If jews are Satan's people and they control all the evil and propaganda that's being shoved down our throats the moment were born, who are Gods people? Do they exist? Does good exist in this jew run world?
Jews thread
Synagogue of Satan.
Jews are/were God's chosen people, but many of the "jews" are actually part of the Synagogue of Satan.
Human sacrifices, sex magick, all that stuff is done by the SoS
Most people say the Ashkenazi are the satan worshippers on account of them following part of the Canaanite religion and worshipping Moloch, a gigantic satanic bull statue related to child sacrifice.
The other modern Jews are said to be the real Israelites unlike the Ashkenazi
Jew here. I wish the idiots like and could see how stupid they sound. Synagogues are open for anyone to come visit. Satan doesn't even exist in our holy books, how could we worship him? Amazes me how someone can be some dumb that they take figures from THEIR religion and impose it into other ones, lol.
the jews are god's people
god sucks
There was an interview some in 1977 by a jewish man claiming that yes they are Gods chosen people but their God is satan. That the biggest lie they ever told was that Jesus was a new, new was a religion rather than a race, and that they were gods chosen people. A jewish man admitted all this in an interview. If that's true, they couldn't be Gods chosen people, at least not our God. So who is Gods chosen?
Most of Israel isn't Ashkenazi.
Read the bible. Moses is Satan! Make Egypt great again!
Any versus?
>the ramblings of a single person represent the actual religion
>this is what retards actually believe...
Psychotic ramblings of a youtube video by some random idiot? Sure showed me, buddy.... If I slapped together some random images of Christianity and dicks would that mean you worship dicks?
Silly goyim, how can you not like Jews, just look at how fun and normal they appear.
It's already factual that jews go to countries, get in power, pump that country with propaganda bullshit to demoralize the country and continue on to run the country to shit communism. It's happened multiple times in the past and is continuing to happen in my country at this moment. So your opinion is completely invalid. Sit down and shut up kike.
It's not just "one random idiot." I linked many videos.
>who are Gods people?
Christians. You know it's true by how much seething hatred "jews" have for Jesus
>not actually factual
So we created capitalism, and then communism, then put them against each other through propaganda? Damn, if we're that smart, maybe we do deserve to "rule you like cattle"
Germanics are God's chosen, specifically Anglos
Chassidic Jews are closeted Sabbateans. Why do you think they rape so many kids?
Yes, you create both sides to the story so no matter what you win. Go find an oven to clean or something.
God I love hearing people like you. Always makes me wonder if you're just off your meds or something, hearing voices. Why do your priests keep diddling little boys and looking at child porn?
Damn, we're good! And this was all for the purpose of controlling everyone? Why didn't we do this to the blacks and the Asians? Are they smarter than the whites? Why don't I get invited to these secret planning meetings? Lel
Got to give it to them...killed them Messiah 2 times.
Oven still dirty, do a better job next time.
How could God be losing like this?
Priests still diddling your kids, do a better job next time. Maybe that's why you're so fucked up.... Did Father Murphey play "what's in my mouth" with you?
If you all actually begin to think and read what great philosophers and emperors have written, it will be not long before you realize that God is Logic.
Yes, Jews rule, and they do that with logic, not with magic or with God.
Jews were God's chosen people until Christ came. At that time point they worshipped money and power and began to behave as the goyim do.
All people are God's people now through Christ.
Jews deny Christ, so they are evil and should be destroyed.
Every religion was there to create people operating from a slave-mentality and collectivism.
"Thou shall not steal"
Meanwhile I do steal and cheat and lie, and I am evermore happy that I am born in times where 85% of people don't do it.
Oh please. There's something deeply mystical in the way Chassids keep molesting kids.
Also, you don't see ANY relationship between Sabbateanism and Cultural Marxism?
Dang, that dude is right, haha. You did get your pee pee touched by a priest....
What will happen if someone will convert to Judaism?
Will other jews help him to establish business or will they mock him even for being a convert?
How someone converted will find himself a jewish wife? Why would jewish female would want to marry a convert?
How does it work?
It's like any other religion, dude....