Why didn't Nordcucks create civilization? Not even a single stone building

Why didn't Nordcucks create civilization? Not even a single stone building.

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ey Moshe how its jewing going ?

Too busy banging their 10/10 wives.

The real question is, why did everyone else of note build castles?

maybe something to do with all the rape and pillaging from the nords lmao

So I see lots of atheists talking about how Europe would be better off with Christianity, so here is how Europe would be had Christianity never taken off:

1. When the Germanic barbarians ransacked the western Roman Empire there would have been no Catholic Church to preserve any of the Roman knowledge. The reboot of western civilization would have taken much longer, and the only form of paganism to survive would be the Germanic variety because everything else got burned.

2. There would be no US, because there would have been no colonial period. Europe would be as crowded as China and India.

3. There would have been no constitutions based on the principle of negative liberty or natural rights, because those are Christian Concepts. Legal systems would be predicated on positive liberty, or just straight up rule of man.

4. The Germanic burial customs of burning bodies in boats and on altars next to rivers would have continued. Imagine, millions of bodies being burned along the Danube and Rhine rivers every year (see Ganges River).

5. Cities would be full of excrement and litter, because the idea of improving city life for everyone was a uniquely Christian movement in the west. Pagan aristocratic societies inevitably lend themselves toward caste structures, and the ruling classes aren't concerned with the lower classes because the gods ordained for them to be lower and it's their place. Also, the nice houses belonging to the aristocrats can still be nice even if the rest of the city is literally buried in crap

Feminists prevented any kind of innovation

Pretty much yes.

Tl:dr "ima fag"

> Gold

Also Nords built drakars and crossed the Atlantic with it.

More interesting is why did the meds (highest IQs of all people) who were the most civilozed and the most advanced, adopt christianity first?

If your asshole keeps on getting shoved in by an 8-inch dildo, with enough thrusting your ass is going get used to it.

Stone building gets piss cold in the winter. You might as well live in a cave.

daily reminder that you will never be finnish

>you will never be finnish


comfy as fuck



Who needs protective walls when you're a walking god?

they were too busy being the ruling class in southern europe, north africa and the middle east and trying to teach all of the brown people there to be civilised. obviously with all of that on their plate they didn't have time to build anything significant in scandinavia.

why are meds so short and weak?
why nordics and baltics have always dominated strongman champions league?

You're not making a strong case for why you're not the historical equivalent of pale niggers.

because i don't live in the past anymore and present med countries are shitholes compared to nordics

First 3 points are mostly good.

Last 2 points are retarded.

Without modern civilization there wouldn't be huge cities with millions of people shitting and being buried. Weaker individuals would die off and the whole mankind would be in a much better shape.

Caste based systems are actually awesome, of course liberal western cattle like you would think its the end of the world, but who cares about the opinion of vermin?


*discovers america

god i wish that were me

Nords are mobile, take your shit and your women

Cucks plant themselves in one stone spot waiting to be raped

no agriculture

Too busy being AESTHETIC

I have a feeling digging into permafrost wasn't particularly inviting so quarries never opened up.

Just a hunch really, I have no evidence to back that up.

Why use stone when you have so many trees? The foundation may have been built with stones, but the rest was built with wood and soil roofs. Because having soil on the roof growing keeps the heat inside the house, and since nordics didn't live in fucking spain and had winters, insulation was crucial. They used clay, straw and cowshit as binding on the walls which were made of poles and twirled sticks.
And if you had so many trees around, why the fuck would you build a big stonehouse or temple?

Pictured is a recreated settlement predicted to have excisted around 350-500ad.

>vikangz discovered America

Umm no sweetie, it was the Romans, sorry: theepochtimes.com/n3/1946376-exclusive-new-evidence-ancient-romans-may-have-made-it-to-oak-island-canada/

>ywnb the Nordic among Nordics
>posting someone who isn't the typical Nordic
Meds never enter those because they have more intellectual pursuits. Also Balkan men are the tallest of any ethnic group, they are Mediterranean.
*gets beat up by half naked Asian manlets with sticks
>Nords are mobile
Is that why their entire culture is sitting back and waiting to be raped by other Nords?

Early form of jew-proofing? When they got a jew infestation, they'd just burn that shit then rebuild fresh. Harder to do with stone walls.

