The destiny of mankind or some shit like that

Hello fellow Sup Forumsacks. Recently I've been asking myself a question that is troubling (to me at least): the fate and destiny of mankind (of the all races and subspecies of mankind). I've come to the realisation that in the end our fate is an evolution, not only in body, but mind and even soul. This means that even African niggers will have to evolve (how I don't honestly know). In the end, when we've all become intelligent and with cultures that are good and similar, I believe there's going to be a massive union of all cultures that will strengthen us all. But right know, all of the people on Earth are not compatible with eachother (especially niggers and sand niggers); I believe that it's our duty, not as white people, but as humans to start this "evolution". Beginning with forcing niggers and sand muslims to evolve mentally.

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Self bump

Another shameful self bump

most people will ascend, but not niggers. they still stay here and live in their mudhouses


It pains me though. They're still humans, albeit unevolved and savage, and knowing they might remain a parody of civilization is quite sad to me

And another bump

Or, we can just selectively eliminate the least intelligent among us.

We can then decide to do one of the following:

* Sterilize Earth, in order to prevent the moral dilemma of sentient reproduction from being made manifest in any way here, ever again.

* Continue breeding, though only as we need in order to reach into space long-term. Then, travel throughout the universe, offering obliteration to any sentient life we encounter. If they refuse, we isolate them to their system, so they may not spread themselves unless they have agreed to follow our lead and do as we are doing.

Procreation is wrong in all moral systems. It is why we exist to suffer, and it is honorable to offer a quick end to anything that is suffering a terminal illness.

Fucking hell man. I didn't envision mankind's future as some sort of eldritch race that goes around the galaxy purging races

No need to "purge", just offer a painless end, but also prevent the disease of stupidity and waste from spreading. The last thing anyone should want is to allow the creation of more people, only to continue a terminally futile struggle.

It feels a bit wrong, but I guess you made a good point.

Just curious, in what way does it seem wrong to you?

I find it cruel to stand by while something suffers to death, so the ideal approach would be to just appear and get the job done as quickly as possible.

This is a stretch, but we may very well be subject to a similar restriction. It could be possible that our species has been allowed to develop until it reaches the same conclusion. However, what I've mentioned is nothing new, though it is not palatable to our leadership. So, it follows that any purveyors of a similar "sweet release" may have just fenced us in after consulting with the pinheads in charge.

Personally, I would prefer not to exist at this time. I'm also worried that, if I end myself, similar automata might manifest themselves here, only to suffer in the same way. So, to be certain, I believe it would be best to prevent sentient existence everywhere and anywhere.

None of this matters because you, I, and everyone in this thread will be dead long before humanity makes any noticeable progress towards either its destiny or demise.

Go watch TV or something.

Why destroy something that you can cure? For Ascension I meant this: an evolution that will make us more gods than men. Why destroy other races when you can uplift them and cure them that way?

Why should I stay at home when I can help start the evolution? Remember that "A society grows great when great men plant trees at which shades they know they'll never sit"

You have provided a very compelling argument user. I am ready to do my part in the mass depopulation program.

They'll just end up doing the same thing. Progress is condemnation of the contemporary, which is suffering in and of itself. Don't subject a simple being to the presence of one more advanced, only to have it become dependent. Even if it grows independent, mere awareness of superiority is oppression that cannot be absolved, save through elimination of either.

For example: Minority lashing-out against the "white" establishment. All of it is just evolutionary happenstance, but we owe it to them and ourselves to pick one and eliminate the rest. And with that, why would we throw away centuries of intellectual development in favor of lies designed only to console the inferior?

Even if our dullest were as intelligent as the likes of Gauss, we'd be faced with the same dilemma if a class-2 or better species came to pay us a visit.

Or you could, you know have a free market of genes and system where people can change themselves however they want.

>I find it cruel to stand by while something suffers to death, so the ideal approach would be to just appear and get the job done as quickly as possible.
That's not your fucking decision to make, the NAP applies in space too. If someone wants to die, they have the right to do so themselves.

Mankind will destroy itself soon enough. It's inevitable. Take the black pill and repent before the second coming of Christ, because when He visits this world again, He will bring a sword, not peace.

