Whats gona happen to the younger generations who work normie jobs who can't afford to buy a home and don't have any...

Whats gona happen to the younger generations who work normie jobs who can't afford to buy a home and don't have any inheritance coming in the future that would allow them to eventually buy their own home?


We're gonna need a second industrial revolution and a progressive government that provides a basic income for citizens. Something to the scale of the New Deal and the Civilian Conservation Corps in America after the Dust Bowl.

I have a feel they'll just build a ton of Russian-tier apartments to house all of the people that worked all their life and never had enough to pay for a home.

Good thing I have inheritance coming, boy it would suck to have to worry about mortgage/rent in your 40s,50s, and 60s+


thank god im conservative christian

The wisest thing they can do is not reproduce since chances are their kids will live a shitty life for a couple of bucks/day as well.

You'll form the neo serf class. There's a good chance that anyone under 10 won't even experience stable employment, with automation taking most pleb white collar and blue collar jobs. I'm moving to Singapore in a few year, screw this boomer wasteland.

Renting isn't that bad, you can stay on the move no problem in America and see a lot of places if you have transferrable skills. Settling with kids sucks though because your options are limited not by your imagination, but by how fucked you are.

You're fodder m8, especially when the housing bubble bursts and the aussie market suffers its worst recession in history.

The housing bubble isn't going to burst because there is no housing bubble.

The average house price for an inner city suburb is going to be like $5,000,000 by 2030.