Can Sup Forums solve the mystery of femicides (serial killings of females) in Juarez, Mexico?

Can Sup Forums solve the mystery of femicides (serial killings of females) in Juarez, Mexico?

> started in 1993
> centered in Juarez
> involves mainly young women working at Nafta factories
> there is modus operandi: slim girls, with straight, long, dark hair, big brown eyes
> all victims were raped, tortured and killed afterwards
> according to some estimates this serial killer (s) raped, tortured and murdered over 5000 women since 1993.
> while some people were arrested over years, murders continue

Other urls found in this thread:árez_Cartelárez

Arguably, the largest unsolved serial murders case in the world

Yes, there's a serial killer on the loose in mexico and mexican police is corrupt and incompetent.

it's mexico, probably just a bunch of unrelated bad hombres raping and killing the attractive ones. Case solved

its not 1 guy raping and murdering thousands of women, mexicans are just violent subhuman scum

A) that's a business plan. Think Hostel. Hostel wouldn't work in a European setting, the only place it would work is in Mexico catering to rich Americans. It's a mindset thing.
B) Doing this would be good for pol if white women were involved. Not so sure about rescuing Mexicans. Maybe putting American serial killers away would be good especially if they aren't Anglos.

Can you show me some pics of the real bodies
Asking for a friend

there is definitely some sort of coverup going on, fir example, one dead girl had a bunch of pubic hair clutched in her hand, those were not tested. The murderers DNA profiles are not made, police does not even search for bodies, relatives do.

It is not random, there is modus operandi, the rumors are there is a well developed network of "blood hunters" who hunt these women.

No, it is somewhat organized, not just random mexicans killing random women

This clearly cannot be solved legally, wonder why no one tries go "true detective" style on it to solve it

Someone should have brains to solve it, no?

that is so deep that anyone trying to investigate gets suicided, the government is also involve so the bad mans.

probably some cartels work

Whoever did this my hats off to them, good riddance. Spicesses produce like 20 brown dwarf children so this is a great way to curb the population growth

What is the current situation, what do people say on the ground?

>Hay gais lots of woman is kill in mexico, what does it mean?
Gee what a fucking mystery, clearly this couldn't have anything to do with it being a third world hell-hole controlled by the cartels.
>m-m-m-muh cover up
Yeah you're right, its not like mexican police and government are corrupt and on the payroll of said cartels

I actually for overpopulation measures, but it has to be done via birth control, and not genociding those already here. It is henious crime when you think if its scale, timeframe, number of victims involved

This is a very retarded, simplistic view. Juarez is a strange place, it is a bordertown, there has never been somethink like that in the South of Mexico. Something clearly lodged itself in Juarez

True. Given the scope of this it must be some of rich boys club that is doing this, shielded by their money and influential family.

Or the best serial killer ever.

It's mexico, case closed

My thoughts exactly.

It's like saying 1 shark in all the worlds oceans is biting tourists.

Fucking idiots

Yes, one glaring component of this is that Juarez is a bordertown, never anything
like that further south.Something is organized there, they seek out young, somewhat attractive girls.

Nah. No one cares about what's going on in Mexico. Sup Forums has more important things to do like masturbate to awoo pictures and shit.

You do not understand. It is not like random Mexicans killing women all over the country, randomly wuthout any MO. The killings clustered in Juarez, there is clear starting point, 1993. All victims are factory workers, all are young, somewhat attractive. Juarez is a bordertown.There is a structure, some underlying organization to all that.

Ehh, I wasn't gonna say anything, but OK...
I admit it, was me...


Fresh meat needed for wealthy people orgies. Once used or when bored, get thrown away in garbage. No mystery here.

can someone post any links or sources for this? In Mexico murders are so common that I struggle to see how they can distinguish a serial killer from a normal crime. In fact, it is probably the best place for a serial killer to thrive, they just have to pretend it was a cartel or something.