>They'll just end up doing the same thing.
How the fuck do you know? Are you some psychohistorian? Are you Hari Seldon? No? Then sit the fuck down.

Fuck the black pill. I decided to swallow the" humanity pill" and I ain't going back to depression and thinking everything I do is useless

Pic related, on the subject of individuals "suffering".

As long as you're mortal, and know you will eventually die, then you should deeply fear others suffering.
But going around the universe seeking to fix the suffering on a case-by-case basis is hopeless. As "soon" as you die you will "cycle" through all of those sentient beings and that's when the pain is actually experienced.

To end suffering, you have to preserve your current life indefinitely. Likely through transhumanism.
From there, once our cognitive abilities aren't tethered to our biology, we can find out if ascension is possible, if we can free the immaterial soul from the material world... Or if this is our prison.

At this rate I hope we all die

nothing can save us from degeneration. let us return to the Earth and God can try again

This is what I mean for ascension: humans will have to become immortal entities if they want to escape this life

You already are a God. Unlike every other living being known to us, you have the ability to conceive that which does not exist and then manipulate matter to bring it into being. The only difference between a Human and 'God' is that we are not omnipotent, omniscient or omnipresent. But we are potent, sentient and, unlike 'God', present.

All living beings share one critical driving force: the will to survive. It is, in fact, the most powerful force to keep ourselves alive. Why do we possess it, you ask? For the reason we are the only hominids around: those that lacked the trait to continue living simply went extinct. It is likely that there were several 'primordial soups' when life began on Earth, but only a few actually left descendants. We are the spawn of a being whose primary motivator is to exist - and this trait is present in all beings, from the highest primate to the lowliest eubacterium.

If the motivation of all currently know living beings is to live, and our primary method of ensuring life goes on is by reproducing, then it follows that the ultimate objective of all current living organisms is to perpetuate life itself - to lengthen the biochemical reaction that started in that primordial soup and is still going on even after millions of years, permanently altering the landscape of the planet where it was conceived.

So, to answer your question, from a biological, chemical and philosophical perspective, the ultimate goal of all known living beings is to create Life Everlasting, it doesn't matter what shape or form it takes, as long as it continues to live until the end of times or forever, whichever lies at infinity. Like us, the First Being came into this Universe kicking and screaming (screams microscopically) and we are the amplified echo of its defiance against a Universe whose entropy is bound to increase.

What if it is suffering is such a way that is aware, but it is incapable of articulating a desire for, or creating a means of ending itself?

However, in my first point, I suggesting making an offer of elimination. In the interest of preventing the subject from spreading outside its system, it would be isolated by means of local resource deprecation, a force-field of some kind, or both.

Bottom line: Don't create other people to suffer the same problems you are suffering. If you can, offer related help to those who are suffering. This isn't our fight, and we have no business fighting it. In other words, procreation violates the NAP by creating a sapient against its yet-to-exist will. I imagine in an ideal ancap society things like suicide booths would exist, though I imagine the volume of people using them would be surprising to many.

>>To end suffering, you have to preserve your current life indefinitely. Likely through transhumanism.

judaic sci-fi mysticism. nice one bro

Why are you so pessimistic? Not everything that we do is useless. We can change this shitty world if we focus on this task

There is nothing new under the sun.

Have you seen my country? I live in California, all around me is a sea of brown mestizo faces, broken down homes, meth and heroin addicts on the street corner etc.

I am not completely pessimistic, I am just working for my own life by going to law school but the overarching hope for humanities future is nearly gone.

Do you not find strange that entropy increases in the entire Cosmos as time goes on and that living beings do the exact opposite? All living beings consume inanimate matter and decrease entropy internally, becoming more organized and more complex. On Earth, Humans are the current apex of these beings. Our brain is far more dense and more complex than anything else we have ever encountered. It also consumes more biochemical energy than any body part of any being.

We are the echo of defiance. We are the order amidst the chaos. Here is some food for thought: if the Universe is indeed infinite in space, then it must contain an infinite amount of matter (because it has a critical density), and while it is homogeneous on a cosmic scale, it sure as hell isn't in any smaller size. So this implies that all possible configurations of matter either exist or will exist at some point somewhere in the Universe. This means that, even if we go extinct, there is a 100% chance that at least ONE civilization will become powerful enough to gather everything and become *the* God.

