Why do 16 year old German qts go with 30 year old Afghan rapists while 30 year old white me is sitting here khv hateposting on Sup Forums.
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Easy, they are white.
White women literally will go for any sense of novelty even if it means ruining your country forever.
BBC is more of a Sudanese meme. Afghans are inbred skellies.
Because you do not have the Afghan Midset that the German Ladies love so much
Maybe she was mentally retarded? But not full extra-chromosome, just like very low IQ, about 80'ish.
Get tanned and convert to Islam.
That won't make me a rapey Chad who treats women like the garbage they are.
is right.
The terrible deed occurred on Friday evening in Henkhenkichen-Siegertsbrunn. According to the German police, the young woman had been with a larger group in front of a refugee camp. When she was on the way to the railway station with three men, it came to an end.
Witnessed by witnesses
The police spoke of a "forced forced sex movement". The days were therefore a 27-year-old and a 17-year-old Afghan. When her eighteen-year-old companion was about to give herself to the young woman, she was disturbed by a witness and took flight.
Great touring with helicopter
The police immediately initiated a major search, in which the suspects were searched with a helicopter. They could still be arrested in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene. The young woman suffered injuries that were treated on an outpatient basis.
16-year-old raped on open road
In Oberbayern, a 16-year-old girl was raped on an open street by two Afghans. Another rape by a third man was prevented by an eyewitness. The trio was arrested.
The terrible deed occurred on Friday evening in Henkhenkichen-Siegertsbrunn. According to the German police, the young woman had been with a larger group in front of a refugee camp. When she was on the way to the railway station with three men, it came to an end.
Witnessed by witnesses
The police spoke of a "forced forced sex movement". The days were therefore a 27-year-old and a 17-year-old Afghan. When her eighteen-year-old companion was about to give herself to the young woman, she was disturbed by a witness and took flight.
Large hunt with helicopter
The police immediately initiated a major search, in which the suspects were searched with a helicopter. They could still be arrested in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene. The young woman suffered injuries that were treated on an outpatient basis.
>hanging out at a refugee camp
pah, isolated incidents. nobody was hurt, this is only a thing because reporting was poor in the old days
I'm living in a village with like 1000 inhabitants. The young girls here age 13-15 are running around with refugees in their tows like they are walking their dogs. It's a disgrace both to us and them to be honest. I wonder when the first one snaps and questions his place as the lapdog of a teenage girl.
Hanging out with Afghans of all people, men from a literal rape culture.
toll paid in full
They are women.
>IQ of 80
ha, not even that when she's a woman
why is it that it's always muslims? muslim refugees, muslim rapists, muslim bombers, muslim whatnots
what are muslims good for? what a useless class of people, backward orientated, not fit for the future, always pray pray pray hence economically useless.. what is it?
You couldn't pay me enough to even go within eine Armlänge Abstand of afghans, of all the people. Avoid at all costs.
Cause that Afghan straight up told her out. She was so impressed by an authoritative man she melted
because you didnt go up to the girl and told her you wanted to fuck her untill you die of exhaustion
German girls are the most fucking degenerate even more than nordic chicks.
> be latino me
>go to berlin for a few days
>go to mediamark to check out phones
> girl checking me out
> was reading "the game" at the time and trying my pua skills
>ask her what her favorite phone was
>bs with her for 5 mins until she suggest we went to a tea shop
>finger her there
>told me she had a bf and but she wanted me
Fuck man, where the german men at? Can you fuckers take control of your bitches
>I'm "latino"
Scandis are notorious for being vile racemixers.
well im gay
Decades of brainwashing, when you dont like bown people you are a racists and a nazi.
Those two words still have so much power people even will get raped and murdered to not get them self labled a nazi racists.
Thank the jews for that.
why not both?
That is fucked up, really fucked up. I couldn't personally stand by and watch that
i drove out of the mcdicks parking lot yesterday and saw a group of 5 middle aged refugees in neon-camouflage attire being aproached by a few qt's my age
i'm thinking about moving but i don't know where to
Because you are pussy. No homo girls are not after pussies.
>girl who had 20 chad and jamal dicks in her before she hit 14y had a couple more dicks.
>go to the worlds capital of degeneracy
>is surprised
>things that didn't happen for 500 please
Because women want to be raped despite what they say. Because there are no laws to punish muslims. Because if white man did it he would be jailed for life.
Because EVERYONE in media and education is telling her to do so, for the sake of "diversity" and "tolerance" and "peace" and "happiness" and "love".
Basically, because she's a woman (girl even) and immediately falls for appeals to emotion. Just look at that famous sign. Full of little hearts and smiley faces. There is no rational argument here, just emotions. They literally do not understand what they are doing. They just know it feels good. Until it feels bad, that is.
>sandnigs getting prime pussy
Wtf? How does that even work? What's the mindset?
