Bacon on mosques
Hoffe lost
Geert lost
Le Pen lost
Merkel will win
Juncker creating the EUSSR and Euros are happy
Bacon on mosques
Hoffe lost
Geert lost
Le Pen lost
Merkel will win
Juncker creating the EUSSR and Euros are happy
Other urls found in this thread:
>God tier banter
More importantly
>Fucking Brazil?
none of it was actually right wing though, just populist and anti german/french
anglos dont like germans and french so it checks out
UK likes to think it's doing better than us.
It's not.
You're fucked too, buddy.
I see you left best ally out of the competition........
How wise of you.
>Anglo right wing resurgence
Looks about right to me Nige. At least your AIDS ridden society will be slightly racist
now post the actual aids map of europe, russia aint so good
Brazilposters are funny most of the time tbqh
Japan has legendary bantz.
I hope you realise that all politics are controlled and Brexit/Trump were meant to happen.
>everyone can be british NIge.
Yeah, good luck - have fun.
I respect nige but, dont think he is the UK's salvation
Less European whites, more shitskins
Murican meme rallies; they don't understand they are taking it too far and are as a result bringing a bad image for themselves which can only lead to demise of a movement and a pendulum that will swing even more to the left
>Hoffe lost
>Geert lost
>Le Pen lost
>Merkel will win
No surprise here, their rhetoric was a bit too much; the population isn't woken up yet. Sadly, it has to get worse before it can get better. Hitler didn't win the first time either.
>Euros are happy
One of the rare things I'm not happy about the EU is the immigration policy. However, more they push it the more it will backfire and Eastern Europe will be unaffected by it anyway, couldn't care less about the Western Cucks.
>god tier banter
what the fuck?
And cum many times you will
t. Sub 70 IQ Paki
>romania, latvia
>god tier banter
Their place is in butthurt tier.
>he doesn't know the autistic Latvian memeball poster
More like
Frustrated virgins & suburban retards who express their anger online bc they're too scared of Tyrone IRL
yes-life who came here to troll and LARP to make fun of these butthurts
Most brits on here are just whiny bitches
France isn't a real country and 1 in 3 French babies are non-French.
The Anglo beats the Frog once more.
Why is Brazil and the hamburgers in god tier? GOD SAVE THE QUEEN
cant handle the bantz brucecuck
Adolf Hitler said in one of election winning speeches that the communists made people the white Germans become Nazi's because of what the communists were doing to the country. The communists, which in Anglo countries today is mass immigration, actually angered white Germans. The more shit that happens, the more angry white people will get the more likely National Socialism will arise, and it weeds out people who are not true national socialists (alt-lite).
what a fine looking sheila
what about the nations not pictured?
Leaf here sorry to defeat your thesis. Pic is also incorrect we leafs are in a tier of our own (at the top) when pertaining to bantz. This is objectively true.
The truth is, they want the right to win, because the right winning will permit them to do what is necessary to secure the existence of greater Israel, and the Jewish race. They just need to keep up this dog and pony show to shift the overton window natuarlly, and if that comes at the risk of breaking a few eggs (countries) then so be it. When the first one falls, the rest will do what needs to be done to ensure they do not suffer the same fate, and then no one will bat an eye when Israel does the same.
I am surprised too.
I guess british people only sound smart.
wew lad, butthurt?
Everyone can talk english, for it is the "Lingua Franca" of ourtime.
This is the sole reason those countries are changing.
"what needs to be done" is of course forcible expulsion of Islamic influences
There always has to be that black pilled Serb ruining all the fun. Kys
Where's Japan? I thought they had the best bantzzz
Americans were asking the admins to remove shart in mart memes
Kys kike no one needs your massive noses meddling in the worlds affairs.
Brexit is failing, Trump is just a puppet / Jeb Bush with edgy tweets, Charlotsville was devastating to the alt-right's image, Hanson is considered a joke here
There was no right wing uprising, it was Sup Forums overhyping shit. French posters kept saying Le Pen didn't have a chance but others kept insisting that she does
the "right" wing have won so much in Denmark that even our left wing is more anti immigration most of the Anglo right wing.
Just say a debate where the left wing called for a "brutal border control" and that integration is not the goal but complete assimilation is the only thing that works.
Our left wing also support not taking in ANY UN refugees so we have not receive a single quota refugee this year.
Denmark is still quite cu cked but Continental Europe is cu cked beyond belief.
because anglo countries are in way larger need since they more multicultural than the ones that didn't fell for right wing populism.
>Le Pen lost
True. But you forget how uncucked our media is globally compared to CNN or the BBC. You forget how we stop police officers and government workers from wearing Islamic face veil. There's a much more solid french identity backbone here, make no mistake
>Bacon on mosques
You mean those two Poles who threw bacon in a mosque and got arrested for terrorism? Right wing resurgence indeed...
