How can you live in a colony, and hate on Israel?

How can you live in a colony, and hate on Israel?

I'm just thinking about some NZ and Aus anons here, who are quite happy to live in land our ancestors got after BTFO maoris and abbos, and yet, when they see Israelis doing the same thing, they start crying like left wing bitch bois

If maoris here taught their kids to hate whites, and bombed buses and stabbed people in the streets, there sure would be a race war far worse than in Israel, same deal with the abbos in aus

Other urls found in this thread:

> inb4 muh rothschilds pothead-tier conspiracies

>Jews are the same as white people
>white colony = jewish colony false equivalence
Shoo shoo

We didn't BTFO Maori, we traded with them and signed a treaty. They were just a bunch of warring tribes before that. NZ as a nation was created at that moment, and belongs to both Anglo and Maori.

How can you live in your ancestors land and hate Palestinians? Immigrants subjugating more and more parts of your country is just like what Jews did to them.

But to be honest I don't really care about conflicts between Semites.

Nobel Prize has been a joke ever since Obama got one.

and then Maori TV continued to make anti White propaganda and started stabbing and bombing us, instead of teaching Tahi and Rua, Toru and Wha

Whaitu piggu not welcome in this thread. Go back to drinking beer and dreading monday morning, whaitu piggu

I used to be super neutral on jews, like i couldn't figure out even why the nazis wanted them killed or removed from germany.

What finally showed me that they were up to no good was the fact that they're like half of the 1%

something like 43% of jews are 1%'ers - they've ruined our society

bix nood

Because I don't recognize Israel as a real nation. It's just a chunk of land we carved out after WW2 to start the destabilization of the Middle East, so that in a few decades it would be such a shit hole we could use it to further our military industrial complex. After the major industrialization of America's arms industry during WW2, we realized its more profitable for our nation to be at war. That's why America has been at war, or conflict for 222 of 239 years. 93% of our nation's history has been war.

Time for you to pack up and go to yurope, paleface, your country is made up

Like Palestinians, they waged war, they lost.

Jews have enough power, they will have even more leverage if israel expands

Yeah, all countries are made up. You slow or something? Ours just happens to be made better than the majority of the world.

No dude, you are just more influencial.
1950's america, ok sure thing.
2000's america, simply disgusting.

"No Trump, No KKK no Fascist USA"

I realize why you sympethize with the Palestinians since you're being invaded and all.
Say, have you prayed you daily prayers jean klod mohammed? Remember! It makes you a better muslim/frenchman!

get the fuck out shill

>same deal with the abbos in aus

abos hate us, they're just too dumb and too lazy to do anything about it

How many of those inventions were stolen or created by workers working for them?

I don't hate Israel, frankly I don't think about it

What jew gettin' at mate? Jew some kinda pooftah jew, hey cunt? Jew lookin' for a foight!!?

>Muh Islamic golden age, when islam was into science, ooga booga

t. literally every butthurt muslim with inferiority complex


>Islam invented the numerals, ooga booga, durka durk!

Obama won a (((nobel))) prize.

technically youre the jew of NZ nigger
obviously you like kikes
plus everyone already knows (((New Zealand))) is their dedicated getaway state. No wonder you like shiteaters so much.

that is racist

I don't hate Israel, I hate jews, are you fucking retarded? Take a big lick mate it's your fav flavor.

Nobel Prize is a sham.
Jews major contribution to the world other than Jesus, which they denounce, is handing out bad loans with high interest rates.

wtf your minister of defence is an abbo who made islamophobia punishable by 2 years in jail, you should shut the fuck up right now, you little bitch