Will vox commit suicide now Micro Chip is on his shit
Will vox commit suicide now Micro Chip is on his shit
Vox is going to jail.
What did Mastersoulful Dark-Messiah of Supreme Evily Evil do now?
whos that woman looks hot
He's been talking shit about the Jews while living in Europe, that's a loaded gun at his head. Now he's fucking with gab.ai and someone decided to split his grape with that gun.
This is so fucking funny vox hired a lawyer to sue GAB in the wrong state LOLOLOL
Literally who?
Explain further. What happened to gab? Also please answer
Quick rundown for those of us not obsessed with ecelebs
>Micro Chip
What's Micro Chip?
Vox s was trolling gab and got made and tried to sue GAB for user addresses like a faggot GAB refused so he payed a lawyer to sue GAB but it was in the wrong state LOL
Vox got called a pedo by I believe Andrew anglin and he was whining about how gab wouldn't remove the post. He went on to try to sue gab because it's libel and him just being accused of it means he can have his kids taken away which he says is a law in Texas i guess.
Vox Day, former pickup artist, now famous for Gamer Gate. Styles himself Supreme Dark Lord. E celebrity, sells books.
Vox is fucking with gab.ai, the Twitter clone that is the only place that /ourguys/ like weev and Anglin can chill and talk about niggers.
So, some people are taking vox out.
Not quite, vox doesn't live in Texas, but the pedo accusations cut him deeply enough that he sperged out
Then cunt started trolling GAB so she got the rope
And the "pius" Christian lacks the humility to outright admit that he made an hasty oversight. The fucker spend 30 minutes laying tracks that he can backpedal on in a few week when his case falls apart and he can say "see, I said this was going to happen WEEKS ago. Aren't I smart?" He can't admit that he was wrong. He's an anti-social aspie like his dumbass convict father. He's find when he sticks to talking about war dynamics, but I've started to realize he's just parroting what his buddy Van Creveld says, and he's otherwise pretty boring, and the punchabilitiy of his face is becoming more and more obvious. He said he's never even heard of Jonathan Bowden, and he has the nerve to pontificate about the Alt-Right.
I'm glad he started doing those parascopes. His true nature has revealed itself with the increased exposure. He's an of touch, old man now, and the mental problems that obviously run in he family are starting manifest. He's be in jail on some "principled stand" like his dad in a few years.
Probably because they are true
>Vox Day, former pickup artist, now famous for Gamer Gate. Styles himself Supreme Dark Lord. E celebrity, sells books.
Pfff... This lame drama has nothing to do with us then.
> weev and Anglin
Not /ourguys/. Just parasites stealing content from Sup Forums for shekels.
>former pickup artist
I demand proof. That would put a whole new spin on his faggot-tism
Who the fuck moves from the USA to Italy? Vox isn't a pastanigger himself, so he had to run for some reason.
Are you literally saying that the Daily Stormer isn't /ourguys/? The spirochetes are curled pretty fucking tight around your brain, I recommend suicide.
not our guy his wife needs a rope
Vox Day of Alpha Game
>Are you literally saying that the Daily Stormer isn't /ourguys/?
Do you have reading problems?
Vox was in the pickup artist scene? Man that kind of lowers my opinion of him...
You sound pretty retarded unless you're going for the fed angle. Anglin and Weev are an integral part of the diverse tapestry that makes the internet great.
I don't think they're employed by some deep state operative. I just think (correctly) that they are not /ourguys/.
Go astroturf somewhere else.
Why would he talk poorly of jewish people? Arent they based and pretty cool?
vox is having papers filed on him at Interpol
Weev is ok. Don't know about the other guy.
can ii get a quick rundown
not our guy
Next thing you'll tell me therightstuff.biz are /ourguys/ too. No, fuck off.
All these leeches do is steal content from Sup Forums. They're meme recyclers. They'd be nothing without Sup Forums, so they can fuck off.
And you have to fuck off too.
You're just pissed because they'd stuff your Gyppo ass in the oven. Pic related.
>the diverse tapestry
I thought you stormbooboos hated diversity (rhetorical)
>Anglin makes the internet great
Yea the ladyboy lover certainly knows how to serve up keks, I'll give you that.
I actually look up to Vox (dear god he wasn't really in the PUA scene was he)?
I think people like weev and himself are involved in stuff we cant grasp. They are probably shaping the future you know.
Weev reckons the next war will be won by the best image processing coders for instance (For drone recognition).
They know shit we don't.
shut the fuck up vox you fucking
haHA epic bantz bro xD
Fuck off.
