Power still out from Irma

>Power still out from Irma.
>Now a fucking spic hurricane is headed for Florida.
Why is God mad at us?

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The Oceans have been getting hotter.

Global warning

You should have heeded

You got shitty God, desu senpai. Might start to think to change God.

For accepting fags enabling them


I'm gonna move out of this shitty state soon

because trump

Yeah because look how wonderful and peaceful all those Muslim middle eastern countries are.

>Massive faggotry
>Gay marriage
>Highest echelons of polics ran by Moloch Worshipers


St. Maarten and Barbuda are FUCKED

He is blessing us with happenings, user...

Going red albeit being niggers, spics and kikes. Never do that shit again

There is no problem in barbuda. No one was left alive.


Harvey, Irma, Maria


You did not repent and go pray enough. Pray more, good things will come to you, but only if you post JESUS IS OUR SAVIOR in this thread.


It's part of the 'drain the swamp' initiative. Those who persist will be treated with a far less populated south florida


I just got my power back after having endured boiling nights and grueling work.

If theres another hurricane I'll just move to Kentucky.

God doesn't exist.

CIA finally turned on the HAARP again

Get rekt burger, I hope it'll bring more destruction than the last two.

At least I can livestream another hurricane

Israel is literally the root of all the shit in the middle east.

Florida voted red. It was her fucking turn. Trumptards need to learn

Because its HURRICANE SEASON you kike, stop being a pussy and man up like the rest of the Floridians

>You're welcome

t. God

Same here bro, Today is one week no power.

I'm in Highlands County, 2nd worse hit next to the Keys.

We just got FEMA and Nat Guard here, We were on our own for 5 days.

My 3rd time for this shit, it happens, it sucks.

>mad at us
Dude, look at Cuba and Dominican Republic

Death to America

Lee is losing this war

God's not mad at you, God loves you.
He's just trying to discipline you at the moment by giving a little spank here and there.
He's the alpha and omega after all, not the beta nor the cuck.
He got a prophecy to fulfill, and he intends to exactly do so, he needs to keep his rep up.

He knows you guys are right and strong, and he knows that you can take it like a champ, unlike the weak lefties.
You will all heal stronger and better eventually, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
Stay strong.

Goddammit, not this again. Why do the kangs keep sending these things?

no, the winds that take energy away from hurricanes have been weaker this year

>that trajectory

>Elect Bush in 2000 instead of the one environmentalist candidate ever to run for president
>Allow him, his brother, and his entire family to get rich as fuck selling oil after stealing an election
>Allow him to start a couple of wars, wiretap your phones, allow an attack on the United States, and destroy the entire planet with free market ancap bullshit
>Get pissed and surprised that tropical storms caused by warming oceans kill your house that you hired illegals to make out of wood and not bricks because you're dumber at engineering than the darkest carribean niggers
>Continue dressing your 6-year old daughter in short-shorts you bought at walmart, manufactured in china by children your daughter's age because you let chinks pollute the planet and dress your daughter like a slut
>Drink pisswater 4% beer

God it feels superior being from the Pacific Northwest

No poisonous animals, no hurricanes, just a bit of rain. It's like i'm god's chosen

So, what's the possibility that one of those bad boys hits Texas?