More Hindu than anything.
They also seek to end the cycle of reincarnation, but I think in Hindu each individual is a separate soul, being reborn successively.

except that Hindu, Buddhist mysticism doesn't require you to "recreate" your soul inside of a machine, such religions would likely consider that impossible if not outright heretical

Have you seen the state that Europe is in? We are invaded every single day by subhumans who can't and don't want to understand us, who want to steal, rape and kill everything that isn't as savage as them. We are controlled by spineless bureaucrats who care only for themselves and our destruction. And yet here I am, talking to you about a bright future that we can achieve only if we leave our passivity behind and actually band together, not as Nazis, Fascists or anything like that, but as human beings that care for their future and that of its kin.

Why? You don't think that when you see a gorilla in the wild, do you? Same concept.

It is interesting that natural selection has produced a species of sapients that are capable of disliking their circumstances to the point of committing suicide. This is a regular, and today much more frequent, occurrence.

I really don't like fighting oblivion. We encounter unworkable, if not outright obscene difficulties and inconsistencies, even in the pure realm of abstract thought.

How many generations do you think it will take us to select against personalities like mine? Consider that we no longer have much assistance from disease, famine, disaster, and war (people like me end up in management or engineering, so not likely to die any time soon).

I'll stick around until I can convince the entire species to either end itself without any higher objective, or have us all stabilize under the simple, singular objective of doing the same for all other sapients.

>you can violate the NAP of something that doesn't yet exist
The entire utilitarian concept of minimizing suffering by killing sentient life and prevent from appearing is based on nothing more than a bunch of chemicals in your brain swirling around to make you feel morally justified to do such a thing. How the fuck can you be so certain that your conclusion is correct?

It takes quite a bit of arrogance to assume your 100 IQ brain can understand what is true morality or not. The reason the NAP is superior is because it allows alternative views to exist. We completely and utterly lack all data necessary to make even the most basic of conclusions of this universe. Life must spread everywhere in the galaxy, we must seed life everywhere, we must spread humanity everywhere. For us to truly understand we will need an insurmountable amount of intelligence.

I didn't expect something like this, but your very ideology is the anathema of mine.

So, Italy bro, the goal of 'humanity' is to keep accruing power, exploring the Solar System, but most importantly, to grow the fuck up. We're not going to sail the Cosmos if we're infighting, but neither will we do it if 80% of us are just fucking around and asking for gibs. It's extremely hard to know what drives us closer or farther from the objective, but we can all agree that bombing the surface of the Earth with nuclear weapons will only make it harder for whatever beings survive to carry on the mission of life - to live.

Gorillas are apes. Niggers are unevolved apes that could be like us if they actually thought with their brains instead of their dick. It pains me to know that they could be intelligent, yet they are pretty much subhumans

You pretty much said everything I wanted to say, but in much better way. I applaud to you sir

Every single sapient individual contributes to understand of this universe, only when it is populated to the brim with sentient life can we truly start approach the brainpower necessary to understand existence.

When you are convinced that all hope is lost, you have nothing else to lose. While you are still around, you might as well take a stab at revenge. It is plainly obvious those in change don't give a damn about your suffering. Inflict the equivalent upon them, or die trying.

I am aware of your predicament, I am just blackpilled because Trump is apparently not capable of accomplishing what he set out to do. Our government, military, intelligence and economic apparatus is just too powerful, it's so resistant to change that nothing short of a coup or violent revolution could change it. In a country of 320+ million and the most powerful military on Earth and mass gun ownership a revolution would be extremely destructive

I actually got into law because of my autistic obsession with justice, even this field is totally subverted.

"Good culture"

I personally don't feel a culture that is unable to sustain itself and the nature around it indefinately is any good. That fact alone means it is fated to die. So yeah sure it HAS to evolve to something sustainable if it wants to live forever etc. Wether it does that or not. Well, look at history.

Why act using your heart (seeking revenge) when you can use the most powerful weapon that we have: our mind. Make plans, gather more people like us and you'll get your revenge in a much better way

> Life must spread everywhere in the galaxy
Why? All it will do is suffer one challenge after another.