Vox Day (pickup artist and general cringefag) got made because some people on gab.ai called him names. So he filed legal papers to force gab to dox them. Now the internet is going to fuck vox up for it.
Have you done your daily squats yet ?
That's a slav thing, so...
Did that pic hit close to home, Gyppo? Is putting those girls on the corner how you get drinking money? This is a safe space, you can tell us.
Wow. Yeah...what a fucking asshole. Trying to make impressionable kids radicalize. What a piece of garbage.
Nick Land has been saying the same thing for years.
thank you
Vox does not live in Texas nor does he live in Italy. He's a liar.
I know. Aren't you all related though ?
You pakis sure are polite.
Doubling down on being retarded isn't a great strategy. They actually push an agenda and they would push that agenda with or without this site. That's the key difference between the Nazi LARPers and the Milo/Gavins.
Vox Day Alpha Game
So fucking alpha bro
Some of the guys in Moldova sure. But I'm not from Moldova. We like to sit when we drink.
Could just be where those corps are headquartered
>Next thing you'll tell me therightstuff.biz are /ourguys/ too. No, fuck off.
>All these leeches do is steal content from Sup Forums.
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.
"Coincidence detector brought to you by therightstuff.biz, not Sup Forums"
Who gives a fuck about that cunt?
Your new is showing.
They're cancer.
I can't believe how badly this guy fucked up. Just as he was making moves to mainstream himself in the alt-right, doing parascopes to get more recognition, and making moves to develop content engines, he JUSTS himself, and makes everyone hate him, except for those fringe warhammer/bargain-bin scifi nerds who were already his loyal Dark Evilnaut Death Legion Minions of Ultimate Doomâ„¢
go away leaf
No. I'm here to violate your safe space.
Public records have him in Florida
Principled stand my ass. He'll be shitcanned by the hate speech laws in Eurolag land soon enough. Can't wait for that one. Muhammad will have quite a bit of fun with his asshole, but I'm sure he's already well trained in that regard thanks to Thernobitch porking him every other night.
all jew pedo squad
I kek'd.
Is this shit real? Always was a little suspicious of Weev, he's a fed if that's a real post.
Go back to sucking Vox's cock you braindead faggot. The Nazis serve a purpose. How the fuck do you think Ghandi won? Simple, he pointed to the equivalent of his "Nazis" and told the Brits "Either deal with me or you will have to deal with Them."
You NEED hardcore fanatics to scare the elite into dealing with the more reasonable factions. Without a fanatical faction to put the fear of God into the (((establishment))) they will just continue to suppress and marginalize us without fear.
Voxday has supreme intelligence and will outsmart all his retarded adversaries on Gab.ai.
I've never said a nice thing about Vox. I don't know what you're losing your mind about. Ghandi won because the British homeland was in fucking ruins and the empire had lost the ability to project power. His methods were mostly irrelevant because any method would have worked.
So was Cernobitch
It's a huge red flag
The PUA scene has a bunch of people looking for a "solution", it's a natutal expansion from there to self help and to dissident political movements.
E book (((merchants))) should be viewed with suspicion at best and gassed most probably. They're always looking for money.
Vox Day
>muh big autistic brain
>muh roastie wife
>muh alt-right points
>muh tri-racial
Mah guh mindset
chomos and fags need the rope
Microchip is doing god's work everyday on twitter. Are you?
ITT stormcucks still pissed that Andrew Anglin lost the debate to Vox's superior intellect. Give it up nazi scum, you don't stand a chance. Pic related.
So that's what that annoying fuck looks like?
the supreme dark evil big brain nigga lord is hopefully going to literally kill himself over this
Wasn't it just some random dudes who called him a pedo on gab so he wanted to sue gab for their IP so he could then sue the random guys for defamation. Pretty sure all Angloon did was attack Vox for this because he likes gab and Vox told his own supporters to call him opponents pedophiles earlier.
it's called shifting the Overton Window, friend
>he wants to kill feds
>he must be a fed
What did SB do?
His ChiChiMeca genes coming through
All Native Americans have cruelty issues
Gypsy pls go
You are all fucked by messing with Voxday. You have no idea what he is capable of. He never gives up and never gives in. You're all fucked.
>call him opponents pedophiles
Vox said if someone calls you a racist, call him a pedophile. The point was to show how ridiculous they are using "racist" as an all-purpose attack, by hitting them back with a bigger one.
Was the next step in his instruction to get sued by his victims for libel?