Sup Forums is a pro-monarchist board you faggot


how is dishonored steampunk

How is it pandering? She was in the first games DLC and everybody knew she would be back, it only makes sense to play as her.

>Sup Forums is a pro-monarchist board you faggot

Peruse Harvey Smith's Twitter and have all of your dreams shattered. The man used to be based but then FemFreq happened, then the election completely blue pilled him. It's sad because he used to talk to the fans on the regular and do daily Q&As. Dammit Harvey you were so based.

>wasn't that just the DLC
>acting like the DLC wasn't goat

>50% tax reduction

>first game: choices and consequences
>second game: karma or some shit

The second game really fucked up on every level except the gameplay. Still good but not special or mind blowing like the first


yes, goy. yes...

Look out white supremacists, this soul sista will forcefully be inserted into your favorite childhood game. She's cumming at you wit all NATURAL BLACK AFRICAN hair, none of that fake european weave shit.

Haven't finished it but I'm currently enjoying this one. Way better than the second game so far. do recommend

> cut to Dishonored 2 where you play as a woman who can somehow lift and throw the bodies of men twice her size (including in no powers playthroughs)
> cut to Dishonored 2 dlc where AYO HOL UP WE WUZ KILLIN' DA OUTSIDA N SHIIIET

Go back to 9gag faggot

the theme is the american 50s. yes niggers existed.


It's textbook Steam punk how is it not

If you come back with 'it doesn't literally run on steam' then please curl up under your fridge and die

I always thought Pandysia was more analogous to the Americas... New world and shit.

haven't played the 2nd one yet, but is the gameplay better than the 1st one? i don't really care for the story, i just mostly fuck around and kill random people for the lulz

Gameplay wise yeah it has more features. Double the powers. Bonecharm stacking. Dragging fuckers in for the kill. Good shit.

The first Max Payne is the most redpilled game out there

I dunno, the clockwork soldier replacements for the dudes on stilts in the first one are pretty shit in my opinion, and the plague mechanics are annoying; it's mosquitos or something, they fly, so those areas aren't really "avoid the floor" alternate routes rather than "stay away completely unless you want a health potion. :D) The level design in general, too, just feels a lot more lazy and empty.

dieselpunk is better

>>acting like the DLC wasn't goat
I'm a gamer and I have no idea wtf 'goat' means

Anachronisms =/= steampunk

We're talking about redpilled games now?

Damnit you just sold a game to me by making this cucking thread

nothong runs on steam, it doesnt have the bronze and copper aesthetic, there are no excessive gears, no airships. it's more a late 1800s version of cyberpunk than it is steampunk

What decent games have there been in the genre.
>Inb4 fallout 3 or 4, they fucking sucked. 1,2 good but aged like milk

they removed those rats?

okay then, thanks im getting it next week

you can also do double jumps and shit on no powers


>restoring the monarchy

>royal heir grows up to be a man faced lesbian

Tfw you realise Corvo lost

There is too few of them, sadly. But I wasn't talking about games per se, rather about the genre.

Fallout 2 was prophetic.

Sooooo, we all got BLACKED. What else is new, even considering it's vidya gaems they need to make sure no one gets too big for their goy britches.

Add ((())) to the appropriate word above, of course.

It's one of those sheep type grazing animals with horns.. The term comes from Goat simulator. If a game is Goat, it's as good or better than that game. L2meme dude, jesus..
Fallout New Vegas was kinda cool. Not a lot of diesel in that one though..

THIS. The inquisition lie was complete Jewish fabrication.

Most of the torture and executions attributed to the Church during the various inquisitions didn’t occur at all, and historians now concede that Inquisition torture chambers never existed. Torture was indeed used during some Inquisition trials (hardly uncommon for the court system of the time). The Inquisition, though, had strict rules regarding its use that put it far ahead of its time.

Torture was unauthorized until 20 years after the Inquisition began. It was first authorized by Pope Innocent IV in 1252—not as a mode of punishment, but as a means of discovering truth. It was not to be used to threaten life or cause loss of limb, was to applied only if the accused was uncertain and seemed already convicted by many weighty proofs, and after all other options had been used. When it was used it was not to be used more than once, and for no more than 15 minutes. Unfortunately these rules were sometimes circumvented by creative readings of the rule book. Torture was most cruelly used under the pressure of secular authority (Frederick II, for instance, abused the Inquisition to persecute his personal enemies). So, while torture was used in some cases, the idea of continent-spanning torture and death caused by the Church is simply not the case.

