What do you say to the Native Americans?

So Pol, what do you say to a Native American that believes the White man took their lands? They want it back. They think they are oppressed.

I'll trade you a bottle of Smirnoff and a live-strong bracelet for you land, Chief Skalpem Redskin.

what do they not understand about the fact they lost and will never be able to anything to change that except for begging for gibs

Might is right

If they want their land back, they can go ahead and try

have them prove they're an American citizen first and also a title for the land they allegedly lost.

You can't steal from people who never had a concept of ownership.

Get a job, you fucking bum.

Natives don't even make this shit. Have any of you ever met an actual native and not some dumbass white person marking as one? There's like fucking 10 of them still in existence.

"My land," my how quickly do they forget they had no concept of ownership of land

Should have killed them all. Our bad.

If them fuckers don't want tax free casino profits I will happily take that shit. No questions asked.

You can go hunt buffalo and do your ooga booga dance in your fucking desert and I will collect ducats from drunk poor white gamblers while refilling their free drinks and shrimp buffet.

Fucking redskins got it made in the shade with that casino shit. Quit yer bitchin.

My grandmaw is part injun and she gives 0 fucks.

They are not "native" to America, they were just here first.... And lost

Get a job

I have meet plenty of natives, maybe you should go out more.

No you haven't you lying faggot

>What do you say to the Native Americans?

depends on where the where in south america yes in north america not so much as the tribes where located mostly in the western parts.

also the already got there reperations for the crimes of our ancestors.

You are entitled to govern and rule all the land you can aquire and maintain control over.
You can start anytime you like.

But I thought these noble savages had no concept of ownership?

Nobody alive today was responsible for this.

>this land belongs to the indians
>mississippi tribe has a town named Tucker
these people totally respect their own cultures...

You've seriously never met a native before? There's quite a few more than 10 lmfao. There's more alive now than before they were genocided by disease brought by Europeans 200 years after Europeans found America.

I'm 5% native American by DNA, descended from a tribe that the French bribed a bigger tribe with horses, weapons and ammo to wipe and starve out by occupying their lands - because they refused to capitulate, compromise, or even negotiate with the Europeans and even had a nasty habit of beheading yt's messengers.

Prairie Niggers that buy marxist noble savage myths can go fuck themselves, senpai. Did it to themselves, the fucking cretins.

>White man took their lands
I remember some beads changing hands...

My father is half native American. He left me at the age of 1, those guys are stereotypically shitty dads. Im happy its the US now. Its also great because liberals get so triggered with their oppression olympics, Because its apparent blacks werent nigh exterminated. Unlike an entire continent.

i say that they had no land. America was born on the coast, and spread over his land, because he was killed by disease, and the superior weaponry of the colonists. On top of this, there were no sovereign nations on north america, the tribes (even without americans fucking them) didn't have the manpower to enforce any borders

Go back to Siberia, this is Yankee land now

>There's like fucking 10 of them still in existence.

I live in Canada, we have 8 million of them.

You lost. Same as we say to the Abo's

The native Americans can fuck off back to Siberia, the U.S is rightful bison clay.

what do you get when you put 32 white people in one room??? a full blooded Indian! hahahaha

get it? cause everyone claims they're small part Indian related bloodline bullshit

You can't claim something you can't defend

Yeah but I have birth certificates and 23 and me and shit to back it up, so yeah.

Which natives should we give it to?

Tell him I want my beads back in return

Everyone has done errors in the past. They should care about the present right now

Drove through Cherokee NC. Nice little town/reservation. They are making bank off of tourists. Museum, cultural shows, and a CASINO. NOT to mention all the little trade shops selling "genuine" Indian goods.

Imperialism is great until someone else does it better than us, than well cry and cry and cry some more about being loosers. This is pretty much the native american story. This narrative of a peaceful people etc is annoying. Those fucking savages were brutal to each other, go read a book faggot.

what do you get when you put 32 white people in one room


they dont think any of that and we already pay them money every month out of our taxes so they can shut the fuck up.

Tough shit. We took it and decided to let your ancestors live.

The next time, we will not let anyone live who isn't us. That's one lesson the modern day is teaching all of us.

No more half measures.

go suck a dick, that's what i'll tell them
land you get by force, not in any other way

annddd /thread.

Every native american I have met has long moved past the point of actually giving a fuck. Like given up 3-4 generations ago. They just want to be left alone


it's proof that unless we want aliens to do us all in like that we'd better invest more in space exploration

>They want it back. They think they are oppressed.
Come and take it like we did. Right of conquest.

This is bullshit. All these tribes were killing each other before the white man came. There was no unified Indian land.

They aren't native. The immigrated here too.

The weak should fear the strong.

A lot of indians tribes had a sacred view of war, they were really violents and invaded others tribes too.

That's what humans do,expand and erase other cultures, how much civilisations have disappeared without traces because they met at some point a much stronger ennemy?

The earth belong to no one, if you have the power to take it, you take it, the fact that an other civilisation has been here longer than you doesn't matter.

They have casinos now, ignorant burger. It's Cheif Changeforabuck now.

Pick one

Sure you do. I bet you're 1/16 Cherokee. Because every self-hating white pretends to be that exact tribe and fraction.

