Do modern Germans realise they're becoming the boogeyman of Europe for the third time and how it's gonna end?
Do modern Germans realise they're becoming the boogeyman of Europe for the third time and how it's gonna end?
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Can't wait to see them replaced entirely by mudslims.
When Germany dies the gibs stop flowing and you will turn into a gypsy rape dungeon.
Jews man, Jews.
You realize we will reclaim Prussia and settle there again once shit hits the fan, Piotr?
Reminder Poland is rightful German clay and those are our buildings and houses.
If germany is replaced with shitskins poland will be replaced within a week
Why do you want mudslims as your neighbors?
Banderites are not enough for you?
I'm much more afraid of the facist developments in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe than I am of any muslim families fleeing war zones. We may have to face our responsibility has a former facist, now liberated state and in turn liberate you from your facist government, if things keep developing this way over there.
germans are the most manipulated people in the world, i would say...the normal modern german thinks he lives in one of the best democracies in the world, particular proud in health and education system. he is living in a matrix of lies and false narratives, especially those about ww2. we are lost. we still believe that merkel is a "good mom". after the election, refugees will get the right to bring their families: 1 million already here, everyone brings whole clan, so in 2-3 years we will have around 7-9 million refugees, and we are still cheering...we are truly best goyims....
They are the boogeyman, but the problem is, the USA is cucking you from fighting back. Germany is just doing this to appease ZOGmerica.
So this is what happens when you pick a fight with a jew, goddamn
Replacing Germans with even worse people is not the answer.
Id understand if they were flooding Germany with Chinks or Nips but Arabs? Arabs are as violent and war mongering as the Germans are.
Replace one war mongering race with another war mongering race.
They might inherit some of our better traits tho.
Do you really want german Islam at your doorstep?
Arabs are incompetent with technology.
it's insane
I live in the best timeline
You want to share a border with a muslim state? That's pretty dumb!
Nah man. Jews lucked out hard. We should have chilled with the retarded propaganda against Hitler. Focused more on why he's a potential threat to America than to shill the lolocaust that never happened. I think we can still fight them and win.
>germans are the most manipulated people in the world
Um, no sweetie
No, it's what happens when you pick a fight with an American being manipulated by a jew.
Germans aren't super warlike, they just got pushed into it because they're super hard workers and don't want to give jews the money they made for doing zero work.
>third time
Reveal your flag, burger!
>germans can't even reclaim germany
>dream some fanfiction about germans reclaiming prussia
>No, it's what happens when you pick a fight with an American being manipulated by a jew.
>Thinks it was the USA that beat Germany.
>replace all western demographics with dipshit shitskins that cant use technology ruled by a dipshit idealogy from about 700AD
>The technocratic jew overlords rule the world plunging the remainder of humanity into an eternal dark age
>the jews would rather start WW3 than let go of their power
Fight and kill the Muslims you dorks. If you guys start fighting with Poland (with what army lel) then you truly are the goodest goy.
diiiiiigits....and there is a kek of hope....but to be fair: only nk and iran left to "persuade" to use global banking system...what a surprise, that those countries are the baddest of bad right now....
Plan Germany: deport every German from Europe and put them in an ethnostate in subsaharan Africa where they belong.
>reclaim Prussia and settle there again once shit hits the fan, Piotr?
With what? Broomsticks?
stop dreaming about prussia and get rid of sand niggers hans.
>>germans are the most manipulated people in the world
>Um, no sweetie
why not? serious interest...
Some rightwingers enter some weird state of derangement where they belief the more this country is fucked the harder the great reckoning will be as they cannot conceive any other way to deal with a bad position and already start masturbating over germania in their heads.
Obviously that is flawed.
mfw pretext for this
>we will reclaim Prussia
is this
>liberate you from your facist government
>Broisn :DD
I don't blame you guys. Honestly, it's America twisting your arm into all this BS.
>liberate you
What are you, USA?
Literally everything that's shit in Europe today is because Britain declared war over Danzig.
A dark knight.
we will take over poland in the name of progress
Be careful!
germans hate themselves anyway
just fuck us up senpais
I always used to look up to Germany. Their rich history, their stoic resolve in the face of adversity, their perfect landscapes, and yes, their civilizing influence on their eastern neighbors, Russia included. Our rulers had been huge Germanboos for the last 300 years. It'd be sad if this culture died without putting up a fight.
They took my jobs, bastardos!
And Greece too! Poor amigo.
The modern German is so weird. On the one hand he hates himself and his people more like his worst enemy, on the other hand he has this false sense of superiority and believes he lives in the best country in the world and that's why we are in a position to share our "enormous wealth" and "excellent living conditions" with the rest of the world.
Is there any counter movement going on in Germany? At least someone spraying red pills on the streets?
You can't really blame Fritz for wanting a more uniform Europe. That would very much help the economy and by that logic, the people.
What Otto's leaders dont realize is that people actually love their countries and their cultures and propaganda or economic prosperity isn't going to do that.
You have to keep in mind that most of Germany's political class, grew up during the Cold War. Hatred of the nation and patriotism was bread into them. Naturally, they feel that they're doing the right thing, if only they left the bubble
>roast me motherfuckers, you know it's true
Jews really have no sense of dignity whatsoever, do they? I can't wait for the day when we all decide is enough is enough and nuke Israel
What they've done to the German people, and the Aryan woman in particular, will never be forgiven. I would happily forego my life to see the world destroyed in a fiery cataclysm so long as Jews get their comeuppance
>war drums in the distance
Nothing is more comfy
Nay, Germany isn't some third world shithole that does what we tell em on a whim. They also have Europes backing, can't kill us with bombs but they sure can hurt us with money
>enough is enough and nuke Israel
Israel is not the problem though... It's the world top elite.