There were no rapes, feet burning, creative torture chambers, iron maidens, etc., and reports show that between 98%-99% of all Inquisition trials did not involve torture at all. Compared to secular courts that decreed the death penalty for damaging shrubs in England, or disembowelment for sheep-stealing in France, the Inquisition was actually far more conservative than the secular Europe of the day.

>enjoys playing as a stronk transgender black man

Still the inquisition was genocidal in nature, and the fucking Spanish deserved to be turned into the cursed manlets in economic peril that they are today to be honest..

It's somewhat dieselpunk, but it's actually a really unique aesthetic that is quite unlike steampunk.

>giving a shit who you play as in a first person game

muh representation, muh feelings

>t. autist who probably skips through every talking scene of every game


>Caring about what the protagonist looks like in a first-person game

I bet you watch cut-scenes and think they make the game more immersive.

The biggest fucking mistake of the Dishonored series was voiced protags, but that mistake happened 2 games ago with Daud.

>Genocidal in nature

The only way to deal with heresy is to burn it out. They did it in the gentlest way possible.

this shit really needs to stop , but until then im going to matrix reloaded this shit and say dishonoured has no sequel


>a bad thing

Christcuckry at its finest

Bethesda is a subsidiary of ZeniMax Media. The Chairman and CEO of ZeniMax Media is Robert Altman. He is Jewish.

Dishonored 1 was fucking 10/10. A shame the sequel sacrificed setting, story, and atmosphere for better gameplay.

>game repeatedly illustrates that Jews gonna Jew if not kept in check
>Emily becoming loli Hitler is somehow bad

Fuck's sake the sequel proves that the good goy ending leads to civil war and half the Empire entering open rebellion

It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.

For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.

But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.

And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.


Was that honestly not lefty?

>cut scene begins
>Cletus' jaw drops open as he realises he's been fooled
>ya mean I dun been playing muh compyoooder game as one o dem niggers?!
>later, after the rampage, the autism police explain to Mrs Cletus that her son saw some brown polygons and it made him question his 60% white identity so hard he had to fuck the cat with a ps4 controller

not in the second game

all you retards who skip through cut-scenes and refuse to read anything and refuse to actually immerse themselves in the game and just run around killing everything as fast as possible are subhuman neanderthals

probably don't read books either
reason why i like games so much is because they're basically a book where you get to take part and if all you care about is killing people or beating objectives than that definitely indicates you're an idiot

>Hey Mohammed, what was the best sex you ever had?
It means the best

Yes, you know how many different ways you could kill people in this game!? You could bait a guard to shoot at you, slow time, possess him, move his body in front of bullet path, depossess him and watch him shoot himself.



I picked up the gotta edition with dlc for like 5$ on g2a, check there. Don't bother with sequels


Oh yeah, the Jews, biggest problem.
>ignoring the fact that Christianity is just Semitism for the goy
>ignoring the fact that Christian principles promote things like mass immigration and not standing up for yourself
>ignoring the fact that the bible names the Jews as the master race
>ignoring the fact that the Catholic Church is multicultural and pushes for mass immigration

If you really want to touch base with your roots, touch base with paganism.

And if you think that Jews are a problem, maybe don't follow their slave religion.

it was a good game but the story is meh

>placed a bet

(((Rockstar))) as a whole is incredibly Lefty, but their attempts at mocking Conservatives occasionally lead to inadvertent redpills, which they quickly endeavor to discredit once they realize their mistake.

RDR is a great example:
>degenerate outlaw comes to understand why he was a fucking retard and pursues absolution by righting his wrongs by being the best husband and father he can be after he acknowledges his apathy towards human life before big government kills him

>le ebin zombie dlc is released
>the 'cool' protagonist who has murdered hundreds of people is suddenly a modern sensibilities sjw after the Jew-hating strawman appears

Gameplay was great though.