>Young Queen found dead in freezer
>White people try and cover up her murder
>CCTV show her just walking around and exploring hotel
>And boom she dead
Some body gotta pay for this!
>Young Queen found dead in freezer
>White people try and cover up her murder
>CCTV show her just walking around and exploring hotel
>And boom she dead
Some body gotta pay for this!
nice thumbnail faggot
literally who gives a fuck about some frozen nogsicle. you literally slid a thread off the board for this garbage
i hope your happy
Isn't this the dumb bitch who got shitfaced and literally walked into the fridge and got trapped? In full view of CCTV cameras?
>CCTV show her just walking around and exploring hotel
>she put herself in the fridge
She wanted to keep her cool
>/x/ here
Is this panoramal?
In a Secure, Contain, Protect, thread, mebbe...
The movie Frozen and Elsa larping is actually really big in the underground African American community right now.
She obviously walked drugged out into a walk in freezer and accidentally closed the door.
>"it doesn't make sense."
>"I would like to exploit this person's death based on scant evidence to further a fictitious narrative."
Don't kids die all the time by getting trapped in fridges?
>can't afford the hotel so decides to freeze herself so that when she wakes up she will have more gibs because future n shiet
Nigger tears and outrage over nothing is delicious. Fuck off leaf.
#kennekajenkins nigger twitter aka twigger is going apeshit crazy. There has been a march to the FBI building demanding a federal investigation for fuck sake.
I find this funny and relevant to pol. And you can go suck off a chink or moose you literal canadian.
Nothing of value was lost.
She was just chillin' when the authorities found her.
most walk in freezers don't have locking mechanisms that can't be unlocked from the inside.
I think it was probably demons or something
It happens, the bigger question is why build a freezer where you can't get out from the inside
they paid for the hotel room with a stolen credit card
she looks drunk as fuck
Faggot flag fighting for niggers... This smells like bait.
When the fuck will nigger chimp out this time?
>all the time?
I don't think it's that common, but damn I loved jumping into our huge freezer when I was a kid...and crawling into the clothes dryer and flipping myself in circles...and sitting on a skateboard backwards as I roll down a hill with cars.
I don't know how I'm alive
>dumb bitch walks into a giant hotel freezer and locks herself in
>oh no it must be the white man who did this!
>stolen credit card
Gotta cool down and get rid of that heat though.
imagine being such a stupid little nigger spawn that you get drunk, wander around a hotel, and then decide to sleep in a freezer
jesus christ, are they even sentient?
Sometimes the locks can be broken. I worked someplace with a broken lock once. Was dodgy af.
More likely she was high af and just could figure out how to open it.
>felon factory levels up to nigcicle
>pol becomes inspector gadget
you're just helping the leeches turn publicity into gibs
or she could have simply fell asleep.
>CCTV show her just walking around and exploring hotel
aka trespassing and looking for shit to steal
Who gives a fuck have you honestly never seen a dead nigger before they kill each other daily you stupid cunt
>you literal canadian
No evidence of foul play. Why don't we use our resources to search for real murderers.
>In full view of CCTV cameras?
no video of her walking into the freezer
Makes me think of the elevator footage of Elisa Lam acting haunted in an elevator before she crawled into the hotel water tank, died, and wasn't found until the guests complained the water was foul.
yaas queen slay!!!
>she put herself in the fridge
this is a new one
They have her walking right through the kitchen where the freezer is
She was drunk off her ass and thought the freezer was a good place to take a nap
I think that's the old school fridges that had a locking latch on the front to keep the door sealed.
>seen a dead nigger before they kill each other daily you stupid cunt
fuck of chink. you dont even make sense anymore.
She died because of her mothers witchcraft
so why not release the video of her walking into the freezer?
No camera angle there
Cameras were motion activated
She successfully conducted a sneaking mission to the freezer.
wow, she was thicc.
Was it to prove she wasn't Jewish ?
Walk into freezer. no handle on the inside.
Door can be pushed open from the inside.
Vapor lock, negative pressure, makes it hard to open, but it isn't locked
Drugged dumbass freezes to death.
