The absolute fucking state of Merican edumacaytiun/women.
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Instead lets institutionize racism and hate in children thru nazi run schools.
I don't see an issue with this, I've hated niggers since my first day in kindergarten. The nigger in class was a subhuman even to a five year old me.
fuckin ell,just when you think america is escaping the quick sand of cuckdom and is about to call for help to save us guys who are also sinking.........they do somert sweden tier
We the niggs now.
I don't normally feel empathy, but when I do, it's because my teacher bound my wrists with tape and locked me in a dark room when I was 4.
>you can't discipline your child by mistreating them
>but it works for empathy
fuck this world
this unfortunately baka desu senpai
Can't wait until they get to take holocaust showers.
Yes please.
is it wrong to teach children about slavery?
High school teacher skipped this part of American history...
Not in theory, but the kikes weaponize it by making an anti-White narrative which leaves out important details, such as the fact that America led the worldwide abolitionist movement, Whites were enslaved in greater numbers in the Arab slave trade, etc.
Believe it or not, some niggers in this country are so ignorant that they actually believe White America invented slavery. They don't care about facts as long as it upholds their victim narrative. Jews actively support this mindset.
Why would they need an explicit lesson in slavery? I learned plenty just hearing about my dad complain about office work, and how his income with my mother's was never enough to make life comfortable. The issue of slavery becomes blatantly obvious to anyone with an above-retarded IQ at a very early age.
We are living examples of slavery. We may choose our masters, but we must remain in a fight we cannot escape.
She does care, it was just an easy way to get favorites on a post.
Most signaling in social media is just that: "easiest way to get an ego boost"
let me guess....
There's nothing wrong with racism. Every race should look out for their own and do their best to find their own way without infringing on the rights of other races.
Blacks are the way they are, whether it be through evolution or a higher power, they're their own people. The fault lies not with them, but with the notion that anything other than their most Western-attuned can successfully be a part of white society.
They're clearly not cut out for civic-minded democracies that value equal rights and liberty, but that isn't a flaw in itself. They operate very successfully at a tribal level with the state utilizing force to keep them in line. The only flaw here is assunong they can integrate en masse into a system that is socially and behaviorally hard-coded to be alien to the vast majority of them.
>taping their wrists
doesn't this breach fire safety codes?
Lol getting kids traumatized and unironically addicted to being submissive.
>>teaching kids about slavery.
What's next lol, get raped by Tyrone class so they can teach them about the founding fathers?
>America led the worldwide abolitionist movement
Reminds me of some Jewish communist slut that was on Q&A (aus politics show) the other day - she was unironically preaching for the destruction of the Family Unit, which had everyone pretty well speechless, but at the end of every rant she'd just slip in some mainstream virtue signaling comment like "WE NEED MORE WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS" and everyone would cheer and clap for her.
It really is the easiest way to get appreciation, the easiest way to make themselves feel important.
In the next lesson, they will experience simulated rape.
How else are you going to teach them that rape is bad?
how to get a lawsuit 101
As the student could you legally kill the teacher if they trying to do this to you?
Malcolm X was /ourguy/
>America led the worldwide abolitionist movement
This children are lucky to be teached how african american felt to be slaves. I know I would, it would make this world a little better.
err you mean britain mate? america was leaned on by us to follow suite
White suburban soccer moms are the absolute worst
>kill someone to teach children killing is bad
american education
They have a problem with the fact that black kids are also forced to participate. That would be ok with them if it was restricted to the white kids.
If this actually happened it redpilled every kid in the class i guarantee it. Some neo marxist cunt literally incarcerates you and then demands you feel guilty? That sticks in your brain, but not for the reasons they want.
>colonize africa
>sell slaves to america
>bloody ell yanks! you better free them slaves!
>blacks all blame america
gotta laugh sometimes
>the anglo's typical tricks.
waste of time, they need to be learning how to shart properly
you literally helped them break free from us just to make us mad,then you wound up losing Louisiana and quebec and your empire collapsed
dont hate the player hate the game son
Do the black kids have some reason to already know what it's like in a slave ship?
what? in frogland you can spank your brat
>Having to choose between having your children hate theirselves and have them suffer for empathy or live a healthy life hating other children and loving theirselves and their peers.
This debunks the myth that women care about their children more than anything in this world.
>how do you do, fellow suburban white moms!
Considering how historically illiterate most elementary school teachers are this is indeed wrong and why you have so many generation zyklon types waking up. A grade school teacher isn't some tenured professor.
I remember the way you abolished slavery was very different from others.
In France and the US it resulted in a loss of property.
But in the british empire owners were generously compensated with tax-payers money. Those who owned the largest numbers of slaves became so rich from those compensations they could develop more lucrative businesses or become influencal in politics (like pic related's family).
