
>tfw just found out that i have a double digit iq

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....Take the test 10 more times and come back

That sushi looks uneven and poorly made

I'm assuming you thought you had a triple digit IQ. Well you could be a refugee so a double digit IQ might be a positive if you thought you had a single digit one.

Because it's a Western type sushi. It has avocado in it. Jap sushi doesn't have avocado.

Truth doesn't exist for a Jew, if the truth doesn't serve you, then repeat ten times until truth is what you want it to be.

To add I don't even think Japs use salmon for sushi either.

No Goy......It's just that after 10 times he'll get better at taking the test

>Posts sushi with tfw
>Picture is sideways
>Double digit IQ

Everything checks out here

Yes we do.

Stop it Tyler.

>To add I don't even think Japs use salmon for sushi either.
Salmon is the most sold sushi fish in Japan for females, Japanese men prefer tuna.

You are right that they didn't use it originally, due to native Japanese salmon is parasite infested and unsuitable for raw consumption. In the late 80's a Norwegian delegation to Japan introduced salmon to sushi, and we've been selling high quality raw salmon to them ever since

at least you have your looks

stop larping bob

Yea? I just assumed they never used it because I never see them eat it on jap tv food shows.

I prefer salomon one, i might be a fucking woman.

>take a physical mensa-esque test given to me by a therapist at age 15 which included graphomotoric skills as well (assembling wooden geometric shapes and bending wires)
>Take an online Mensa test, rush through half of it, get anxious at the end and just click blindly to finish. Age 24, years of drug and alcohol abuse


best be 99 or snip snip goes the scissors when I cut off your balls.

Yes goy, the tests are $50 for one, but if you buy 10 you get the discounted rate for a total of a reasonable $499.

The kike is right. People train for IQ tests. It's like some nerdy sport at the top level.

I went to college when I was 13. Now I'm 31 and haven't done shit. IQ is nothing. Dedication is everything

This man is correct. I took many practice SAT's.

>two digit IQ

Checks out

I is a curse, trust me
High IQ and I can see just how fragile everything is, I slowly drown myself in liquor and hatred for it

Be an optimistic doofus, it's better for you.

IQ tests are stupid as fuck.

I just found out I want sushi for lunch.

he gets it. having high IQ is a double edged sword. My peers were always talking about dumb shit and were having fun whilst I had internal existential crises on a monthly basis.
Intelligence without effort is worthless, and vice versa.
Many high IQ people were never taught to strive towards success because most people think their inborn talents are enough as they excel in a wide range of subjects at a young age.

digits proves this frog is wise to the true nature of the jew
>Sup Forums - jewish studies general

You don't want high IQ.

You see the illusion, always.

>tfw i have high IQ 128
feels good man

IQ isn't EVERYTHING, but it IS the single best predictor for how well you will do in your life, more so even that things like your race, sex, and class.

>t.double digit iq

>t brainlet

Given that the women are the stronger of the jap race that seems fair.

I was depressed when I scored a 115 (taking the test phyisically) not too long ago. Have they always had the manual dexterity as a part of it? I scored a fucking 85 on it.

Average IQ of Sup Forums poster is 65

Try doing the online one by just blindly clicking one picture. You will never go under 100-110. This fucking things are a sham.

Fuck you, now I want to go to a sushi restaurant tonight.

Then why the fuck am I on Sup Forums when I tell every VC I took a fundamentally differenent approach to search? Buy all 12 of my apps

listen, if we rename Sup Forums to /trh/ - torah study then i guarantee you all of the jews will vanish from the board forever, believe me, it's meme magic

If you train these Mensa Type IQ tests you can go from an initial 80 on the first run easily to 150+ after a few weeks.

Tl;dr: IQ tests are worthless, people bragging about a high score need to be gassed.

Average IQ of Finnish mongrels is 6

yeah, if you really want to overclock your thinker you should learn another language(sheet music and code apply), play an instrument or join a team sport; provided you're still at an age where your neural plasticity is still flexible enough.


Mine is 125, so yours must be 5 then

Post your results faggots:

Same here. All my life I thought I was breddy smart. Then I took a couple IQ tests and finally realized I´m avarage / basically pygmy-tier. Many such cases. Sad!

I am a medfag and took my first IQ test at age 15 - resulted in 101.
Took another one at age 20, got 121, 127 the year after that.

When taking IQ tests there are so many factors, such as mood and how well you are endowed in solving logical problems.
My point is if you can train your brain to solve mathematical equations beyond memorizing results of simple math questions, then you can certainly improve your IQ.

This is simply not true.

he feels like sushi sideways, are you going to forbid him?

'70s to mid 2000's vidya have been proven to greatly boost spatial awareness and reaction time
they're interactive scripted events at this point

>average iq of 56% land is 99
>higher or same as all but 3 Euro countries
Why are yuros so subhumanly stupid?

>serving sushi on a white plate
WTF I hate Germany now.

Gaijin please

sushi always seemed off putting to me, but I've always wanted to try udon and sukiyaki

I understand a higher score is achievable with this test - I'd give lots to find out what I got wrong.

What's the stereotpe of jews and arabs if whites are considered to have big noses?

>unironically trusting a free online test


We sushi postin now?

Nippon ichiban!

tfw iq too high to eat cooked fish

Did that initially posted test result half a year ago. Just redid it, you see what kind of difference training, or at least knowing the process, does.

also, here is some Greek vegitarian sushi

Its ~10 points diffrence just knowing the process or having this done at least once before

Satan pls


What a bs test

Just find the nearest white person and follow their lead and you'll be okay. Make sure it's not secretly a Jew pretending to be a white person first though, that's how they get you.

Take an actual IQ test, not a one online.

>eating sushi


thinking some single thing like "intelligence" exists means youre retarded anons, sorry to everyone itt. life isnt a video game and no one takes a test designed to measure something that doesnt exist seriously

>he doesn't prepare and clean raw food properly

To me, the only important factor of intelligence is the rate at which you learn.