And before you go to the blankets, germ theory wasn't understood until the Indians were long dead

Vae victis.
What else here to say? Maybe that they should be grateful to wypipo for leaving them some of they clay to live instead of wiping them out.

Like others have said, these memes are made by city liberals, the actual Indians are too busy counting their casino money

My grandparents live next to a indian reservation when I was going up. Plus my high school used to play them in sports. I've seen hundreds of Indians growing up

History's biggest sore losers?

Genocide them. You conquered them and they have nothing to say.

Of course I have seen natives, my aunt it's one, like 100% native blood that has never left the desert and looks like something out of NatGeo.

Shoulda fought harder, corn monkey.

If they want to have it, they could buy the land if they had enough money.

Also meant to say "That'll be 14.88 for that handle of Taaka vodka, Chief DrinksALot."

I typically point, laugh, and explain to them what the wheel is.

We stole your land tonto.

You want it back? Come and get it...

That's what I thought, shut the fuck up drunkie

Whites have more of a right to the land, no matter how you look at it.

If conquest isnt a legitimate way of acquiring land, then the natives had no right to it, because there is a long history of natives taking the land from one another. All of those living on the continent had acquired their land this way. If it was legitimate, then theres no question to stsrt with because we took it from them. Thete is also no original settler natives for us to pass it over to.

Siberian immigrants BTFO. The land belongs to the people who built it AKA Whites


there is a big difference between natives and mestizos.

I seem to recall someone selling their land for beads.

I thought wild pure indians were extinct?

Nah, we graciously gave them swaths of land and money they had no right to out of our generosity.

Here's a bottle of whiskey chief, are we good?

Just like Varg Vikernes I say America belongs to the Native Americans
They are part Asian and part European, which is one of the better mixes.

I also noticed that someone who is half asian and half European reminds me of how a Native American looks like

Casino really only gets money from the shows now a days. No real money from gambling because of regulations and decline in people actually gambling.

But yes we make bank of tourism.
As this post says it's only whites trying to be offended for other races. We don't care about the land.

Honestly, it's the major flaw with American Nationalists, they think that it's justified to call that land as their own

Me vai a decir que nunca has visto uno

The game of conquest is played for keeps. Sorry guys.


Like 1 or 5 and they're not sharing. Like typical savages.

> doesn't believe in land ownership
> "why are you taking our land"

I guess that tribal totemist society should have inventer guns and canons. Oh wait, that's not how civilisation works.

I'm white but my family has been here for 400 years now. I always ask leftists (as we've already established in this thread it's almost always cucked whites making these arguments) at what point is this just considered my country and homeland too. It's kind of funny because they'll say that a first or second generation African in London is "quintessentially British" but my family has been here for hundreds of years and yet somehow I'm living on stolen land. At some point you just have to move on and recognize that it happened in the past and there's nothing you can do about it.

No él pero el 99% de los "nativos" que he visto son en verdad mestizos.

Also, this could be cosmic vengence for those genocided viking settlers. Payback's a bitch, ain't it?

this guy gets it

>So Pol, what do you say to a Native American that believes the White man took their lands?

Natives Americans were in America first, that is true, but they couldn't handle the diseases and opposition of the new colony settlers. The colonies got up to ten percent of Africans for sugar production because NA's susceptibility to diseases. Africans and early settlers actually made America, not Native Americans.

You sold your land for shiny beads if I remember correctly.

Dude, I'm Cherokee and I literally don't give a flying fuck about some shit that happened over 200 years ago. People need to stop crying and bitching about the past this type of thing has happened everywhere. At some point in time pretty much every civilization was conquered, history is dark and if you haven't realized that yet you're a fucking retard

''I can also add, to all the Americans today, the America was never a problem to anybody as long as it was a Native American land. We can NOT say the same about the “European” USA.''

Our high court had the opportunity to say that in Queensland v Mabo (No 2). They instead traded one legal fiction for another. Read the dissenting opinion of Dawson J, he came pretty close to saying we conquered the Abos. If the majority had decided that the Abos had been conquered, native title rights wouldn't exist now.

They're welcome to try if they want

>Indians were enlightened primitive communists who didn't believe in concepts like the owning land
>white people stole the land that belonged to the Indians

Pick one leftists

I suggest, you, to apologize to them and comfort them with warm blankets.

There are more injuns alive today than when whites first began colonizing.

I am of Celtic descent. Celts originated from Central Europe.

Does that mean I can go to Central Europe and kick out all of the ethnic groups which pushed Celts westward?

How do you distinguish how from how?

What do you get when you put five black people in a room?
Three people!

Since you asked......LARPING Cherokee that I am, BLM can get the fuck in line for gib me dats.....we got hosed bad.....trail of tears resettlement was pure white greed.....complete bullshit....to this day the bureau of indian affairs is nothing more than a way to keep the Nations oppressed. No tax break is worth what they put us through.....and the united States government will never make it right.

I don't think the Nations have been oppressed, I know that they have been oppressed. My great grandmother had to have my grandfather & great uncle at home because if she had gone to a hospital, they would have forcefully sterilized her after delivery....