Redpill me on this crackhead

redpill me on this crackhead

> inb4 its sped up - everyone else still looks normal

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Hitler was a jewish plant to destroy Europe and create Israel.

Crazy crackhead who was mentally sick, just like his idolizers.

>nutted but she still suckin

this, i also read his doctor gave him cocaine

he fucked up by invading russia and was forced to retire early in south america where he lived in a beautiful mansion until 1965

you're a jewish plant you white third-worlder

What do you want to know, user?

Jews say it, it must be true.
Jews also say he had a micro dick.
kikes say a lot of things, almost never the truth, though.

it's no secret that stimulants were popular in nazi germany

I'm inclined not to believe anything the Jews say about National Socialists.
While I know stimulants were common in the first world at that time (fat british fuck Churchill liked coke) I don't believe a word the Jews say about anything.
They're always just serving their own interest.







He was on a shit ton of meth

well he did get mustard gassed and to be fair I do that when I gotta piss.

Have you experienced the joy of hosting the Olympics as a timeless god emperor? Of course not you because are a loser who is trapped within the simplistic boundaries of time your limited mind can perceive.






He's just really excited because Eva told him there will be unlimited Trinkpäckchen.


>everyone else still looks normal

no they dont

kill yourself


Why would you shoot someone before throwing them out of a plane?

well shit



>t. chink

Pretty well known that he, like many others of his time, were prescribed hard drugs as medicine.
For the most part these weren't doses that'd make people hallucinate, but it would still have effects.

It's only really the Olympics where he's seen acting this nervous.



Wonderful, an old-style steam-locomotive just passed by, Kill Jews Man


I don't know how true that is in the later years, I have heard reasonable evidence that he had a heart disease which would have killed him by like the 50's, if I recall correctly this was picked up after he took office.


You right white boy



Ofcourse he is, he's not a jew


Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told" faggot.



hitler was a retard that could only become successful in the land of the autists

He knew he wasn't going to get old.
He'd always talk about how important it is that he's there for the war, and that he wouldn't be there to see the greatest achievements after the war.

He knew he was on a clock, so all these memes about Hitler living to be 90 in Argentina are obviously fake.


>Stalin:"The Devil is a Communist,I got his support"


He was probably shell shocked and didn't react to stress in a healthy way.

redpilled video Hitler's Warning

>when Eva takes too long with my tendies

Looks like he's dying for a shit desu

What a fucking faggot


Dude gets excited about his games, man.

Lol what a junkie


Jewtube it

He just felt the groove


Everyone was on Peruvatin. All of Germany.



>it's no secret that 6 gorillion jews were gassed to make lampshades, goy.

Should i tell you that these photos were never seen before being posted on that blog, and #1,3,5,6 clearly are modern shops

>Stug Life


That's not true user.
Nice try though.



>implying "6 gorillion" is a thing

No shit. More than half of those photos were made/edited in the 90's 00's. No one - no denier or truther - ever claims they're genuine or uses them as proof/arguments.
They were obvious shops made for shitposting purposes. Even a child can tell that a digital photo has been plastered over an original film one, with the depth/focus not being adjusted accordingly. They're still funny though, which is the point of them.

How did he die in 1965?


He was really excited for the event


it's a well known fact that Hitler, and the Nazis, especially the leadership, were tweaking on speed like 24/7

That's why Hitler and his top leadership were batshit insane. Their ideas probably seemed great to them, but were actually retarded


it looks normal because of shit resolution
check out The video is at 2x speed, look at the movements of people in the background.
Slow it down and it doesn't look as weird (Use VLC player).

Two theories.
1. It was nearing the end of the race and he truly was immersed in it, "go, make it!"
2. Highly crowded. May have had to piss or shit extremely badly but did not want to leave in the midst of the race (which would look weird and unbefitting)

if you wanna get redpilled about him, go check out a holocaust denial thread, and watch "the greatest story never told"

fake & gay

>Famous photographs

B-but Muh 6 Million, Goyim!



Oh no goyim, help us invade Iraq!



The exact words of the textbook. But do you understand it? Do you believe it?


Why didnt they just use him as a super soldier if he couldnt die?


Jews really like that 6 million number.
I guess it's got a nice ring to it.
