What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?


USA right haha

Too deep 4 me.

what sort of meaning is this person trying to convey?

Did he learn to draw from playing early 2000's hentai games?

how do we prevent this sort of situation?

really made you think...

Doujins when?

The boobs make it extra sophisticated


oh so that's why is seemed so familiar

The drawing is acceptable or even good but the script is just lame. If you can't even make a joke and all you'll rely on is politics shit you may as well quit drawing.
>Did he learn to draw from playing early 2000's hentai games?
>oh so that's why is seemed so familiar
Guilty too. Who /meetn'fuck/ here?

kek, I vaguely remember fapping to this as a teenager

>Who /meetn'fuck/ here?

That you can't explain politics in 2-6 panel comics without the text taking up the whole screen and that he's a massive faggot


>what did he mean by this?

I don't think the most pressing matter in sweden is the pharmaceutical industry and white collar crime.

Who here /rompquest/?


>Who /meetn'fuck/ here?
my kindred spirit

I wonder if I can get this guy destroyed by reporting his big tittied art of girls with midriffs showing as being sexist, cis, and anti-woman.

That the thin people who say "eat all u want bbu ur bootyful as u r" are retarded hypocrites.
Pretty obvious.

What the fuck happened to his art? Did college kill another artist? Is he becoming another Questionable Content?



why has no one made the most obvious edit yet?

Better joke would be a guy paying the women themselves
>if you have the money you can manipulate them and play with them at your whim

Came here for 2D tits.

Could I get some sauce'n fries pls

Hey that one is almost redpilled.

Wow. He really beats you over the head with his "symbolism," huh?

why are some trash and some are redpilled

Why all these edits? Doesn't anyone have Ben's original versions?

what's the point of making a comic strip if you have to put text on the objects in order to explain the joke? Fucking lazy asses



>no floating cheese with lazers

Its like neo Sup Forums here


I remember when the comics were all about vidya and lewds and not trying to discuss politics and social issues

Lefties have to pander to their audience so they can get shekels, the audience being low IQ faggots naturally.


What the fuck happened to his style? Their bodies are gigantic.

Fat people are easy to manipulate.

>Look up the artists DA
>tfw he just draws straight up lewds now instead of drawing shitty comics

>implying women get tats because they want to passive aggressively send a message to men
>implying women aren't just impulsive spenders
how ridiculously ironic

>that blatantly copy-pasted everything

Why are all the women drawn with ridiculous hips and exaggerated chests?

The only important part?

Isnt the author of these from Venezuela or something?

>pointing to the wrong medicine area
How do I English ???

I believe he's a br

I mean it's translated from Spanish probably by google, should have been medical field but you still understood it right?


deep valley.

R. Crumb is the redpill




>That fucking pic
I didn't realise this was a ylyl thread

What are you gay?

I unironically fapped to hipster girl

Jesus Christ

It is about women eliminating competition. The skinny girl discourages the fat one from weight loss and going intonold habits again. She can out compete the fatty for men, jobs, and so on. Doesnt need another skinny girl to compete with.

Its not redpilled
They are probably referring to white collar crimes or zim zam







I think he's trying to convey the patrician midriff fetish.

jesus, these are all fucking terrible. literally cliche: the cartoon, terribly drawn as well.

Which is....?

>a doctor saves a patient
>a newly patented drug/machine/implant saves millions
Doctors are truck drivers, pharmaceutical researchers are the engineers designing the trucks. Obviously the more important, more influential your work is, the more you earn.

We all have, chum.

Naa, he's from Colombia.

>that flag
>patrician midriff fetish
This is why the whole world loves Dixie culture.

It's all redpilled when you realize what they mean when they say (((white collar criminals))).

He's so progressive he horse shoed himself into women being children that can't be given responsibilities. He just hasn't connected the dots yet.

This is a good example of agreeing with liberals for the wrong reasons

So what's the moral here? That women will lie and backstab each other at the slightest opportunity?

Because I thoroughly agree.


absolutely terribly written, but nonetheless an ok joke.

I actually laughed at this. It's a subtle redpill as well.

You can get arrested in that game? I never experienced that...Am I missing something or has this fucker never played GTA V?

>Based Nip
Why are your people not procreating anymore?

tits or gtfo!

>Not posting the original.

Jago is Brazilian, and they just had a series of court cases where they found nearly their entire elected government was corrupt and taking bribe money. Their president was one of the few people not corrupt, so their congress ousted their president for... corruption.

We really should have a Sup Forums watches Felix The Cat live stream just to have a good 2 hours of comedic hilarity.

>R.Crumb didn't liked the movie

Last one I played was vice city and you could get arrested

Wtf is that random pedophilia? Why is she saying jumm?

someone make that guy jewish in the last panel

>You could open a can of tuna with that chin.
No thanks bruh, here have a better selection

The artist is Hispanic. "Jumm", pronounced "humm", is like a sigh or something.

>same face
>completely re-used art
>barely a joke

this doesn't make some kind of pass for earning money, does it? Only reason I'm not outright repulsed is because those are some hot tummies

On phone, can't read it.

>this doesn't make some kind of pass for earning money, does it?

We I fucked up. Sorry frog bro I meant Fritz the Cat