>wh*Te masterrace
>wh*Te masterrace
Fuck Trump and Fuck wh*te """people"""
Fuck Obama and fuck bl*ck """people"""
They look like animals and trigger our natural fear response
That's nice nigger user.
But I already knew that the stupid liberals worship the orcs.
wh*Tes look like animals
Blacks are more threatening than whites, whites aren't violent. Blacks are statistically smaller than whites though.
t*rkroach pls
that's fucking racist you fucking cunt
millions of blax watch this shit unironically.
>Blacks are statistically smaller than whites
>assaults the turk
>hides his flag
wanna know how i know you're a faggot?
where do you think "around blacks never relax" comes from?
racist inbred hicks, and fear of the superior
would you let your guard down around a gorilla? fuck no!
Not all nigger countries are ranked since they're too technologically incompetent to be able to do surveys, but you can get the general gist of it from the ones that are.
They're fucking manlets.
why is that shit coming from her vagina
>pastanigger thinks he's white
> Whites created over half of all civilizations on earth, and contributed the most to creation of modern society.
> Whites on average are more intelligent as well as healthier than blacks, and have stronger immune systems.
> White woman is the poster child for how women should look. And probably most of the "black" ubermensch fap to them, instead of the "evolved" black woman.
I pity anyone who has dark color of skin, it has nothing to do with intelligence or lack thereof. But let's be real, white skin color is simply better. Its more attractive and clean looking. Go cry somewhere else.
Because that's her fetish.
It's not shit.
it's a retarded meme made by insecure white dicklets
This is good propaganda, works at a visceral level
G'day whoreson
> Whites created over half of all civilizations
Wtf I thought all T*rk IPs were banned.
You watching mods? Op is LITERALLY leaving his signature with his flag and spelling of white, he just made a slide thread, and he made this one now... He's Telling you to do something
Blacks are massively weaker, smaller, and stupider than whites. They are, however, significantly faster than whites.
>dicks literally look like turds
lmao desu
>photoshop is a good propaganda
>can't fight back with real big white dicks
>literally can't compete
>IB4 all the proof that Egyptians weren't black.
Nigger, you're funny.
>commit more crimes than any other race
>whites see them as more threatening
uh yeah. people have eyes.
But it sure does get niggers and cucks like OP mad, I remember the outrage when people started spamming this shit on Sup Forums. Niggers are so proud of their cock size, but when you start actively mocking their cocks they have nothing left.
Doesn't look like a meme. Looks like she puts shit in her vagina.
It's a black dick photoshopped over a toilet.
Well, that and their running speed.
SHUT IT DOWN, Listen to our 70s nigger movie memes Goy! You MUST be emasculated in order to be controlled!!
I thought they banned you.
You sure? It looks just like a massive shit log...
upon inspection of the comment section you will discover that the african comments are the only ones who believe this shit..
Dutch people are the biggest
>We wuz kangz n shiiiettt?
Even if i was generous and accepted that as truth, you have named one account of a semi-successful middle age civilization. While whites created hundreds of very diverse civilizations and cultures all over the world.
Please, name one successful modern black country.
Why is it always a turk
This board has been raided 24/7 nonstop since Charlottesville.
Holy shit that is brilliant lol
Of course they're more threatening.Who's more likely to jump at me for no reason, a 70 IQ nigger or a 100 IQ white man?
>Leave Sup Forums
>Go see megadeath at the garden.
>Get in fight, high on drugs, drunk as fuck
>Get home at 5 am
>Turk is still a faggot
Never change Sup Forums
Same thing really.
Why do you always capitalize the T in white I don't understand
>white dicks look like turds
better be careful ahmed or we'll include arab dick shit too
Yeah, niggers ARE more threatening because they will actually unironically try to kill you over breaking their Dre's.
It's his signature.
it means street dog in Turkish, i make the T to point out the fact that wh*Tes are dogs, i censor the i with * because wh*Te is an insult. i never capitalize the first letter "w" because wh*Tes are not worthy enough to get their subhuman race's name's first letter capitalized.
Yea the same why i see gorillas.
I don't understand why the apostrophe the I either. Nigger's too dumb make an insult anyone can understand.
Nigga mad as hell his dick looks like shit
Great, this fucking thread again.
As if we haven't already established that whites>negros.
>Yea the same why i see gorillas.
Well, why is it that last time I saw some niggers who were kicking in the face of a Maori I stormed their fuckin asses on my own and they ran for the fuckin hills, muthafucker? KYS
You're not black, Sandnigger. Are you just horny for shit logs?
not really what i meant
for white dicklets to compete
they have to start fucking black chicks with massive white dicks
and call it
ay it's not mine though
Who hurt you turk?
Why are you so broken?
It exists.
I do but butthurt mods are banning my proxies
>citing something from social psychology
>a "scientific" field of which roughly 22% manage to be replicated
Try again. Everyone is aware that soc psy is a marxist playground.
Glad I'm not the only one who realized this. The raid is getting ridiculous now.
of course a fucking patriarchal racist faggot can't realize he's the problem with the world
Oh shit
its so stupid they dont accomplish anything.
why do you ALWAYS use a capital "T"?
This is literally just saying people feel more threatened by a nigger. I'm unsure how wh*Tes are BTFO
shit attracts flies
black attracks wh*Te
This just in!!!!!!! Science sees reddit hapas hiding behind proxies to be weak little bitches.
It's a nutritional thing. The same reason why second generation chinese are taller.
>the absolute state of turk "logic"
Not gonna lie though even though you are a shill I find your threads hilarious. Carry on.
He isnt a turk, he's a hapa from reddit
Why do Amerimutts insist on the fact that i'm someone else
is it too hard for you to understand that i'm a TÜRK¿
>going by size alone
do a study adjusting for percent lean and percent fat
The same is true for blacks though. Niggers see other niggers as more threatening. In fact, I think of all possible race and gender combinations, black men are seen as the most dangerous
And here's the archive
I liked you better when you spammed jihadi and Ottoman Empire memes, you come across some sort of cuck by focusing on niggers when you're clearly not black.
>humans see gorillas as larger and more threatening than humans
No shit ?