>German qts
You lost me there
The large majority of German "men" are fat, bloated and have nothing but lukewarm air in their ballsacks.
No jaw or chin either, and if they do they look like pic related, like retarded sticky figures.
It's only normal for women to look out for the stronger male. And shitskins have this "Fuck all of you, I'm king here" attitude that lures them in like neon light attracts a moth.
It's nature. German "men" on the other hand have it too easy so they curl up into this fat little fuzzy ball, drowning in their own beta stupidity.
young girls love bold, bad boy type gangsta men.
Can you please post a picture of yourself?
Because white boys these days don't know anything about conventional pick up. They are smart phone zombies. Girls get curious when when an Afghan boy comes forth asking them out directly.
vid related, starts about half way in.
Because they're persistent and always on the hunt, meanwhile whites males are stuck inside playing video games.
I'm nearing 30 and I'm fucking teens even moreso than the 3 afghanis in question, are you mad at me too?
It's just the way it is, 16 year old guys have no idea what 16 year old girls want.
These jihadis get busted though, lmao god bless them.
So, what do they want then?
that's a pretty nice turbovirgin projection there, problem is that you "kang" refugees, turks, and other various non-white trash all live on welfare in some piss-stained government housing, so the "moths" who get attracted to THAT are usually retarded
even the 16 year old girls are RUNNING from you, you have to rape them, shit's ridiculous
you've got the horniest slut demographic who really just want a nice big old dicking, and you pathetic cockroaches can't even handle that, shit's hilarious
at least the whiteboys will stop being betas some day or eventuall end up with some pasty plain girl, there's no hope for you arabs
Disgusting apes
Fast-paced adult lifestyle which a teenager who's still reliant on daddy's cash has no access to.
Do I look non Germanic enough to get free muschi?
I'm actually pretty well how. So you say all I have to do is find some still pure 16 year old qt and be her daddy, but more permissive and lose with the cash?
*pretty well off, shouldn't drink and post
yeah I'm not gonna give """"dating tips"""" to someone who's probably a lonely turk tbqh
from my experience everyone who didn't get laid by 16 was a turboaspie whom you just can't help
Not a turk, but turboaspie. So it's hopeless you say, that's disappointing.
holy shit this is disgusting. thousand upon thousands of years of germanic tribes who slowly built up german identity, philosophy, classic art and music and opera, beautiful castles and architecture, and now they're all old and crusty, aging without reproducing because "muh single life freedums" while African mens are flooding the nation lip smacking and crotch grabbing at blond german women "dayyumm gurl you wanna dis Jewish promoted BBC?"
"umm.. o...okay"
Bye Germany. Literally we are all living in the time where we witness Germany's extinction and not one german will lift a weapon or shield in defense. So they deserve to perish. Absolutely shocking though. The whole non-western (non-brainwashed) world is watching in complete awe at the ethnic suicide in Germany, France, Sweden, England, Canada, Australia, NZ.
You look like a serial killer.
>still pure
Drop the disney thing ffs, women aren't pure
But yes being a sugardaddy works
yeah it's pretty hopeless when some 16 year old's first idea on fucking a chick his age, is 4chink virgin-memes like
but he looks like an anders breivik 2.0. Germanic one man slaughterhouse against the sub-human invader vermin. Too bad hes shitposting and attention whoring online instead of actually doing something, meanwhile mufusa is nutting in his ex-girlfriend as we speak.
>girl his age
Your reading comprehension is lacking.
Then you woke up
you think people don't have better shit to do than de-cypher your sad ramblings?
this is the designated incel thread where some "norwegian" can post about "muh degenerate women" because for the first time in his life a girl talked to him
you people are ridiculous and whilst you come in all ages, odds are most of you are underage because you reason like dipshit kiddos
And what's your problem? Just fuck off if you don't want to hear it.
because they know the migrants are the future. women typically open their legs to invaders.
well in that case you heard the norwegian
read a PUA book so you can talk to a girl, that seems the obvious case scenario here
fuckin lmao
We are fucked as a species.
my ex gf already has white kids with a swede.
It's sunday anyway. Kiwi men should understand.
ey it's Samuel Hylde
>a rapey chad
How fucking defeated are you, you absolute nigger? Try not watching porn and go for a walk, you fucking weak cunt.
>the young woman had been with a larger group in front of a refugee camp.
retarded as fuck
you are ugly
Nah this was before the muslim invation ca 2011 or so.
My friend from venezuela also had a similar experience.
Stfu i am not like the "latinos" you have there (central american scum):( i havent race mixed yet but i do have a slavic gf
What makes my story sound unbelivable?
are u a chilean commie?
We have a lot of those here in sweden.
Thank god no, i am from Argentina
You only have 2 options.
1.) Kill yourself before mixing races
2.) Go back to Argentina in peace and find yourself a nice latino woman