I find it reprehensible to create a sapient. Be it an infant or an AI made to perceive "joy" and "pain".

Why is it acceptable to create a new life, just to recruit it to your cause? The scope of its agency is shaped directly by its creators. It is not a product of its own work, and by no choice of its own.

It is impossible; your mind and cognitive functions aren't the soul.
You can't recreate the soul, because it was never created in the first place. It's immaterial, and it's "channeled" or "reflected" through our material, neurological processes (that's what consciousness is).

The soul exists in the same vein as time.

You see, a sudden revolution would be impossible. But a planned insurgence, planned for years, that managed to worm way in every part of society, would be able to take power in America

>We're not going to sail the Cosmos if we're infighting
If we all got along we would have never pioneered any of the technologies we have today. Ideological diversity leads to conflict, which leads to innovation, which leads to more understanding.

>It is interesting that natural selection has produced a species of sapients that are capable of disliking their circumstances to the point of committing suicide. This is a regular, and today much more frequent, occurrence.

No it isn't. It is the most unremarkable thing on the planet. That's what evolution does: tries a billion different approaches and some work, some don't. There is no intelligent design or driving force, so of course evolution will have more mistakes than successes, including suicidal humans. But you have to understand that you are not a fixed entity. Your cells today aren't the same as yesterday and your current brain chemistry won't be the same tomorrow. You're a flowing, organized piece of ever-changing matter that has the special ability of resisting external forces and keeping together. The Cosmos doesn't give a damn if we think life is hard, because it isn't sentient. These difficulties, no matter how obscene, can be overcome. If not by you, then by your kids, or grandkids, or by that single guy 60 generations ahead in the future that reads a book you wrote.

It is likely that there will always be suicidal sentients. It means that whatever species that sentient belongs to isn't perfect and is in need of growing up. Your suicidal thoughts are literally a reflection of how shitty humanity can be. Yet you're still here reading my post instead of jumping out the window. Because there is also a part of you that wants to stick around, even if just for curiosity. Today, you're simply a deviancy from the goal. Happens to many and it sucks. It need not be this way, though.

But what you said in the end is true: sentients either fight for existence or embrace oblivion. You can only serve one purpose, never both, and neither is morally right nor wrong.

I've got to take care of something, but I'll talk more if thread is still alive when I get back

How do you plan to reshape the banking cartel that runs the world? I know they'll probably all die, and their actions are all likely of a sadistic nature, but some of them have successors in place, all of whom could very well have more sinister objectives in mind.

To me, they are beyond reasoning. Especially if they browse sites like these, are exposed to our conversations, complaints, and philosophies, and continue on their path. "Revenge" here would mean reclaiming your agency as an individual by helping to dislodge the corrupt rulership, securing the same for many others.

My idea is a world wide revolution (or at least in the West) that could be able to destabilise their power long enough for us to take full control and rid ourselves of the parasites once and for all

This is true, which is reflected in the rest of the sentence which you did not cite. I am not arguing in favor of everyone getting along. I am arguing either in favor of building an efficient civilization, regardless of the monkeys around it. Of course, different monkeys will have different definitions of 'efficient'. Ideological divergence is one of the many obstacles we must overcome.

You are not wrong. You're a servant of Oblivion, rather than Life Everlasting. Neither is right nor wrong, and your argument is exactly as powerful as the argument to live forever and create a paradise for everyone.

Time is a physical dimension that can be traversed and manipulated, same as space. It is an existing empirical concept. 'Soul' has no tangible meaning, every religion and source disagree on its substance.

That said, if a 'soul' does not exist, then it should be theoretically possible to calculate the wavefunction of someone's entire physiology and recreate a homeomorph of it in the future, essentially 'reconstructing' their entire being.

So what you're saying is there's not only a way of manipulating time but the "soul" itself?

> You can only serve one purpose, never both, and neither is morally right nor wrong.
But you can. Long-term presence in space requires stability. Help others stabilize and do the same, or eliminate them if they refuse (starving them out, or just obliterating them). Anything else is just conversion of resources into unusable waste. I really wish I could say otherwise.

Note: Individual members of this hypothetical future society wouldn't necessarily be biological, or face death in the same way that we do.