True, but it is a mystery, that alone should motivate some almonds to churn. Plus maybe some very high up folks could be involved.

The murders have all hallmarks of a serial murder

Cartel hotspot since it sits practically on the border with Texas. Either cartel work or unrelated serial killer(s) taking advantage of an obscenely low murder solve rate. Basic shit.

Archive please

>Hostel wouldn't work in a European setting
Read up on belgium once in a while.
This works really well in europe since centuries already

Basic shit will be easy to solve, right? The victim show certain similarities in how they were tortured and killed, someone has a particular way to get off.

> Hostel
> Belgium
> Centuries

Mexican betas are angry because nobody will have sex with them.

This. They take women in under the lie of the "good life" and then they get thrown put again.árez_Cartel these guys not to mention their rivals are behind it, Juarez is a high demand location for smuggling over the border and as such its a violent shithole that makes a trip through downtown Johannesburg seem like a sunday drive

The guilty is mexico for being a shit hole, arrest it! You will pay with a detention insidr the wall

5000 is a huge number. Since 1993 to today we have 24 years. If the serial killer(s) killed a woman a day to reach 5000 it would take him 13 years.

In other words, since 1993, a girl has been killed every other day by this serial killer.

It's really an amazing number for a single serial killer. If it was a gang, it would kind of make more sense.

WTF? How can the fucking police not be able to stop this? They would have almost daily opportunities for catching the culprit red handed. For 24 years.

Or if it's too much for them couldn't they at least expose some of the organizations they suspect to be behind this?

Theres always one of you weirdos isnt there

According to the Wikipedia article in spanishárez

the rate of women murders in Juarez is 18% which is even lower than in the US which is 25%. So there's really not a disproportion of women murder in Juarez, it just so happens that a lot of people get murdered in Juarez due to it being a city full of drug cartels.

It's Jeb Bush isn't it?

Obviously some high ranking official/gang leader has a rape fetish for a specific type of woman and the police is too corrupt to help.

>police is too corrupt to help
More like the police procure the women and silence anyone trying to look into it.

True, the problem is there are similarities, rape, certain type of torture (mutilated breasts) , hair is being cut ( trophie?). As Rust would say, there is a certain culture to it, structure, underlying core.

Remember when rumors said that the serial killer was an american entreprenour with contacts in the police.

You could say that


You could say a gang approaches young women and says works as pristitutes for us or we'll kill you and the women say no.

Juarez police not to be trusted, they do not search for bodies, families do. If you combine found and missing it is over 5000

You think it has to be a single individual?

I thought about this and there is no way that the police could be so inept that they could let this happen for 24 years, and not know who did it. The Juarez cops have to be a part of this somehow.

No again. There is a ritualistic part to killing, someine gets off on very peculiar set of things, rape, bondage, certain breast mutilation, hair is being cut, probably as a trophie.

You didnt even formulate a complete idea dumb beaner, all of mexico is hell end of story

It's cute.

Well it's also Mexico, so they probably can't afford to do anything except take pictures and finger prints.

Mexifag here

I actually know what really started it. I'm gonna tell you what I know.

I live in Querétaro, my family owns a small shop, a year ago my mom made friends with an old lady from Juarez, this woman heard from people close to the governors since she worked in several clubs as bartender, this is known by many people there as well, why no one does shit is still amazing to me.

Long story short: The one who started this trend was a governor who developed a liking for killing women.

From what I remember this major had a lover which cheated on him with his dad, he got mad as fuck and murdered her alongside one of his maids, he later developed a liking for this since he found it amousing and started a trend and since he was the major on no man's land no one could so shit to stop him.

Yes, they are on it. For example, they do not search for bodies, families do. They do not do any decent forensic, one girl had clutched a whole bunch of pubes in her hand, were not tested/eventually lost.

OP, you do realize there is a huge network that extends beyond factories?

Not only young women from factories (maquiladoras) were murdered, but there was also a link to missing students from what back then were called "computing schools".

