The Geman is immunized against all dangers: one may call him autistic, warmonger, destroyer of Europe, war criminal, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a German and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “Refugees Welcome!”
The Geman is immunized against all dangers: one may call him autistic, warmonger, destroyer of Europe, war criminal...
>The Geman
Agreed Alberto, those filthy gemans have to be destroyed
don't be like that, it's only an r
>call him a Nazi*
jews are the war mongers, not germans, also you copied a nazi quote
Trusting (((France))) with all that land...
You have my full support. Europe would be a much better place without them.
>German is immunized
>Not France
>Not Sweden
>Not America
>Not England.
No, no.. it's just Germany.
I expected nothing less from someone who lives in the world-famous not-spain, capital idontgiveafuck.
Of course someone like you suffers under the Leonardo Syndrome and has to make these kind of remarks.
D&C Jew.
Pal, portuguese were from all europeans, next to germans, serbs, spanish, and russians the people that most supposed crimes commited world wide. Specially when you enslaved half of the world you conquered.
Giving Poland or France that much land
>it all runs off him like water off a raincoat
like urine off a wool sweater
Medry Chrdistmas! Allahu Akbar!
--t. islamic truxk ofd pieces
I really don't want to share a border with Poland.
>Specially when you enslaved half of the world you conquered
Are we supposed to feel bad about that?
Check this out Sup Forums, krauts are literally insane. And they fucking have the guts to question our hatred towards them.
-Arab rape baby
yes, of course it is the "Germans" who think this way...-.- honestly, i don't know a single Person in real life who thinks like this, it is only th e newspapaers repeating shit over and over again.
Stop shilling against Germans, all u Jews.
>70 IQ snownigger logic
They (spanish and portuguese) smashed the arabs also. German crusaders and portuguese crusaders what a genoc combo
Hans will do anything to try and get out of giving you the 1 Trillion they owe your fine country