Why does that one finnish mongoloid defend Lauren Southern so much? She's a kike you know?
Why does that one finnish mongoloid defend Lauren Southern so much? She's a kike you know?
"Hehehe stupid goyim"
Lauren southern red pills way more than any nazicucks. If you think anyone listened to nazi flag waving torch bearers you are a retard. If you think she hasn't done more for uncucking the populous you are delusional. Sage and also being butthurt that someone making a living won't rant about Jews is evidence of non-participation in the work world. Which is worse than anything in my book. Neet nazis are niggers
Southern is another shekel goblin with a pretty face hoping to hit the big leagues and the big bucks. She'll sell out (if she hasn't already) (((they))) make a good offer. Also as many 'social commentators'she talks a lot, but doesn't say much. Keep in mind all the shit you need to know is already written and these opportunists perephrase it from a dumbed down perspective.
He believes m'lady will reward him
Just one?
Our autistic erections will always have a veto over your shaming tactics.
She's genetically not Jewish you fuck.
Her ancestors were Dutch.
Stop making Lauren threads, shill. She's not a jew.
She's actually an Arab, dumbass.
What a fucking joke
He's not finnish. The dude is a leeching anglonigger.
This, I recently was approached and recruited into the LIDF by some guy who barely made eye contact. He had a bit of a limp, was this legit or was I honeypotted user?
Moarpheus the astro turfer is the real problem
This picture is really hot for some reason.
Are you the finnish guy?
She's perfection
No I'm not.
Does anyone here believe that the 24/7 attack on Lauren would seem genuine? Nobody here cares about e-celebs, except those who attack Lauren. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
here you go
Seriously (((Moarpheus))) aka Peter from Spokane Washington kill yourself. You are shitposting 20 hours a day get a life you freak
i wand make kissy kissy ;DDDDDD
>dated a nigger and a POO
>has stated in her Ask FM that she has no preference of race for dating/marriage
>is a civic nationalist (pic related)
>is partly Jewish (her grandfather's side)
>won't ever address the JQ
She's clearly a honeypot for nu beta alt liters to cream their pants over fuck this attention whore
I would like to judge person based on the work done. And she seems to be doing ok. We can always execute traitors after race war is won just saying
When "based" celebrities who manipulate the alt-right into hating Muslims always turn out to be Zionists
I agree with you guys, real Nazis/Fascists/Nationalists know damn well a woman has no place in politics.