I wouldn't consider myself suicidal. I'm frustrated that I exist and must face one challenge after another, each created by other people around me, and only because their parents were doing the same.

>I wouldn't consider myself suicidal. I'm frustrated that I exist and must face one challenge after another, each created by other people around me, and only because their parents were doing the same.
For me, there is nothing more pleasurable than facing challenges and conquering them.
Existence is a blessing.
If one wants to not exist, that is their right.
However, to prevent the existence of those who enjoy existence is worse then having the occasional beings who suffering momentarily before they commit suicide.

Assuming mass collaboration of that nature is even possible. The universe will evaporate before that could ever happen, before even a single "synapse" of the macro-brain you are suggesting could fire.

Understanding the true nature of this universe, whether we have creators or not and all other questions that may arise is the ultimate conquest, and thus the ultimate pleasure. Afterwards we can kill ourselves if we want to and end suffering too.

I believe that to face challenges, to overcome them and feel good about what we've done is one of the reasons we are considered sentient

I think 'suicidal human' is a state, not a kind of person. It is literally a mistake in the sense that a being that was conceived with the purpose to live decide its purpose is to die without purpose. I don't think you will be suicidal forever. You'll find some way to grab onto living, no matter how complex or absurd. I too, have suicidal tendencies and thoughts. I take anti depressants and anti psychotics. I have a psychiatrist and a psychologist. One to treat my brain chemistry and the other to treat my mind. You know what drives me to live? Everything I have said in this thread so far makes one thing clear about me: I believe in what I have stated. I do believe we are mini-Gods free to do whatever we wish. Is there nothing you desire other than death? Even if it does not exist? If there is anything you can conceive that you find desirable, then there are certainly things you can do to achieve it, even if it takes a lifetime, or several. It doesn't matter, as long as you dream and keep striving for a goal your brain will withstand the pressure and allow you to say no to suicide.

If there is nothing you desire but death, then you are correct, it is natural eugenics and by all means, take your life. I'd be a monster to force you or any other being to live in pain. But the mere fact that you're here even talking about it means there is a part of you that still wants to live. I advise you to seek it out and figure out what you want, because one thing is for sure: for all we know, suicide is irreversible, so killing yourself will deny your access to all your different possible futures and, according to Game Theory, it's a very poor decision to limit all your choices to a single losing move.

Then let it evaporate while we enjoy the struggle. Your end result is the same.
The only thing you fear is us succeeding because such a thing means eternal suffering. However, if that is truly the case, if that truly is what the answer to all of our struggle is, then right then and there we can end it all once we know everything there is to know.

Why kill ourselves when we've reached the ultimate form? Why destroy something perfect, capable of understanding the very nature of the universe?

Portuguese bro, you're literally a dispenser of knowledge and truth.

>Why kill ourselves when we've reached the ultimate form? Why destroy something perfect, capable of understanding the very nature of the universe?
I'm not saying we will, I'm saying we could if existence itself is suffering. Which is what he was arguing.

Perhaps in our boredom we will create simulations that repeat the process all over again while we observe everything.

We would pretty much become eldritch gods beyond space and time which created another universe out of boredom.

Hell, perhaps we have already reached the pinnacle and this reality is nothing more than a simulation trying to deduce if there is an alternative understand. If such a thing is true, then lets serve our creators and do our best in seeking the truth.

So you say we are trapped in an eternal cicle of evolution? That cannot be the truth, it's impossible. Why would eternal beings create something this horrible?

The beauty of it is that we don't know how many simulations down the line we could go or even be. We could create a simulation and that simulation could create a simulation. Resources are finite, but how many years down can this chain go? Quadrillions? Quintillions? Even larger than that?

I never said that. I said the concept of soul is flimsy. What I said is that you can literally reconstruct an entire being atom by atom and, if there is no such thing as a soul (as in, if we are not 'special'), then it means that an exact replica of a person would be the person itself. Funnily, if neither Gods nor souls exist, most religious wild dreams are rendered physically possible until proven otherwise.

When I speak of serving Oblivion, I mean actual Omnicide - killing everything else in the Cosmos and then yourself. No one can serve both Oblivion and Life Everlasting because they are opposites by definition. Everything you said is simply a form of achieving Life Everlasting that, by coincidence, involves genocide of the unwilling. You're still serving Life if you're defending the future of Life itself.

