Which one is the most approved majority muslim country by Sup Forums?
Is there such a country?
Which one is the most approved majority muslim country by Sup Forums?
Although Iran politicians are dumb and dull, the Iranians are great people even though they are muslims.
Oman is cool in my opinion.
The UK is a nice country I was there a week ago.
Iran is best
They're not trying to kill us, they win by default.
Didn't Morocco have the same number of terrorist attacks as Poland? Basically 0?
The country also have European-esque climate in the north, even perma-snowy locations.
There are also some arab countries, like Bahrain, even tho they are statist shitholes, they are very safe for travel.
Both of the above stated countries tolerate christians, and normal tourists as long as no degeneracy is involved, but kiss your gay lover and you'll end up in jail.
Poland in 50 years
It's like choosing the shiniest turd... but I'll say Iran due to the sole possibility that it'll take half of the sunni Middle East with it in the event of a regional war that might go nuclear
I didn't know there were muslim countries in Europe. I guess that explain the little pocket of retardation above Greece I always wondered about.
Also why is Antarctica muslim?
Oman Aserbaijan Jordan, Germany is also pretty decent.
Suicide bombing kamikaze penguins.
God, you're so 2008
Morocco is pretty based... I've been there last summer and surprisingly it reminded me of how things were in Greece and the Rest of Europe in the 90s (way of life,conservativism but not fuil blown sharia), I remember a girl there I spent with told me that basically all the garbage left to Europe
What has Oman done? They have spent pretty much the last 1200 years just chilling out following Ibadism. Ironic that one of the most peaceful sects of Islam is descended from the Kharijites who were essentially 5th century Wahhabists.
Iran, Tunisia, I can respect Turkey too
After turkey failed and is now heading back to being an islamic state marocco is probably the most tolerant islamic country out there.
Been there a year ago pretty nice but shit the marrocon men just cant help themself, they are raping and assaulting like crazy.
bosnia cause they are white.
Indonesia/Singapore are pretty cool. Maybe not as Sup Forums-approved as other places but I think they'd be in the top half.
Germany or UK
Iran will never prosper as long as it got the jews and the Israeli dependency of America on it's tail.
Tunis is nice, been there when I was a kid, don't remember, but my parents only had good things to say about it.
It's too dangerous, Kurds chimping out and terrorist attacks are a weekly.
Oman and Emirates are like the Belgium and Lithuania of the middle-east
Basically non-countries.
To summarize:
1) the closest a muslim country can get to day to day western lifestyle is Morocco followed by Turkey
2)The muslim country that will help our cause in the grand scheme of things will be Iran
Yeah, if you have a woman with you, you better be ready to fend off some horny locals. But having a guide with you is enough.
Other than that, you should have a good time.
Marrakesh had probably some of the best food and booze I ever had, It's ironic that I drunk some of the best wine in a muslim majority country.
KL seems really nice. Visited there a lot and friends I've had who lived there/grown up there talk about it like paradise. Some Lebanese duck I ate there was still the best I've ever had. Outside the city though, I dunno. Last time I was there it was my first Muslim country and it was pre 911.
The Muslims in the UK are unironically x10 worse as the ones in the middle east
That's because the absolute garbage that can't even manage a fucking herd of goats in the fields, tries "To make it in the west" those that are somewhat competent and secured economically don't leave their shitholes
iran is based the rest is dog shit
>Oman is basically a non-country
But independent Omani kingdoms have existed for over a thousand years. Its why Oman is still Ibadi instead of being reabsorbed by the Sunnis.
Went there with a guide and group and it still happend. Some old dude in a bus grabed somone of my groupe at her ass and jizzed on her pants. It was only like a 5 min bus ride. Apart from that it was just cat calling but memories like that overshaddow the good ones I had.
Of course ou had to choose fucking Shias