Also, modus operandi has changed. Not same age, etc. And we're not talking about your everyday serial killer. You must know about missing girls also in Puebla, Tlaxcala and the Ecatepec municipality in Estado de Mexico.

Network is huuuge. Isolated in Juarez?! Give me a break. You must be falling to what media spoon feeds you in the mouth.

Also, nobody talks about people (Mexican and Americans as well) appearing out of nowhere with no recollection of who they are.

British rape gangs most likely. They are in Europe too.

rape and murder in mexico
> you dont say.....
no care kek

>subhuman mestizo rapin and killin
Wow, biggest "mystery" ever...

There are many rumors that have been going on over the years. I personally think that being a bordertown has something to do with it. Someone could have been crossing the border. The first victim was a teenager, shiwed signs of " grotesque, sexualuzed torture" , they need to go back to the first victim to understand.


In the turd world, it's to your benefit to be born ugly as fuck.

You'd be surprised how easy is to give ride to young women who work in factories. I've done it, just slow my car and say "you need a ride"? They all say yes, since most walk either before dawn or after dark.

From all girls I've given a ride, I literally ended up in a cheap hotel fucking like 35% of the ones I pick up. Some are single moms, others just without future.

>be me
>live in a border town in Mexico
>border towns are filled with these kind of factory women.

Sounds plausible

If it's a big network spread over several cities, this would indicate to me it's some kind of cult perhaps similar in nature to spirit cooking/pizzagate. Maybe the women are killed as part of some sacrifice.

>Also, nobody talks about people (Mexican and Americans as well) appearing out of nowhere with no recollection of who they are.
What happens to those people, do you have any links about it? Not doubting you, just interested in learning more about this.

This shit is like real life true detective with their network of Tuttle schools.But you cannot deny that killings are not a simple random rape/torture, there is some "culture" to it, some twisted shit, i.e taking a cut hair for example, this is a trophie.

Hey Cletus, sometimes these networks abducts American women who cross here. Most end up the same way, your govt keep it hush-hush while victims families wonder why no one cares even about those Americans


You have a corrupt police department, human trafficking, the sex trade, and drug cartels. It is the perfect storm for serial killers. Juarez has probably attracted serial killers from all over the world.
You want to solve the crimes; first you have to eliminate the organized crime, and police corruption then you can work on the killers. You can't cure cancer by removing the lose cells but leaving the tumor.

>Murder of Mark Kilroy
>two suspects remain at large
>since 1989


Many reporters have ended dead for uncovering a network of human trafficking, organ harvest, and pedophilia.

The weird thing is, eveytime the trail gets cold, these killings appear somewhere else. And yes, in Puebla there was a Pizzagate-like case. In Tlaxcala and Tamaulipas girls are abducted for slave sex, one girl escaped from an undergound dungeon where she was kept for years! That's easy to google.

About links of mysterious appearances, I would need to check. What happens is that this is mostly reported in social media or by small news outlets. They all appear shaken, crying, middle-aged, don't remember who they are. Always in borde towns. They can be Mexican or Americans.


Netflix ‘Narcos’ Location Scout Shot and Killed in Mexico

>Mexican location scout Carlos Muñoz Portal was shot to death in a violent region in central Mexico Monday while scouting for season four of Netflix’s hit show “Narcos.” The seasoned scout, who worked for Stacy Perskie’s Mexico City-based production company Redrum, has a slew of high profile credits to his name, including, “Sicario,” “Spectre,” “Fast & Furious” and “Apocalypto.”

Again, this not only happens in Juarez.

Google "Ecatepec" or any other city plus the word "feminicidio".

Ciudad Juarez is only the most famous for you Americans, there are far more and in other places.

Street gangs that serve cartels kidnap women to sell into drug trade or prostitution, as well as sex slavery to cops, soldiers and cartel VIPs. They kill them when they know too much or aren't useful anymore, usually taking some time to torture them for good measure.

