Whats gona happen to the younger generations who work normie jobs who can't afford to buy a home and don't have any...

Whats gona happen to the younger generations who work normie jobs who can't afford to buy a home and don't have any inheritance coming in the future that would allow them to eventually buy their own home?


We're gonna need a second industrial revolution and a progressive government that provides a basic income for citizens. Something to the scale of the New Deal and the Civilian Conservation Corps in America after the Dust Bowl.

I have a feel they'll just build a ton of Russian-tier apartments to house all of the people that worked all their life and never had enough to pay for a home.

Good thing I have inheritance coming, boy it would suck to have to worry about mortgage/rent in your 40s,50s, and 60s+


thank god im conservative christian

The wisest thing they can do is not reproduce since chances are their kids will live a shitty life for a couple of bucks/day as well.

You'll form the neo serf class. There's a good chance that anyone under 10 won't even experience stable employment, with automation taking most pleb white collar and blue collar jobs. I'm moving to Singapore in a few year, screw this boomer wasteland.

Renting isn't that bad, you can stay on the move no problem in America and see a lot of places if you have transferrable skills. Settling with kids sucks though because your options are limited not by your imagination, but by how fucked you are.

You're fodder m8, especially when the housing bubble bursts and the aussie market suffers its worst recession in history.

The housing bubble isn't going to burst because there is no housing bubble.

The average house price for an inner city suburb is going to be like $5,000,000 by 2030.

universal income

Where does the money for universal basic income come from???

It's free money

>Whats gona happen to the younger generations who work normie jobs who can't afford to buy a home and don't have any inheritance coming in the future that would allow them to eventually buy their own home?

On display is the ignorance of the average brainlet. He seriously thinks the problem with astronomical housing prices leading to there not being people able to buy in is that those people won't have a house.

Here's the actual problem Apu: house prices have been rising steadily thanks to a corrupt process of inflation that involves government, insurers, realtors and the already (literal) mob structure of the building industry. This is a virtual backbone of the economy, growth you can count on. Growth based on.. the fact that prices went up before. Everyone's counting on increased growth of housing prices, that's why they feel save to "buy in" when they take on million dollar loans for a shack outside of town.

"Don't worry" says the merchant banker, "the value of your home will rise over time, therefore you'll always make your money back or more".

A normal person would balk at a million dollar loan in any other context. The idea of getting stuck without the asset to pay it back is a nightmare. You're fucked for life. And indeed this is what will start happening. Prices get to a point people can't even take on the million dollar loan to buy in. Therefore prices must come down.

BUT, prices coming down leads to foreclosures and defaults from people who can't pay their debts and suddenly have houses that don't cover the difference. Which creates more houses on the market. This depresses prices further. Which leads to new foreclosures. We had the mildest form of this happen in 2008 and it almost tanked the entire banking sector and led to unbelievable amounts of debt being sucked up by the government. Socialized losses of astronomical proportions, but it's fine because..

"Our GDP has risen over time and will continue to rise,"


1. Buy land.
2. Learn building codes/construction techniques.
3. Build your own house.
4. Teach your children these skills.
5. Never worry about this dilemma ever again.

Stop wasting your time with video games and other useless shit that will bring you nothing more than regret in your old age. Seriously youngins... get your lives together. Imagine yourself as a 60 year old. Would you tell yourself that video games, web surfing, drugs, etc was a wise usage of your youth? You could all be spending this time learning skills to build the security that you want for your future.

The unfortunate fact of the millennials and other young, stupid, nigger culture enriched generations, is you think making money to pay others to give you what you need is a noble life. Cut out the middle-man and provide for yourself. Don't be afraid of hard work. WORK, is what humans are made for. It's why we're bipedal. You have 2 of the most useful tools (your hands) at your disposal all the time. Use them. Stop being lazy, nigger culture conforming, unindustrious, sloths. Be a man.

probably roam the street until I get murdered in my sleep

Nationalism is inevitable. But it wont be super apparatuses of nation states but more communal. Working class people will only be able to afford trailers and basic land. Theyll have to learn to pool resources and efforts and stage communes or starve under late stag capitalism where there is no middle class.