What did they expect? Their most advanced technology is more primitively than a muskrats home. No wonder she couldn't figure her way out.
Fucking poe's law. I don't know whether to laugh or believe you
she walks drunk as fuck.
Just another police coverup. Between Trump's kkk and them killing us on the streets this country is never safe for the black man until we taking overe. No ones going to not say shit until we're in power.
That shit was so creepy
nice one leaf
If this bullshit even goes beyond pretrial, states ought to secede and make a new America where judges that allow that kind of nonsense are tarred, feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.
Aside from the Black Jesus/Jah meme she is unironically right. Blacks are demon possessed and demonic influence lead her to an hero in that freezer:
She was a bit emotionally unhealthy and on all kinds of anti depression meds.
It's funny how we can't find a single surveillance video of Seth Rich before he was murdered, yet this woman has shitloads of videos of her stumbling around drunk before she walked into a freezer
Really makes you think
its sad actually. they really believe its a conspiracy.
Another classic example of demonic suggested suicide. Fire guy at this years Burning Man is another.
she looks drunk and most common death connected to alcohol is freezing. your blood is diluted and your veins are widened, making you feel hot from the inside. coolest place in a hotel? to the freezer you go
damn laquisha had an ass
How the fuck do you get stuck in a freezer? Oh no, I literally came through a door, time to go back the way out. Get locked in some fucking how? Then there's that glow in the dark knob that you can turn that LITERALLY unscrews the lock straight off of the door from inside the freezer that has to be installed in every freezer due to regulations.
Fuck these nigs really do win some sweet Darwin awards. Then again, nobody can beat dumb ass water tank girl.
That Icicle stole my Bicycle
Demons aren't real.
She was drunk
t. demon
YOu don't get stuck. You nod out in an extremely adverse envrionment that unfortunately you 've found yourself in. If she was on that Lean or extremely intoxicated to where the poisoning affects of it hadn't quite hit yet then passing out in freezer while your system is depressed could easily slow everything down enough, way down, get it.
Don't be stupid, cooks, workers, management go in and out of freezers - they are called walk-ins cause you can walk in but also can walk out. They don't make them easily lockable for obvious reasons.
So a bunch of 'white people' try to cover up for a 'murder' of a nigger they have never met nor had contact with. Yeah, good one. KYS
>oh dear, this beautiful young girl with her whole life in front of her and so much potential just died
>i know, I'll go on Sup Forums and pretend to be all racist and shit, that'll be hilarious
>How the fuck do you get stuck in a freezer?
The same way how the fuck you die in the winter. By either being too old, or being too drunk.
Why's he fucking a burnt pile of shit?
Was it Major Force?
She looks drunk or on drugs.
She probably thought the freezer was her room.
>Walk into freezer. no handle on the inside.
Right what kind of freezer was this where she couldn't push the door back opened. I've worked in kitchens and yeah its like you said
>Door can be pushed open from the inside
>Vapor lock, negative pressure, makes it hard to open, but it isn't locked
>Drugged dumbass freezes to death.
Yeah she was a dumbass for sure.
You'd better burn down your neighborhoods, just to be safe.
Wasnt there a prediction a while back that said people were going to start killing themselves in strange ways around this time of year?
>federal investigation
More like a feral investigation
Gtfo she was a dumbass. The mother as well for raising a young dumbass druggie. If you're that drunk that you can't push yourway out of a fucking unlock freezer, you deserve to die.
Alcohol seems to have a different affect in women.
When women get really drunk they often don't know where they are...
This doesn't seem to happen much with men...
I don't know why, I'm not a scientest.
This is clearly all wypipo's fault!
Yeah seriously just look at her mother talk, she can barely speak english. Pretty sure stupidity runs in the family.
#Just Ice 4Kenneka
Women barely know where they are when they're sober, alcohol just makes it worse.
Nope. That burning man fuck was a drugged dumbass. So is this stupid nigger girl.
Everyone stop making excuses for retardation related deaths.
Is this true or did you make it up?
Where was the father during all of this?
>jesus christ, are they even sentient?
You mean sapient not sentient.
Sentient means you react to stimulus. Sapient means you have understanding or wisdom; a sense of self and thought.