Speaking of which...

>raped by other Nords?
can't rape the willing senpai



never trust the roman

You post that like it's bad thing. You poor, sorry jew. Afraid of your own jew rat body.

>muh heat argument
They why the hell didn't they use stone when they lived in warmer more temperate climates?
Just admit it's because they were uncivilized idiots.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Nords, I've got Fjord fever for those Norge women, but you are not the most intelligent race.

desu those look comfy as fuck

I never said they were first, but they did discover America. It's like saying the US hasn't been in space

Obviously, they sit and beg on the streets here

Because wood was so plentiful there wasn't a lot of need to undertake building with stone.

Stone building in Britain took off mostly after the Norman invasion when the Normans began using stone in order to better protect themselves from the native population that they were oppressing.

But they didn't discover America anymore than they discovered anything which wasn't Scandinavia.

>They why the hell didn't they use stone when they lived in warmer more temperate climates?

Is that why it's so much gayer than the rest of America?

you cant ever know what would have happened, too many variables, too many unknowns.

i could also just say "yesyes, but what if a mega super ultra genius germanic came along and conquered all of the world and like made spaceships, yeah negger!", since it has always been extraordinary individuals who shaped the world as it is.

You could technically say they discovered Ireland when they first went there, but it's hardly an achievement. Travelling to America at this time is, though.

>implying you wouldn't live here

Sorry but we did, but we stole your boat, dad.
Talk about a joy ride 1200 years ago, ending crashing your 'car' into some Injunn huts in vinland [USA] lol you still mad dad it was 1200 years ago, but then you found oil and developed a lust for frozen pizza.


Stone is an awful material for insulation

How did barbarians create this?

They hadn't worshipped the kike-lord, yet.

They built with wood as they always did and knew, easy and trustworthy.
Who lived where and didn't build with stones?


The German barbarians that """ransacked""" the west Romans were Christian.

Hey, you Eurocucks are always giving us crap for our wooden houses

Europeans aren't supposed to live in stone

There's no distinction between Norwegians and Icelanders at this point in time

>Jared Diamond

Trells/slaves and stolen goods

My shitposting experience is nothing like this

>invent boats
>cross literally the atlantic ocean before columbus
>pillage practically every civilization and take back and the greatest waifus from the middle east to continental europe to perhaps even asia and africa
>create the first eugenics program
>modern day nordic women are practically goddess'

yeah those vikings are sure retarded.
>im just glad as a brit ive got some viking blood in me desu

I'm sorry dad, but we found it, you never did sail to the west, but thanks for the 'cars'

God that looks comfy as fuck

It has probably more to do with there being way less people around. Building in stone is quite demanding and requires a lot of manpower. Even more so with the climate, the terrain and because the rock in Scandinavia isn't the easiest to build with for the most part. Of course adding to that wood buildings are easier to heat in winter time.

And that also made them expert builders of wooden buildings

get that christkikery out of here

I was talking about Nordics, not Norwegians. You're missing the point entirely

you seem to be all knowing in matter, please tell us more.

How inbred are you? What's your point?


It's the oldest wooden buildings in the region, and it's a connection to a pre-christian era as it obviously builds on that. Pretty silly to not like that.

1. Even nigger tier muslims retained knowledge from Rome, Germanic tribes would have done the same with or without Christianity as they strived to be like the romans even when pagan.

2. "Europe would be as crowded as china and India". Your argument that there would be more white people isn't helping you here.... nevertheless it's wrong because the colonial period had its roots in muslims blocking of the Silk Road forcing Europeans to find alternative routes

3.our constitution has its roots in the Magna Carta which in turn has its roots in old pagan Anglosaxon traditions.

4.germans are not Indian niggers there is no reason to assume they would continue this practice in modern times. Also not an argument in favor of Christianity, Greek pagans burning bodies is far better than all the above in regards to hygiene.

5. Nigger what the fuck are aqueducts and who built them? You have to be trolling

you are

> Europeans aren't supposed to live in stone
You work with your surroundings, f.ex. here in Norway we have mostly trees, and in Denmark they have mostly sand.
So in Norway we build houses out of wood, in Denmark they use the sand to make bricks and concrete to build their houses, mostly.

>Not even a single stone building
