Sperm thread

Western men are showing record low spermcounts. We're talking a loss of >40% Catastrophic.

Let's make this thread a list of do's and don't's for maintaining healthy sperm. We need all the info we can get.

>avoid soymilk
>don't wear tight-fitting bottoms
>if sitting at a desk job, get up and stretch once every hour
>masturbate less
>eat protein

Western civilization will depend on it's people reversing the trend toward infertility. This is not a fuckin' drill.

Other urls found in this thread:


I have a temperature controlled ball cradle to keep them at an optimal temperature and condition throughout the day

What are you? Fucking gay?

You cannot reverse the vaccines you got as a child

Toothpaste is right. I never had a choice though.

Add to the dos and don'ts:

>Avoid biking, riding horses, and other nut crushing activities
>Avoid carbs
>Avoid quick carbs and carbs with low fibre content like the plague
>Do not consume anything from plastic containers, especially not heated/pasteurized plastic containers
>Maintain a balanced intake of saturated and unsaturated fats
>Avoid hops, alcohol, and nicotine
>Avoid vasoconstrictors like typical stimulats (metylphenidate, amphetamine salts etc)
>Do loads of cardio daily like taking walks, staying active etc
>Get enough vitamin D from sunlight
>Consume vitamin rich foodstuffs like beets, pommegranate, low carb root fruit, leafy greens like kale and spinach, seeds and nuts etc
>Avoid processed meats and try to consume a lot of high quality meats, fish, poultry etc cooked as little as possible
>avoid all flame retardants, pesticides and plastics (these are major players. They do put chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay)
>avoid drinking water from urban areas since it will be full of female hormones due to contraceptive use
>avoid ocean going wild fish since they eat loads of plastics (farmed varieties are safe)

Sperm motility is irrelevant. In vitro fertilization is easy. What it is important for is as an indicator of testosterone levels which are a major player in mental health. Essentially, the nu-male health freaks are right about diet.

So TL:DR cook, eat and exercise like a 1940's non-smoker and non-drinker.


Oh and one more

>avoid overheating. This includes long hot showers, frequent sauna usage, dressing too warm near your nuts, and dehydration

This is partially inaccurate as it aims to increase volume, not testosterone.

However L-arg, L-lysine, zinc, maca, selenium does increase testosterone.

Not western so doesn't apply to me, but even if it does I am celibate anyway.
And what is a 'power-pose'?

Ethnicity is completely irrelevant. It's about lifestyle. A power-pose is a disproven claim that an assertive body language increases testosterone. It doesn't. What increased it was telling the test subjects to act assertive.

Alex jones told me to take selenium how is this CIA nigger always 10 steps ahead.

>And what is a 'power-pose'?
This is 1min 30seconds of powerposing
> youtube.com/watch?v=cJGzsHLVlRE

Keto or Primal diet
Exercise: low intensity (e.g., walking) a lot. Occasional sprinting. Extended running is kinda pointless.
Hang out with male friends

Ideally: Go to a community centre and place of worship, you antisocial fucking cucks.

This guy understands.

Why not just call it psychopathy? That is all I see there.

>having (((friends)))

all fine until it's another stressful week at work, i swear NEETS don't understand how hard diet and exercise are even when you just work monday to friday 9-5.

Chest up, chin high, widespread arms. Take as much space as possible

Selenium is irrelevant on its own but should be combined with zinc (don't overdo it, can lead to toxicity. If you eat loads of nuts and seeds you do not need any supplementing of either).

Alex Jones mixes his rambling with actual research that is considered 'taboo' or not politically correct. It's very easy to find data on male health but the mainstream does not wish to talk about it since it legitimises the importance of testosterone for mental and physical vigour and is thus deleterious to the feminist mission to deconstruct the gender roles.

Thanks senpai. But
>Hang out with male friends
is only one part of it. If the male friends trigger you to be more assertive then yes it increases your test. Studies have shown the scent of fertile females increases testosterone as well, so you should hang out with nubile young ladies too. Basically be social improve physical and mental health. Shocking and controversial I know.