Tell me more
gotta admit though he plays a good sherlock holmes lol
the united states has never been a democracy. it is a constitutional republic precisely because democracies always devolve into mob rule.
the problem is that nobody really votes on the non-presidential elections, but those are the ones that really matter
Virtual reality history. Not that bad
>subtitle: David Cameron's ancestors were among the wealthy families who received generous reparation payments that would be worth millions of pounds in today's money
The british working class and middle class basically paid to create an upper class from former slave owners, whose contemporary descendants would guilt them over slavery.
White suburban retards...baka
Day of the rope when?
Do they really think teenagers are that retarded where you can mentally torment them into believing your agenda?
That's just gonna backfire and make kids hate their teachers.
When are they going to introduce masturbation machines into schools? Mustn't forget the 20 million
sorry you were brought up to be such a piece of shit
Someone took a straight-up shit on this dudes head and called it a hairstyle.
You should post when Saudi Arabia ended their slavery officially...
fucking 1960s if I remember correctly....
sandniggers amirte?
Can someone justify the Sup Forums butt hurt over this?
Sounds like a historically accurate and interactive way to learn about the living conditions in the slave trade. I see nothing wrong with this
honestly that just sounds like lazy lesson planning.
>What am I going to teach the kids today?
>Ah fuck it. I'll just stuff them in a dark room for an hour and collect my paycheck.
Child abuse doesn't stop being child abuse just because it's done for educational purposes
And so started the civil war. The north actually listened to you limey retards.
I never went to class with a nigger until I went to adult school, then 90% of the class was nigger but when it started snowing only like half the class was nigger, they don't go out when it's cold,
I remember one nigger wanted to read my notes but I write in cursive, he's like "Sheit I can't read that"
>The war was about slavery meme
They were going to deport them all until some autist went and shot your president anyway.
We should legalize slavery again, first of all you can't even enslave a nigger because he's an animal is my cat a slave? Is a horse? No
Well why can I buy a horse at auction but not a nigger? They're both farm animals, Second the bible says we can take slaves in War after we kill the men. Why don't we have Arabian slaves here? We should have taken all the single women we can find and sell them as slaves, I would buy one you need to really subdue her so she doesn't try and poison you.
You've got to make her feel less than human, give her a dog house to sleep in outside, keep her chained always, she's not allowed on the furniture or she gets horsewhipped, she has to sleep in a cage inside the house, she has to eat on all fours out of a food bowl like a dog does. I'm sure within a couple of months of treating her like an animal and taking the necessary beatings she will learn to accept you as her master
>Failing for cursive jew
How about castrate the boys in the class and rape the women like the arbas did, it's ok it's for education
this is the liberal mindset
it's the same mindset as the perverted sex criminal
"this thing that was done to be was wrong, but even so it's my right as a victim to do it to others as it was done to me"
It's quicker for me to write in cursive than print and I can't read my printing
All this shit does is make more kids go Generation Zyklon
>How do you do, fellow white suburban mothers
>When the leaf finally snaps
slaveships kind of look like the 9mms blacks kill each other with in chicago all the time.
Give reperations, black man!
i wish they were like this normally. they might be tolerable. it's probably just the molsen, once it wears off he'll be back at the trudeau rally.
fuck off reddit
t. pussy who will be shot by a nigger in 5> years
sjws are psychopaths and don't feel or understand the emotions they advocate
Dont worry bongbro they joke about us but there in way more of a sorry state than us
wow now THIS is fucking delusion
> Not suing your kid school for this
empathy for people that don't even exit anymore? kay
Mom said school fucked students in ass with a 7 inch dildo for pedofilia lessons
In reality, the Civil War was more about states rights and economic liberties. The Union just rode the Slavery card to whip peoples' emotions up for support.
this is what should be taught in schools
Got an idea: If we want to teach ppl about Muslim or Ottoman slavery, let's cut off a student's dick and then get a brown refugee dude to rape his sister and impregnate her.
No, they care about ALPHAS
Slavery is learned behavior
>tfw family emigrated from Germany to the United States after WW2
>Germans did not partake in formal slavery; excluding the small trade companies from African s themselves to be used as labor.
>African slaves were given freedom after paying off their debt/price/etc.
Are Germans absolved of having to pay Ameriniggers gibsbemedats?
Of course none of the textbooks featuring this image mention that all the ships were owned by jews. (Also IIRC it's anti-slavery propaganda from the period, in which case they probably didn't pack them in that tight.)
What the heck, 172 black people stuffed into every bullet?
womens rights are a failed experiment
Get this sick whore arrested Jessus christ, make the cops start an investigation
No fucking shit. It may be the cancer that kills our civilizations