Sup Forums why doesn't the U.S consider allowing large numbers of Slavs to immigrate into the United States in order to reverse the current and ongoing displacement of White People as majority by Latinos?
I know that Slavs are crap, but at least they're white, and surely they're better than the Latinos, esp Mexicans
Slavic Mass Immigration into U.S.A
Because Slavs have better things to do than move to 63% white-land
Listen here Paki, in your shit hole you probably don't know what a white person looks like. Don't talk shit bro, or I'll send your Brit-wanna be ass packing!
>but at least they're white
good idea, burgers on Sup Forums have such huge boner for slavs, can't wait to have them enriched
facts, we love our slavs. we have the best slavs. we want all the salvs.
I'm more white than you'll ever be you mongrel.
ask the Brits, maybe they got some spare
Slavs have the worst birthrates in the world, even worse than Japan or Germany
it may stall the decline for a decade or two but it would ultimately be a futile endeavor
We don't have enough zoos to house them all
>tfw being slav drinking beer, drive BMW and smoking weed on dutchcucks taxpayer neetbux while doing their women.
>t. 61%
This is the life
Haha why you so mad? Your barely white land doesn't deserve Slavs
Can we trade slavs for muzzies?
(Slav women, anyway.)
How about 5 muslims for one slav girl? That seems fair
We don't accept payments in garbage.
No Slav with his wits together would consider moving to US at this time.
Slavs are needed in their own lands to serve as a buffer and the inevitable last whites of Europe.
Besides everyone who comes here ends up fat, diabetic, and retarded within two generations.
Why would I want to live in that hellhole of yours? Yeuch!
Slavs don't want to move to your shitty country, it's not about would you "allow" them in or not
We have plenty of slavs, well at least here in NJ.
If you go into Union county there are Slavic neighborhoods where all the business signs are written in Polish or whatever language it is, mostly Poles; but there is also a large concentration of Hungarians too.
Chicago has tons of Poles.