Then, when there's enough public outrage, the cops pick up some low-level grunts from the gang and charge them for the murders. Or they pick up random citizens and torture them into confessing, if that's what the cartel wants. That's why the murders never seem to stop, there's always numerous gang soldiers ready to take up the task.

Check Sup Forums you fucking preteen twink. You can fuck off

>good riddance

Also, been telling you Americans that those Netflix or Hollywood movies/series about cartels are gaining more attention from actual cartels. But Liberals need to make some money out of Mexican tragedy, huh? They're coming after those snowflakes.

sounds like they can save themselves if they make their hair curly.


More things change more they stay the same.

Why are some of you pussies so afraid to go to Juarez. I cross the bridge there at least twice a month and I have never had any issues. Don't be a typical dick head American, mind your own business, and don't engage in shady shit and you won't have any issues.

Also, nice to you Juarez idiots butthurt about the wall and end of DACA.

death must be preferable to a perm.

Same in Europe, some things change other keep the same. Or will they?

One thing is clear, this cannot be solved legally. This cannot be fought openly, if you get close, you get killed, like they did with No More org woman. This has to be fought covertly, undercover, systems have to be hacked, forensic data stolen, families interviewed anonymously, the perpetrators have to be picked and taken out one by one.

Except that in those days they weren't killing qt3.14s

Do not try to slide it, faggot, this thread is about serial murders

People have already done that not only in the case of female killings. Also with other issues (not reported in CNN). Mexico govt keeps tabs on the internet within Mexican IPs, China style, except internet and SMS messages and telephone is not forbidden but closely under surveillance. You'd be surprised.

Sometimes the govt gives IP data (like address and such) of people or reporters affecting things like this or cartel activities. It is quite common, as secretive as they want to do research, they always know. Famous cases? Female reporter killed and raped afterwards in Mexico City. Female reporting of shootings in Nuevo Laredo appeared dismembered (the famous one with the white thong still on). These data were given by govt.

Imagine we're like Africa, but with American level of surveillance. That's Mexico. Try doing detective work here.

Does Bill Clampton have a summer home in Juarez?
If not, he should definitely get one.

Rape tourism is a thing here you know, foreingers pay top dollars to ride with the bad guys, rape an unsupected victim who will later be disposed, and get away with it, it gets buried in a mountain of other cases, and the police also gets a cut.

It has spread out to other states though, it's just harder to keep track of since it's all over the place now.

That's what I've been saying. This is not a Ciudad Juarez thing, this comes and goes in different states or regions as I have stated above.

You Americans think this doesn't happen in Acapulco, Cancun or other upscale resorts as well. No wonder you never got the Zodiac.

Mexico is a failed state.

No one is sliding anything.

Yes Mexico is corrupt as fuck, but if you don't act like a fucking idiot of do shady shit in Mexico then you will be okay.

how many of them have you killed? Just curious


>caring the murder rate of one city (population 1.3 million) and all of US (population 373 million)

A sinister network of sophisticated thugs is kidnapping, raping, and murdering young local women you say? Are there any US military bases in Mexico?

What's the point of rape when you kill them after you came?

>check flag
>check own flag

Kek, none. I only have fun with them.

But seriously, it is amazingly easy if you know the terrain to pick them up so easily. Poor factory-working young females are a mix of naive, desperate, party-goers, stupid, and gold-diggers.

They get drunk, don't care if you use condom or not, some are married, two times they passed out while taking them home.

>be me
>admire Hannibal Lecter
>I'm not a pleb
>calm down since border towns are small

No. Mexico is one of the few countries without US military base. There should be though.

mfw this is what the few non murderous beaners tell themselves to sleep at night

This behaviour only makes sense in the context of an ongoing war.
You want to destroy the reproduction capabilities of your enemy, yet soldiers want to loot and pillage too (have fun).
I don't know what kind of war is going on in Mexico though, could be just an effect of a degenerate society devouring itself.
But the numbers are pretty high so I tend to believe there is some kind of war going on there.