>French posters kept saying Le Pen didn't have a chance but others kept insisting that she does
This too
Most posters tend to over-exaggerate a bunch of shit and you have to wedge through all that
move all to constant butthurt and screeching, and you have Sup Forums
>Brexit is failing
It hasn't even happened yet
>Trump a puppet
Trump is as much of a renegade as you could possibly hope for in the first world current year
>Charlottesville was devastating
Oh really? I thought it was awesome
dont worry I never believed french people would vote for their own interests
>including Trump as an accomplishment
Jupiter is cool though and Marine Le Pen is a leftist.
>Jupiter is cool
He's better than expected. I never thought any leader would go full Frexit 14/88 anyway
t. Swede
Belgium is the EU.
>right wing
Such as Theresa May of course
The right wing is doing very well in Denmark and Norway though. Even in the examples of european losses, we've seen the right wing grow much much stronger
HueHue niggers are quite funny. Most of the time.
seriously? another british butthurt thread?
>France & Germany basically own everything that's inside the schengen
Well boys we're glad you've left now we only have to split it in 2
>god tier
filling up with rapefugees just like the rest of europe/(((tv licenses))) topfuckingkek
in the usa, changed nothing
>Hoffe lost
>Geert lost
>Le Pen lost
all 1 cm off the center, considered (((right-wing)))
>splitting evenly
Germany owns us as well
I don't get how we are in butt hurt tier. People are always screeching AT us.
Because we are being invaded. Or hadn't you noticed?
>puts bazil in god tier
>leaves out Japan
hue detected
I guess the reasons for that are the following:
1. Right wing parties are small, most of the parties are leftist. Same thing that happens in Brazil: after the military regime people were scared of right wingers and leftist parties popped out everywhere. Same happened in Europe with muh Hüddler.
2. People can't be as vocal as they are in the US. You're charged a fine or sent to prison for a Facebook post.
3. Effective globalist brainwashing. Use of shame and group mentality to force people to accept the majorly accepted narrative.
I guess there are many more reasons that worked together for that, but alone I fail to see them all.
Congratulations on Brexit and stay safe:
Yes. You just don't get it.
>vote Brexit
>Nigel coward Farage quits politics
>Theresa leftist May in charge of negotiating Brexit
>Several months passes and nothing happened except some usual acid attacks and cheeky children rapes by "asian" gangs
>geert lost
He gained seats, it was already determined that no party liked them before the election so no one expected them to be in the cabinet. Fvd a new party also got two seats and that's a way more right leaning party than the PVV
>>Nigel coward Farage quits politics
This. I don't get why he didn't stay.
Linguistics. (((Their))) message reaches all languages. Dissent flourishes among common people. Publicity keeps the dissenters alive. Common Language. There is no German Alex Jones. He'd be shot without notice
Excuse me? We've had out anti-immigration party in our government for four years, and they just got another four years this week.
>B-b-but he got what he wanted.
Wrong, it's because he left the sinking ship first as the typical example of British cowardice.
>God tier banter
Whoa nice digits
He was never an MP. He's still an MEP to this day.
How exactly did he quit? He was never in government. He stepped down as leader as the party pretty much did its job.
>He was never an MP.
Why didn't he try to become one in the northeastern constituencies?
>British cowardice.
We conquered the globe fought an entire continent by ourselves you pissant literal who slav trash
>Why has the right wing resurgence only happened in Anglo countries?
In Anglo countries the lower and middle classes have nothing to lose because the degree to which neoliberal economics and mass immigration have been implemented is far bigger than in continental European countries. But eventually it will happen here as well.
Stop posting Irish people, you are sickening me
And now the world is conquering you and you are just taking in the ass like a bitch that you are.
Japan's banter is "include me in the screen cap XD" tier
Oh god no
t. butthurt projector
I wonder why any genuine Jap poster would post on Sup Forums instead of posting on 2ch or whatever they call it
what about nips and loos
best bants
Is a stale meme that is now advocating miscegenation. Thierry leads an army of flabby betas thirsting for political excitement in a country where there is none save for Geertbants, and literal white trash. Go to their creepy meets and wallow in literal human waste.
2/10, I'd rather go to Portugal.
You conquered some aboriginals and pygmies
when economy decline, that's bound to happened, more people having so much time doing nothing.
before immigrant designated to be an issue, you guys are in economic crisis, remember?
Crimea river!
What has your country ever done? You've only existed since the 90s or some shit lmao you gypo slav cunt
>Euros are happy
I'm only one freedom of guns law away from clearing out Brussels.
>Brazilian American slides US and Hues into God Tier
Look, we belong in the OK Tier, Canada belongs in a special tier all the way at the bottom.
we've had one for 8 years. You're not so special.
And beat your ass doing it
Our empire was literally Africa and Vietnam
We don't really have room to talk, do we?
Australians and Japanese are God tier banter. Bless them and their antics.
Americans disable atoms in atomic bombs
You'll find literally no one who's aggressively against miscegenation in the Netherlands except maybe xenophobes who talk like you do