I believe it's called cognitive dissonance. We have something similar in the US and the U.K. but it's not so pathologically ingrained as it is in Germany.
You aren't even allowed to pass 100,000 soldiers still.
They already did put up their fight and lost over 70 years ago =(
In the end, it's kind of hard not to blame them. Still don't see a good reason why he invaded Russia.
Muh communism isn't a good reason.
Denazification. You people really underestimate the power of propaganda, generations of children grew up to hate themselves for the sins of their fathers.
I too would feel very superior if my country was turned into rubble and I managed to become a world economic power in such a short time. I don't see it as superiority though, just pride
exactly according to plan
I was incorrect, it isn't 100,000. The German army must never possess nuclear weapon, chemical weapons, and biological weapons, and its size is limited to no more than 370,000 personnel.
>it's the world's top elite
Who also happen to be Jewish.
How stupid are you? Why else do you think the Nazis hated the Jews so much? They were trying to force Germany into the international banking system so they would be forced to pay interest on usurious loans.
>muh Jews were scapegoats
No they weren't. Jews were just horrible, horrible people who use evil methods to morally corrupt and ensnare the German people
>Still don't see a good reason why he invaded Russia
They were convinced that Russia was planning to attack first (after what happened in Finland etc.).
Maybe it was not true, but still they believed it. They thought they "had" to attack first or the Russians would come in overwhealming numbers at a later stage.
Also, if they took out Russia, Britain wouldn't be able to ally with them and would be forced to accept peace with Germany (not surrender, but peace).
the russian federation will balkanize into several free democratic republics before the decade is up
Video didn't take morale into calculation. Germans probably would lose it's shit over casualties. Arabs and negros would start riots for free gibs while Poland is more or less pretty well unified.
U.K/U.S. at least have a sense of patriotism. For Germany that was a taboo till recently. Remember the scandal in 06 when the Germans dared to wave their flags in the World Cup?
Producing them is okay tho
My fucking sides.
>Germans probably would lose it's shit over casualties
Exactly. Finally Germany is unified in the face of a common enemy.
Dude there are streets in Berlin named after communists and named after Karl Marx and gift shops are full of communist hats and other stuff not to talk about architecture being (((post modern))) and city being full of trannies, niggers, muslims, faggots and liberals overall... It's like 1920's all over again...
Maybe, but it's not Israel that's the problem.
The problematic jews live in our countries.
>muh communism isn't a good reason
The reason communism happened in the first place was because Jews overthrew the tsar and the Germans knew the same would happen to Germany if the Jews became too powerful, and if Russia mobilised before Germany. If anything it was a tactical decision, since the Germans knew Russia was industrialising and they would eventually be overwhelmed by Russia's strength in numbers unless Germany attacked first. It was a race against time.
Sounds pretty sensible to me. You're looking with the benefit of hindsight through a 'ot vey it's anotha shoa!' goggles
>You realize we will reclaim Prussia and settle there again once shit hits the fan, Piotr?
>Reminder Poland is rightful German clay and those are our buildings and houses.
>german fantasy literature
Do people who hide their flags ever make non-shill threads?
will pollaks ever not be butthurt?
>Jews really have no sense of dignity whatsoever, do they? I can't wait for the day when we all decide is enough is enough and nuke Israel
piss off
stop using them as your scapegoats
jews are based
>third time
You misunderstood me, you little Germ.
You were told over and over how evil, militaristic pieces of shit you are and you lost your pride, a quite percent of your population consists of Africans who would use the situation to cause shit, there is also quite a chunk of polish population who would cause shit, too.
>americans trying to seem smart or educated
If you take the old Germanics then England and pretty much every other white country are about as connected to them as Germany
Yeah, you guys have been completely brainwashed. It makes me sad to think of what my country did to your country. As hitler said, we were brothers killing brothers.
Germany was the peak of civilisation. If we'd joined sides together we'd be living in some kind of utopian paradise right now. We truly were on the wrong side of history.
>germany is unironically going to invade poland again and think they're not the bad guys
>there is also quite a chunk of polish population who would cause shit, too.
Polish people don't speak polish here and the second to third generation usually doesn't even know they were polish once.
You're pretty good at integrating, probably a bit too good.
I cant wait for the propaganda machine to go in full force before that. What else? Economic sanctions?
My point exactly.
Germans have been a blight on Europe since the beginning of time.
Fuck off kike. You have no idea what you're talking about. Jews are an abomination.
Might be.
Being honest, I kind of look forward for what will happen.
Wer nicht vorwärts geht, der kommt zurücke.
>My point exactly.
Are you retarded?
The point was that Germanic tribes =/= Germans
Those guys spread all over the place
>t. i am an adult and i still blame harmless jews for the degeneracy of my society
sad if true
>harmless jews
Islamist Merkalite detected
How can you say this with a straight face when the very same (((problems))) Germany faced in before WWII are facing the United States but on an even larger scale? Have you learned nothing?
It's going to be fun watching the Jewnited States collapse into an ethnically mixed mullato wasteland as your women get culturally enriched by Africans and your Jewish overlords
>Do modern Germans realise they're how it's gonna end?
They absolutely don't
Going to chimpout before that.
I really really like that pic
Hey I remember you
I'm pretty harmless. Just want to pray in peace.
What exactly makes you think Jews are innocent? Answer me this:
How did we go from this......
i wish all the muslim will go from germany to poland, and then someone will throw nuke on your country, so we get 2 birds in 1 stone, no muslims and no retard polaks
Wet dreams, how cute