Reminder: Lauren Southern is a degenerate Jewish thot
Laura is literally /ourgirl/. Get the fuck out of here shill.
Still want to sniff her farts.
This desu
Lauren Southern's face and tits with her sisters ass and legs. Hnnnng.
If you talk about Simonsen, she wins.
Literally has never called out the Jew and says in her videos the Nazi's were bad. Yet she is somehow /ougirl/.
this site used to be better when none gave a fuck about whom I should and shouldn't like
because nazis were nigger/muslim "let's kill everyone who disagrees with me" tier
there should be bans on e-celeb threads
Lauren ain't even did nuffin.
Everyone vid she makes all the comments are talking about the jews and she still refuses to name them. She also deletes those comments.
Do you guys not fucking understand if you post 20 threads a day saying this it looks fishy?
Like how stupid are you people?
Oh shit they made Mr. Noseberg angry with their terrible shilling.
>poland once again putting the blame on us
Never forget German genocide, you are scum of the Earth.
Durh, because she's doing the same as Trump, staying under the radar.
Sage all highgrounding threads.
Lauren has done a 23andme, and isn't Jewish.
These girls see a market (you) and take advantage of it.
Get a grip you fucking losers.
>putting the blame on someone who did it
damn why would anyone do that?
I don't know or care if she's a Jew, but she has never contributed anything, like any youtuber she's just a useless money pit
Why are all you jews posting out of Oz and NZ vpn nodes lately? Did your other exit nodes get Shoah'd?
Or are you rats legitimately fleeing down under because you know a beat down is coming in the north?
I asked her and she said she lied about it. Sad! Sorry, you're gonna have to try a little harder to keep me from shilling!
You don't represent us, fuck off Kiwi.
Fuck off, everyone is putting the blame on us, even our allies.
Why the fuck shouldn't we have the right to defend ourselves?
>Everyone vid she makes all the comments are talking about the jews and she still refuses to name them
Most are sock accounts, see for yourself.
>She also deletes those comments
No she doesn't. if she did they woundn't be there anymore.
>Why the fuck shouldn't we have the right to defend ourselves?
from what? yourselves?
>not a nazi
>must be Jew
There was a German genocide? Lmao pity it didn't succeed, cause you fuckers are still around and trying to destroy Europe yet again.
she should be punched in the face for being the retarded Nazi she is.
/mlpol/ best Sup Forums
I will always pick horsefuckers over you underage faggots and shills.
kek he still comes out standing
silly skeletons
>blocking out the name
OP is a concern troll
Just made another thread
Is Lauren the most talked about figure here aside from Trump?
I'm starting to believe that the people who call people shills are the real shills.
I bet you still think Trump is using 69 double dick chess tactics for his recent DACA amnesty tweets
Fuck off.
Abo strawman
She's against white genocide, amnesty DON loves brown babies.
>you will never cum inside Lauren Southern
why even live?
>dated a fucking nigger and a POO
>has stated in her Ask FM that she has no preference of race for dating/marriage
>is a civic nationalist (pic related)
>is partly Jewish (her grandfather's side)
>won't ever address the JQ
Lauren Southern is not a kike. OP is a shill.
Controlled opposition, all these e-celeb youtubers are setting up the conditioning.
Identity politics didn't just go mainstream for no good reason, this is the conditioning, race/civil/holy war is the end goal. It's going to be the bloodiest war in human history, not to mention that WW3 is still on the table as well.
Sick art skills, Shareblue. Did your 4 year old wife's daughter draw that?
Get out of here you bum.