Who is that pokemon

Who is that pokemon

you're surprised?


Why are you pro-fascism huh

That's so fucked, white supremacists don't even go that far


Four by Chu

and notice how he's wearing gloves because he knows he will otherwise get splinters when he stabs with it

My favourite pokemon btw
just for the looks

You guys have 3-4 weapons per citizen, but won't use them and instead of that running each other over with your shitty cars and beat the hell out of the other with nailed sticks?

What stops you from using your boomsticks burgers? Are you feeling guilty? It's far to late to pussy out.

Legal repercussions, kraut.
It's easier to sell beating the buttblasted bolshevik with a pole from a flagstand as self-defense than gunning the mob down with a handgun.

Have to wait until law and order breaks down for all that. Once shit hits the fan and police forces aren't able to keep the peace THEN it's going to be plausible to break out the RWDS.

Say someone guns to one of these
>cross fire kills dozens of bystanders, missed shots going into stores and homes, and tons of wounded
On the bright side this race war might finally start

We need to ban islam in the West and stop all invasion of muslim countries. This is the only peaceful solution, otherwise we'll have to go full Myanmar against all muslim men women and children like our Buddhist brothers. Our globalist treasonous politicians do not seem bent on having a peaceful solution happen, so the only choice besides death is to terminate all muslims kikes and traitors once SHTF, women and children included. War is unavoidable, see:

severely underrated

My state needs to step up its numbers, fucking rookies

They just do this shit in cities, which are not cultured enlightened places like everyone paints them to be, but are rather dens of niggers and degeneracy of every type. They can not and will not do this in smaller towns, and they know it.

This is the exact scenario Soros & Five Eyes are trying to make happen. You're playing into their trap.

I like those threads, keep making them,

If you really wanted to hit antifa, hit their wallet.

It's not hard to track who supports them financially. If I were someone inclined to battle the forces of evil I would start there, interrupting cashflow through both overt and covert means.

Secondly infiltration and misdirection. Infiltrate and convince them to go after shit that will get them nuked, falseflag in their name, frame them for murders etc.

Third of course you physically target their leaders. Not their mouth pieces, the actual marshalls. There's generally 3 classes of antifa - the instigators, the marshal, and the mob. The instigators go to the front, picking fights. The marshals are the loud ones in the back.
A few anonymous targeted executions will scatter the roaches and inhibit further gatherings.

All theoretically, naturally.

Why don't people just bring swords and spears at this point?

It's never too early to start fighting fascism.

How the fuck is Nebraska so low?

Fucking kek, this aussie bants killing me tonight

Do you guys ever take the butt plugs out, or do you like, just let them become a part of your bodies?