Why are most white nationalists the lowest of the low of society?

Why are most white nationalists the lowest of the low of society?

Most tend to be lower class.

How can you claim to be a master race when you yourself are a failure?

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>white nationalism
>belief that whites are a "master race"

El picko uno. Get your shitposts straight.

How does this vid look? Elsa and another White girl getting gangbanged by Asian men.


The working class make the society. From the top, you're blind.

Black dicks look like feces, btw.

>The working class make the society
So do white collar workers? What is your point? Stop shilling for blue collar workers and "muh working class".

Nobody wants to stay working class. Its shit. Anyone with a brain who was born into working class family will work their way up to a white collar job.

>blue collar workers think they deserve my respect

lmfao who wants to watch shrimp dicked gooks fuck anything

Great question OP, you are not at all a homosex, essentially in times of crisis people tend to rally around the tribe or in the modern parlance, race.
Notice many of the hardcore black nationalist supporters don't tend to be captains of industry themselves. I also noted you omitted this from your sad attempt at bait. Well here's your answer, and it's true. Ill let you get back to penises now.

ill contribute if u arent a slider/data mining, proof and post 5 times minimum

not bumping

>lmfao who wants to watch shrimp dicked gooks fuck anything

lots of them since there are so many vids of Asian guys fucking White women - just type in AMWF into any tube sites and see for yourself.

Pay jew taxes and fight in jew wars. Good luck with that happening. We are spent. Find another protector because we are moving on and learning to operate outside the system now. Doesn't mean we have lowered our standard of living, only the money following to you.

yeah and the other 3 trillion of white men decimating gook women. this one is actually a reflection of reality

>3 trillion of white men decimating gook women

are you that delusional that you think there is any huge # of white men with 'asian' females nevermind that the vast majority of those 'asian' females are from 3rd world nations in SE Asia like Thailand/Phillipines.

Here is something that will blow your mind : There are more Asian men with White females WORLDWIDE than the opposite.

The absolute state of jewish supremacy

I love burger threads

You can't get to the top as a rich white nationalist, start screaming about Jews destroying our culture and heritage, and expect to keep whatever reputation or wealth you had. The whole system is rigged against white people. I hate this argument.

it isn't even half as much lmao

Most of us keep our power level hidden to avoid reprisals.

If you openly proclaim to be a white nationalist at a higher status level you will lose your job instantly. The same doesn't hold for jewish / black / hispanic / asian nationalism. So you will naturally see only dumb fucks who have nothing to lose openly support it.

Because only those in the upper classes have careers they don't want to sacrifice?

Atm you're just hearing the loudest voices - which as of this time are more or less the only ones speaking.

Conduct a completely anonymous study on this subject, and then we'll talk.

>it isn't even half as much lmao

Are you serious that you think the US (which is the stats you posted) = world? FYI : Russia and China share a border longer than the US / Canada. This is what happens there


And even in your own graph, it shows 500k+ marriages. Do you know how tiny that is?

then you show me some stats rice nigger

>general statement that confirms my belief
>fellow white people why are "shit I just said again slightly different" amirite?!?

300 Million Chinese live in Northern China which is about the entire population of US
100 Million Russians like in Far East Siberia/Russia

Nevermind all the asiatic Central Asians who live in Central Asia (in all the -stan countries) and Russia. For example, I am sure you heard of the Russian pop group TATU - here is the lead singer of that group with her Asian boyfriend.

>Russian pop group TATU - here is the lead singer of that group with her Asian boyfriend.

The world is a big place and doesnt only revolve around the US.

check out what she looks like post plastic surgery

found the middleclass commie cuckold that has never had a job

kek btfo! Hes just mad that elsa fucks all types of dicks for money, not just nigs. Then again user prolly also thought she was doing it all out of preference and not money.