Europeans of Sup Forums, what is your opinion of European migration? Are you opposed to all migration into your countries or just migrants from outside of Europe?
Personally I have no problem with migrants as long as they are fellow Europeans.
Europeans of Sup Forums, what is your opinion of European migration? Are you opposed to all migration into your countries or just migrants from outside of Europe?
Personally I have no problem with migrants as long as they are fellow Europeans.
pretty much same as you. we have lots of polish migrants, its fine.
I oppose to migrants from outside of the EU and not latinoamericans
it's not fine
fuck you don't come here we're full
No one gives a fuck about white immigrants. I mean, I wouldn't want all of Denmark to be replaced by ethnic Russians or vice versa, but, that is never gonna happen.
I don't mind them, as long as it's not "European" gypsies or Albanians
No to Eastern Europeans. Any other Europeans can come but they don't because they earn similar amounts.
The ideal scenario is protect our own nations (ethnic sense)and cooperation between euro brother's.
I have no problem with other whites coming here, since it's not in millions.
I wouldn't bother heading to a fucking meme country
I've shot loads bigger than your faggot nation
"based" Brits
niggers and muslims out
other europeans are fine as long as they dont come in swarms
I have no problem with migrants at all, whatever their background, if they meet 3 simple criteria
They came legally
They aren't criminals or here only for gibs
They want to integrate and don't have hateful beliefs. Arranged marriages, disrespect to women, fascist belief system, fundies of all types can just fuck off.
I don't mind migration so long as it's from non shit countries. And the poles are okay.
Don't need mud shits here.
Just dont be a nigger or a mussie.
a rich meme country
>bullying this qt
Finland's population is too small so strict control on even European immigration is required, though I would be open to accepting some of them every year. No room for any of these (((refugees))) though.
it does not matter, anybody from around the world can come here and pretend their "european". But hey lets just kick out the other whites, and keep on bringing these pakistani grooming gangs. Good job Brit shits
My personal opinion is that those people should be helped as long as it doesn't interfere with the lives and wellbeing of the countries citizens. If it gets that far I'd go as far as use violence and incarcerate people who disturb or are a threat to the well being of that countries citizens. Also if the refugees don't want to be branded and push themselves through the borders without any order I would support on employing the army to deal with them. They need help that's for sure but it can't come at the cost of a country citizens well being is what I'm trying to say
I'm mostly against immigration and think only people on work permits should be allowed in for a set amount of time and in insignificant numbers.
Personally my fellow europeans can fuck off and die along with niggers, chinks and mudslime.
I don't want any foreigners in my country.
I'm fine with individual migration. That is, individual people and families deciding that their chances might be better elsewhere.
Group migration, such as labour migration, or this insane policy of demographic replacement that the left is pursuing, is something I would class as treason, and I'd put to death anyone who even attempts it. In fact, I'd make speaking well about it a crime, too.
Furthermore, immigration needs to be under close scrutiny, with an eye being kept on any number of factors. Notably, we should calculate at which number different populations are large enough to stick together and, therefore, not integrate. The number of immigrants from these populations should never be allowed to grow beyond that number.
I oppose all migration from Non-Eu countries, except the migrant is white.
Personally I don't like WestEuropeans here because they're arrogant, selfish cucks but they can travel and live here if they respect our laws.
It's quite funny when your country ruined by Islam and niggers but you don't want other whites. To see a Polish and a Romanian as a thug/thief is a meme. Whitout them your healthcare/industrial services could be fuck up. It's also a wrong observation that "rich" other euros don't come to UK. There are plenty of German, Dutch, Potugese, Spanish, Swedish in UK especially in London.
Gypsies shouldn't be.
I wish we never had accepted Romania and Bulgaria into the EU.
Every time i have to deal with germans it pisses me off.
I accept only only migration to/from slovakia rest of the world should fuck off.
but brother i have a mullet like jagr