It's extremely easy. You're shitposting on a board filled with cuckspam right now. You could have spent that time tending to a garden, building a boat, taking a walk, learning interpretive song and dance... what have you that keeps you moving. As for diet, I recommend getting a blender (all glass and steel of course no plastic touching the food). Making healthy and delicious (sorry for being nu-male) smoothies is very easy with one of those. For breakfast I had nuts, berries, kale, spinach, ginger, turmenic, pommegranate etc etc and a cup of cold matcha (theanine+caffeine good buzz get the cheap stuff). For lunch I had a cold soup with beets and uncooked lemon etc (loads of anti-oxidants, fibre and unsaturated fat from olive oil), for dinner I'll probably have marinated chicken breast and some left over veggies. How long did breakfast and lunch take to cook combined? 10 minutes tops. Probably less. How long did it take to "eat" breakfast? 5 minutes tops. Was it expensive? No.

>masturbate less

Am I the only one who notices that sperm volume and consistency increases a lot when on nofap for even just a few days

the fact that a non-trivial amount of men jack it off to porn every day has to be the main factor

>tfw to intelligent for friends

True, women as well - though I'm married so I don't tend to hang around other women. By my own choice, though, as most women piss me off.

Like the sperm count even matters when you still need someone to impregnate and when you do you can just fuck some extra if it doesn't work the first time.

Also with the blender thing, be aware a lot of recipies are low cal. While the great fibre will keep you from feeling hungry, I found I lost some gains by just doing those. You should boost your smoothies and soups with stuff like olive and rape seed oil, nuts and seeds (walnut, peanut butter, hemp seed, chia, flax seed, almond etc... Don't be alarmed by cyanide in almond and flax, our species evolved to digest that stuff well cause we're seed eaters), coconut oil and milk (not too much - it's only saturated fats), stuff like oats and cereal germ (not too much, mind the carbs), a little bit of dairy if you have to, etc. Especially just add more peanut butter and nuts. Don't add any sugar, avoid fruit juice (just throw whole fruits in if you have to).

For lunches, cook once a week, put it in GLASS jars in ur fridge. Much cheaper, faster, and healthier than buying food at work.

Nope. More jizzing=more sperm production. Pause for a while and the sperm production accumulates. No big mystery. Your body tries to adapt since too much sperm with no jizzing will cause infection (or nocturnal emission, natures own way of clearing the pipes). That said, it won't affect your overall health much either way.

I tried not even jizzing at all for half a year. My balls shriveled up due to inactivity, and as soon as I jizzed, since there was nothing in there and nothing to trigger sexuality, my test must have dropped cause I got feminine thighs and stretch marks. Fapping the next week I didn't shoot any semen at all, and I usually cum loads. Highly advice you do not stop cumming entirely. However, too much porn means you won't stay horny in public due to hyper-stimulus and associating computers with sex and women with just a more annoying way of cumming. And to gain testosterone, you should always be a bit turned on. So avoid porn, jizz when you feel like it. Enjoy getting a chub at work from that hot coworker.

Are there any cleaning or hygiene products to avoid? What's safe to use?

I eat a very healthy diet but only exersise properly like twice per week, doing a park run on saturday and badminton on tuesday, should I run more?

Not sure actually. I know certain combustible products add flame retardants to not be a fire hazard but that's about it AFAIK. For those, I suppose the little orange flame symbol is a mark of quality but then again how often do you use them and how much could you possibly inhale? Dust from flame retardant in furniture is far worse and is a legitimate health risk even if it's not an add-on to other endocrine disruptors. For personal hygiene heat is bad (like long hot showers), and fluoride is bad (but irrelevant for testosterone). I still use a fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste from time to time because it's just very practical for dental health but I make sure to rinse very well after I've used them. Kids should not use any fluoride at all. If you're in the U.S. some states still add fluoride to tap water (yes, even after the meta-studies concluded it's unhealthy) so try to get glass bottles of store bought water if you're in such a state. Idk about water filter efficiency for that (it's 0 for xeno-estrogens though so won't help you there). I live in Sweden so don't have that issue here.

Nah, brief high intensity exercise is a bit of a meme outside of sporting and body building. Long term cardiovascular health and test health is more about frequency than intensity. Daily walks and moving around>doing high intensity on short scheduled times. Sitting down is the main threat. I mean it can't hurt to run more but more than that you should consider active lunch breaks and stuff. Goal here is to get a little bit of pulse daily more so than doing a great workout session twice a weak.