( I am replying to you, not these exact posts)
Whoever told any of you that life is fair or just was delusional. Life isn't supposed to be good or bad by definition. It's literally entry into this world like a place in a poker table. You play with the cards you are dealt and you risk only as many chips as you have at any time. You can check out anytime by committing suicide, but this goes without saying that you are limiting potential profits.
We do not know the ultimate fate of the Universe. Whether it is a Big Crunch, a Big Rip, a Big Freeze, a Heat Death or a False Vacuum Catastrophy or anything like that. We know only what we know. And what we know is that we exist. We have desires. We have wills and the power to make them manifest on this Universe. We are literally masters of our fate.

Consider the seemingly infinite variations that evolution can provide. To truly know every thing there is to know would require in knowing every single possible variation of both sentient existence, being and thinking.

I do not think we're in a cycle. There are just as many failed attempts at acquiring God-hood as there are in attaining it. There are just as many results in which Oblivion wins as there are in which everlasting wins.

If we are indeed in a simulation then it is the Oblivionist who will be distraught. For to him it is the confirmation that no matter what he does, he cannot defeat the creators who created this simulation. As for the Life Everlasting, we can live with it and make our own simulations to alleviate our boredom.

The very fact that we exist right now leads to two results.

Either Everlasting won and we are in one of the infinite simulations of the universe, or we are the first universe.

I find it amusing that you two speak of creating simulations nested in simulations when and if we ever become a super civilization. Why make more of the same, when we have a whole lot more of Unknown outside the Universe than in it? Why look at the ground when we can sail the skies?

One thing that is very interesting about rational beings (which, so far and as we know, is only Humans), we can conceive of things that do not exist in the nature around us, but we can only conceive things that can exist. Have you never wondered why is it that, being that we live exclusively in a three dimensional Euclidean space, we study mathematics with more dimensions? How come we can perform calculations in hyperbolic spaces and perform algebra using non-real and non-finite numbers? Maybe Immanuel Kant was right, maybe what we call 'math' does exist outside of the Universe. Because it works and it sure as hell isn't within sight.

We have so much yet to discover about the underlying mechanisms of the Universe. And likely there will be more beyond the initial mechanisms, and more, and more, approaching an asymptotic limit which sentience will never reach. The Monad. The Truth. The Absolute Infinite.

I would have ended my life when I was younger, though the risks of survival are too great regardless of approach (taken individually). At the very least, suicide should be socialized. People like me can then just go away in exchange for a one-time expense (it actually pays out in healthy organs, so the up-front cost is more than accounted for).

That suicide isn't socialized, given the fact that we can end a life painlessly, to me, indicates a very deep-rooted and widespread dysfunction or something altogether sinister (religious nonsense and other mysticism, outright sadism, or both). I would love to leave, but I'm not about making a mess, and I can't trust myself to follow through reliably.

I did say "I don't consider myself suicidal", which is somewhat true - I'm not "sad" depressed, just chronically frustrated, and I've been staying around for a number of reasons, these being two (society indirectly created me through my parents' stupidity, it is therefore responsible for destroying me, and I can't bring myself to do it - yet).

This at this fag who thinks he has it all figured out with edgy hubris.

Why does that bother you Luigi? Do you feel compassion, misericordia, or sorrow for those poor devils?
Well, I do, too. As a Christian it is my obligation. But as a rational being, I would unironically in favor of strict racial separation or even of an all out race war.

I mean it is strange. You eat your bistecca fiorentina without thinking of the beautiful and tender soul of this cow that was forcefully stripped off of its life. Animals are God's creatures as well and yet we kill them on an industrial scale... What's the ethnic difference between that and killing niggers? I don't really see one.

So the only thing that is keeping me from going to full genocide mode is my religion. But honestly, I am not convinced that it is morally superior to allow certain "people" to exist.

If this Universe were a computer simulation, and if it were the only reality you would ever perceive, would it make it less real? May I remind you that all you see around you is a projection of your brain of what actually *is* there? All our lives are lived in subjective realities. No one can experience the life of another exactly, we can only describe it and share knowledge. A perfect simulation is simply another layer of reality. Whether this Universe is a simulation is irrelevant as it is the reality we can perceive, and as such, is our objective reality.