Many are gonna die not even cause they have too but refuse to rebel or work. Building the community wont be easy and the Jew is gonna try to stop you so youll need a militia. And these liberal kids are far too pussy to just rape and rob.

>Where does the money for universal basic income come from???

UBI will come with shutting down of other services. Some argue that already, others that pretend no services will shut down are lying cunts.

It works like this; "now that you have UBI, we can cut down on some of your coverage because you can pay for it yourself". They will argue it's better because it leads to consumer choice for, let's say, previously free or partially state funded healthcare or education. There will be massive savings because you shut down the bureaucracy.

In theory giving UBI type money to the poor would only cost a fraction of the money it seems to cost. This is because the poor spend nearly all money directly on goods and services, which feed right back into the economy. As in; if I give you 1000 dollars but you immediately spend it in our company store, a good portion of which goes right back into my pocket, I've not really given you 1000 dollars.

However, the U in UBI means universal. Which now means I also pay 1000 dollars to Richie McBux who doesn't buy coffee and shoes in the company store, but instead invests it. I pay proportionally much more to give that "1000" to a rich person than a poor person.

I don't think you really answered my question

>Working class people will only be able to afford trailers and basic land. Theyll have to learn to pool resources and efforts and stage communes or starve under late stag capitalism where there is no middle class.
>Many are gonna die

In a country with as many guns as people the end of the social contract is the end of government. There won't be "late stage capitalism" with Mega City One, because the system will collapse long before then, which ends government monopoly on force (already partially true with government abdicating to mass movements). This leads necessarily to parallel societies at best and revolution at worst.

I always think about this when people need a handyman around, I do most of the jobs myself. I can fix almost any engine with a carburetor.

>be 16
>take moped apart
>put it together again

>be 18
>have 4stroke moped
>rinse and repeat

This is how I learned fuel-based engine repair. Start small with a single-piston engine, the theory is the same.

I build my own computers, I paint my own house (rented not owned), laid down my own floor. Moved all my stuff myself with my mates (my extended family has never hired movers, we do it together).

So many skills that were just normal to have are now "specialized" and they are shit at it. If you want something done correctly, you gotta fucking do it yourself.


But that isn't a scapegoat to go full Wall-E in societal structure. Blacksmithing is obsolete now due to CNC, hydraulic presses, etc, but people still forge all kinds of things.

Where does this want to be lazy and worthless come from? Why do people WANT to do nothing?

So like the government owns all the machines and then they sell the products those machines produce to the people and then they give the money they get from that to the people as basic income?

or am I understanding this wrong?

Yes, sir.

There's no reason why people can't do things themselves. Especially young people. I honestly think that the current nigger culture young people are enamored with is directly responsible for the immense lackadaisical attitude they all seem to have.

I think you meant to hit this But I can still answer you.

In het huidige systeem dat we hebben werkt een UBI niet. De bulk van de belasting komt van de werkenden. Arbeid word zwaarder belast dan kapitaal en een machine die produceert in plaats van een mens, wordt gezien als productie door kapitaal. Omdat niet iedereen werkloos zal zijn in tijden van grote automatisering.

Je hebt dus een aantal mogelijkheden:
>1 alles is van de regering en iedereen krijgt een evenredig deel. Dat noemen we communisme.
>2 alles is van de regering en iedereen krijgt een deel dat overeenkomt met de waarde van een individu.
>3 Het stelsel zoals het nu is blijft maar dan met UBI. Inflatie zal ontzettend toenemen om te compenseren en je houd uiteindelijk dus niks over.

The "machines" are owned by corporations/people. The government would regulate energy usage and taxes, same as they do now.

I don't agree with this structure mind you, but that's how it's done and in theory will be the cornerstone of the UBI shitshow. See, if humanity swapped the crude oil infrastructure for a hydrogen economy, the government control of society would collapse. There'd be no need for them other than accounting... and even that is debatable.

Now you understand why governments are trying to remain in the present crude oil economical structure. They're pointless without it.

Dont you also find it very strange that there is this talk about an UBI because of automation but then on the other hand they want more migration because we do not have a big enough workforce..

Really knocks my noggin

So the corporations/people who own the machines are the ones who are going to have to pay a lot more taxes to pay for everyone else's UBI?