Reminder that THICC meme is a jewish PSYOP to promote nigger behavior and beauty standards on white women...

Reminder that THICC meme is a jewish PSYOP to promote nigger behavior and beauty standards on white women, while giving them shekels in the process.

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You mean like fake boobs or makeup?


Then meme it into obscurity and take the piss out of it like pic related.

I love watching old 80's and early 90's movies and seeing what we idiolized in women beauty back then. Like seeing Tony Montana and Manny in Scarface hit on girls at the beach, and they're literally walking sticks, no body, no ass, no tits. It's such a far cry to today.

Thicc is the shittiest meme and personally I suspect the people pushing it are the same people pushing body positivity on tumblr.


America is sick

Even though it goes back to prehistory?

Pls kys

Unfortunately someone has to bang all the fat asses, hags, and otherwise ugly bitches.
If whites don't do it niggers will.

Yeah that's the thing, love for THICC women is hardcoded into our genes.

Big boobs, thighs, and ass for childbearing and survival.

Our ancestors knew and valued this.

Testostelets detected

>artifacts made by primitive tribesmen who often starved leading to distorted perceptions of beauty.

*sigh* need to calibrate my instruments again



no, that that thicc. that is just sick and deformed.

Didn't say it was going to be me but someone has to or you start back g race mixing.

I like my chicks extra thicc tho.

Does this chick please you?

fucking closet pedos on this site i swear to god

ridiculous that someone would even try to justify their attractiveness. If you wanna be fat, and hate on skinny people, thats kinda gay but I guess I dont have enough of a problem with it to do anything about it. but I find it weird that they think an argument exists that would make me attracted to them.

>Like bit tits

No one can win with you faggots

I like a bit of chub (just a little bit) it's great to grab onto.

Damn the Jews must be super fucking smart then. And it really just shows they must be gods chosen if they get away with all of this while we suffer.

In reality it's all bullshit though which is why I'll never believe the Jew bullshit claimed on here. Because if it's all true then that makes Jews the smartest and best race ever to have done what they've done as such a tiny minority

I wouldnt fuck thing in your pic in a sound state of mind though. I kind of agree with your point, obviously people like a nice set of tits and a good ass. but bigger =/ better forever. theres a cut off. how would that girl in that pic help in survival? Live like a fucked up camel off of her gross body? she'd eat all my fucking food and probably wouldnt even forage to supplement her excessive consumption because her knees hurt, and then we would both die

A slight bit of Paunch is always nice.


Well the angle makes her look bigger than she actually is. Her name is Miss Diamond Doll.

eh, I like the top half. I would one-night-stand that. but I wouldnt want her to have my children.

But what is beauty other than a subjective opinion

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Being a starving tribesman is the natural state of man though

>t. Low test beta "male"

Yes. Ugly girls should not be reproducing