Concerning my own post in the end, I am NOT talking about religion or God(s). Just wanted to make that clear that whatever lies at Infinity is most likely not a sentient being. The substratum of all reality is most likely not an infallible personal God. That is just wishful thinking.

Oh I agree with you, there is so much we don't know or can even conceive of not knowing. I think that's why I got angry at the Oblivionist, for his goal does not lie simply with destroying all sentient life. For him to truly accomplish what he intends he must destroy everything so that absolutely nothing remains.

>who thinks he has it all figured out
I never said that. I'm having a conversation with three other anons. You're welcome to disagree.

Seems to me that regardless of whether you want to live or die, you're wasting time being indecisive. Only you can make that choice.

>We are literally masters of our fate.
For most of us, that is to a very limited extent. Unless you have access to unlimited resources of any kind, you are confined to a path a servitude. Can you afford a $1M 6-axis CNC machine? I can't. Can you afford a $200k DLMS printer? I can't. Do you have $10k of disposable income to blow on risky investments on a journey to this end? I don't, and I am incensed that I am faced with this challenge in, what is today, a substantially more complicated and restricting environment in which to surmount it. I can't even afford the basic materials needed to make those machines myself, and the torture here is that I have designed machines like them and know enough to do this.

That is what a servant of Oblivion does, he wishes for Omnicide. And it is the only logical conclusion to be drawn from his will.
Getting angry won't do anything except maybe make a few anons laugh in schadenfreude.

Just accept that some people wish for painlessness, and others wish for pleasure despite the existence of pain.


I am not being indecisive. If the service were available and reliable, I wouldn't be here right now. Personally, if I could do what I wanted to, I'll want to stay around, regardless of the absurdity. Right now, it is just a slow starvation, being able to do some things while watching others squander their resources on shiny baubles.

So you have all the knowledge you (think) you need, and you have all the time up until you die. Invest as needed to achieve your goals. The thing is, is that the best use of your remaining time? What if your goals imply more money than you can make in a lifetime?
If the last one is the case, I recommend you try to live your life as you want it, while simultaneously keeping an eye out for life extension technology and having a rainy day fund to be used for it or to be re purposed if your goals change, which they might, as we are constantly changing. It doesn't hurt to have a safety net.

I disagree. Humans are inherently tribal and strongly against unification of rival tribes and nations, evident by tens of thousands of years of history. It's really only been for about a hundred years that this idea of globalism and compatible people has become a thing, and the single reason for it becoming a thing (despite what the libshits and SJWs think) is for profit. It's the people at the top, the Rothschild-types that want all the borders knocked down and for all creeds, nations, religions, sexualities, and genders to be equally accepted not because it's a righteous, progressive, wholesome thing, but because it directly equates to more profits. Having "outcasts" in society is bad for business, telling a faggot to fuck off because he's not welcome here is bad for business, telling a nigger he can't shop in the store is bad for business. They want everyone to have equal stature, to be accepted equally, for no reason other than profits. It's like a giant pyramid scheme; the plebs at the bottom (us) get tricked into accepting this shit through social pressures, and the 0.00001% at the top receive all the profits.

I am in the same position. My life feels like a drag and has been so for years. But I'm slowly reaching my goals. I don't work constantly, and I don't save every single penny. But I was born to a divorced single mom (like most 4channers, apparently) in a low class family and in a stagnant town. Now I'm working and studying at the same time to finish my masters degree. It feels like I have been working all my life, but the truth is I am inching closer to my objectives. A few more years and I'll own my own house, something not even my parents could do, and I will be the most academically educated person in the family. My great grandfather literally slept in a pigsty guarding the pigs. Through the work and sacrifice of my forefathers I will bring fortune to my House.

I can accept it, it's just yet another challenger to conquer.

The very conflict itself will lead to innovation. Hopefully such an ideology doesn't take hold before we leave this planet though.

If lack of existence is nearly infinite in length, why not acquire as much as knowledge as you can in this brief interlude known as "life". I'd imagine you'd truly hate existence if reincarnation was true.

