You know what do do guys
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Thanks poland!
>doesnt post template
checks out
Slightly different map
>what do do
you're dodo
Ahaha thanks for adding us in
Hey calm down Western England.
Wow wow easy Pooland
>receives billions of Euro shekels every year from us
I admire German history, culture, achievements in science but I can't stand forcing niggers into Europe. You are again trying to destroy our continent and that's the reason why I dislike your country.
>Merkels directive, dictated from U.S. overlords
>the will of Germans
You need to make the difference Pawel.
Really? love commiefornia and hate Pakistan wtf?
>disliking the hand that feeds you
Bit dumb, but ok.
whole world is my designated shitting street
Why do you hate the Vatican? GTFO
Dieter, nobody forced these people to do this:
Most of Germans have fucked up mindset. Sorry, this is sad but true.
That's strange
Correct attitude towards Germany. Germany, you are destroying europe again.
That comes from the Holocaust-guilt, planted deep in the brains of the German children from young age.
Kys. Germans are the greatest people to ever exist on this planet.
Look at me, I'm the German now.
I guess in 20 years I will go to Berlin to visit all the mosques and eat some baklava and laugh.
Hey why are you such a fucking faggot?
Funny but not true.
(((Some people))) are pushing the German boogeyman memes hard to finally finish us.
If you participate again in that Krzysztof, I can't guarantee that you get excluded when the Germans snap again.
So after all I'm right. As I said, although we were always enemies I admire PAST Germany (up to 1933) but after '33 you went fully into autistic mode until now. How can't I dislike Germany for that?
When Germans snap again it will be because Allah Wills It or something like that.
You know what? Fuck you guys
Dream on.
My gf likes your wines.
>likes Sweden
>likes Tyskland
>likes dirty west slavs
>likes the low landers
>likes the south mountain niggers
fuck off home to Germany with you Tysker. We do not want your kind here
Read German history 1918-1933.
You'll see the inevitability of habbenings when (((they))) tried to starve us to death.
why do you "like" Danmark roach? The feeling is not mutual you know.
Only reason I have love for South Africa is all my white family that lives there still. Come home white man
How come that Germans are supposed to be superior and everything but like less than 1% of population supposedly had power to starve the millions of them?
Something just doesn't add up here.
500k people were responsible for the short comings of 69 million?
>Poland 3.000.000
And still, read German history 1918-1933.
Start with (((Versailles treaties))).
Imagine a world without nigger and jews.
1. Baklava is delicious
2. 5% muslim isnt 100% muslim and go kill yourself you futureless slavic subhuman
I still don't get it, you lost the great war and the winners fucked you up, how jews are responsible for that.
Even if all 500k of them were communists I still don't see how they could muster the power to fuck you up from within.
There are 4 million Turks in Germany today and I don't think they have any real power and you don't blame them for everything... Yet.
My question is how its jews fault and not France/UK/USA/Russia aka the winners.
your no country is too small and irrelevant that I forgot to paint it. hate motherfucker.
What have we ever done to you, faggots?!
I'll be calling yall 'Scandinavians' from now on just to fuck with you!
They are only the winners because they teamed up. I don't care what you think, Germans are the greatest of all time and when they are gone for whatever reason this planet won't matter anymore.
Go search the ethnicity of the leaders of that revolution
t. German Virgin
I know all about this, but the fact that there were only 500k jews in Germany and 69 million Germans still stands.
Am I to believe that less that 1% of the population royally fucked the rest? If so then this implies there are some-kind of super humans and the real master race.
You missed the point of that post.
Also all the leaders of Weimar republic were German and they fought against the communists yet Hitler somehow blamed them together with jews for everything.
That is what so special about them, they are so few but they can get in the highest government positions.
I remember looking into some sites and images that showed how many jews were in the Soviet parliament, it was something like 60% and they only made like 1% or less of the Soviet Union population
Same with Polish communists. Only a small % of them survived the II WW, and yet they were still a major power after the war.
The Jews like to make us europeans fight against each other, they don't care about us
Love you x
>I still don't get it
That's why you have to read about how U.S. banks financed WW1 on all sides, how the monarchy was destroyed and for what goal, what was all taken from Germany after the war.
>not loving your greatest ally
I'm dissappointed Janusz
They pretend to be our allies only when it comes to sheckles. Sadly they NEVER say a word when it comes to 'Polish Death Camps'. Ungrateful nation, we risked our lives to save them from you.
plz no bully
What a cuck
Can I take your golden Maybach for a ride through the desert?
Invite n0w pl0z
kek, sure.
Nice digits bro.
And be friends with the Shias.
Iranian people are good people.
Thanks my bogan brothers!
stupid roach why do you love Czechs and like Slovakia? We hate you most from the V4
>Trying to destroy our continent
First Destroy the "German Masterrace Meme/implying"/redditcuckoldry.
In WW1 you corperated with us thankfully and you know that.
In WW2 your diplomats were not willing to negotiate and you treated Germans in Posen/West Prussia badly,while illegally occupying Danzig and annexing Lower Silesia even though they voted to stay with Germany before that conflict.
Every descent Conservative has sympathies or Things to say about Germany at that time, only Jews and Poles are keeping up the guilt thing from the exterior.
First apologize for Polish Jewess Rosa Luxemburg trying to trigger a civil war.
Now you don't even want to help us with the refugee crisis, we know Elites in Germany and other places wanted this to happen, but they never asked their People if they wanted as you said, the large amount of Poles could have helped us protecting ourselves from rapefugees, like the Russians in here do.
Still for me you are fine too, except for WW2 and the Money you want for getting beaten up by us then militarily and in all other aspects.
>Germans took Roman culture
>Crusaders were French tricked by Venetians
>Lutherans didn't want war and I bet you don't dare defend Papal degneracy
>Merchant Family responsible for Mediterranean mess becomes Pope
At least you are honest and true-hearted, standing to your nation, Valdemar.
>Dislikes White Argentianians
>Thinks Uma Delicia Niggers are OK"
Are there really so much French pro-Anglo Nationalists?
moronic slo, the template was already painted. I didn't spend time repainting irrelevant countries like yours. who cares slovenia?
Lol can't include Northern Ireland in there you silly prick, that's British land.
>Manually carved out the spic parts of the Southwest
Patrician choice.
I'm so happy aussies still consider brits to be brotherly.
Aussies are the only people I love outside of England.
germans always want to destroy europe
im half german and i need to say that theres something deeply wrong with that nation
>aussies are the only people i love outside of england
>only people i love
I like American's but love is too strong a word... It'd be treason.
sorry croats
It's okay bro, I understand how it is.
All the fucking Boston IRA lovers and "muh Aryan German heritage" LARPers pissed them off.
Love Germany hate England? Fucking snownigger.
I see you have some problem to read and to associate information. UK is gray and Germany is light green, which means that i don't give a fuck about UK and like Germany.
sorry bro i was supposed to reply to the slav