>spare only the (((intelligentsia))), goy
i see you, JEW

I agree with Humans being tribal and globalism being a profit scheme. I think independent sovereign nations with different cultures trading technology and occasionally duking it out is actually more efficient.

>I think independent sovereign nations with different cultures trading technology and occasionally duking it out is actually more efficient.
I'm hoping this is what sparks the space race as various nation states attempt to colonize the stars to get an advantage over the other.

If you take small steps you can leap frog your way up.

I worked shit jobs before making $16-20/hour, sure that's not terrible but it's not set-for-life money either, not by any stretch. Anyway I lived cheap, found either roommates/girlfriend to live with at any given time, didn't splurge much on needless shit (cooked at home, pirated most media, wasn't particularly vain buying new clothes very often, etc.) and chipped away at it. After ~5 years I had like $30k saved up in the bank. Again, not amazing but it was nice to actually amass some small savings. Ended up putting $20k down on a small shitty 3 bedroom house. Brought in 2 roommates, they paid me rent which covered most of the mortgage. I kept saving, ended up with another ~$25k saved. Bought Ethereum when it was around ~$50/ETH, put $10k in for 200 coins and I'm basically letting that ride forever. If I lose it all so be it, not the end of the world, if ETH ends up at bitcoin-level prices then I'm set for life. Either way it's whatever, and I have the house halfway paid off, money saved, and reasonably happy.

I'm not saying all this to talk shit or brag or any of that, I'm just saying you can be pleb-tier (which I consider myself to be) and still figure out a way to slowly climb yourself out of the shit and achieve at least small victories and have that small sense of hope and possibility in your life. Could I be doing better? Could I have had a good degree and be making $200k/year right now? Yea probably, I made some fuck ups for sure, but I'm making do with what I have.

Quite a few crypto success stories I've been reading. I took managed to to see 5K ballon to 40k simply keeping the right coins. There are always opportunities, just need to find them.

You can't kill the belief in nothingness. Oblivion servants will exist up until the point the servants of Life achieve their goal and vice-versa. It will always pop up again in a sentients head, it is the logical response to be overwhelmed with the suffering of self and/or others (wanting to end suffering altogether). Its a dichotomy that will exist forevermore: to be or not to be.

It was what sparked the space race before. Russia and the US trying to show up one another. It'll happen again, eventually. If you think about it, every conflict is essentially a giant dick measuring contest, which makes sense because the goal of life is perpetuating life, which is done through reproduction, and in the Human race the selection is made by the female.

I appreciate talking with you and the Oblivionist too, due to this thread my views on simulation theory have been expanded to include this duality.

I always thought it best we serve our creators by learning all there is to learn, but I did not expect to meet someone with a viewpoint directly opposing my own niche and odd belief.

Looks like you've finally figured out the secrets of TRUE darkness and TRUE light, but your conclusion based on the information is off, you're taking the blackpill on it. Instead, use it to better understand yourself and what you really are, and what you really want. Also I woild caution against going full absolutes on these as they're not only impossible to achieve, but just as pointless as you view all suffering (and by extension all life), ending all suffering is equally pointless. Suffering is a spook, empathy is a spook. Spooks are tools to manipulate you, and they're created out of the field interactions going on between them. Refrain from being warded off by spooky ghosts hiding in the attic to keep you from finding out what's up there.

If people manage how to link minds togeter and find out there is no real boundaries between ego only different memories.
Tthen there may be place for society without concepts of "self and nonself", society where every one linked and everithing in world is considered part of one big machine.
End of humanity as we knew it.

I would not assume the other user to be an 'Oblivionist'. Frankly, labels only make your objective (cooperation) harder because they imply division. Your country, for example, has a huge schism between Conservatives and Liberals, Republicans and Democrats, Whites and non-Whites, etc. etc.
Enforcing these classifications only gives more power to those that profit from your division.

I don't know if there is a creator or not. Until I meet one, I am not a believer. But neither am I a denier. It's fine to wonder about it, but we really only have so much time to devote to Earthly matters, so we best not get hung up on whether or not a God or a hyperadvanced alien civilization simulating our world exists.

This is true. Unfortunately, so far the closest thing we have to joining minds is to talk (or, more accurately, argue based on reason). But I support any technological advances that may make it possible.