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If you have ever come across a US tourist, you'll know that it was probably justified.
You're lucky that there are enough people over here that still give the almighty dollar to your sharia infested shithole of a country.
It's part and paki of living anywhere in Europe.
Shill harder my burger.
When you go to an African country, you have to be prepared to face these kinds of situations.
Arabic style.
This 100x
hes right you have no industry except "le romantic tourism" which everyone ive heard who went to paris the last five years said it was a disgusting filthy rat infested shithole.
Part and Parcel and Protons.
>a woman
Knowing women this is probably not terrorism, probably it was the 5th member of their group who was pissed at the other 4 because they didn't want to go to the fancy cat themed cafe she wanted to go to
report is the women herself was a victim of acid attacks and cou;dn't find work, imo the French system failed her the goverment failed her...
Omg stacy u know what, like, have some acid, bitch!
Oh! France is so romantic!
Don't underestimate muslim women
this tbqh
>making esoteric chemistry puns on the Adolfo Hitoloro mustache grooming board
t. Nafri
probably true
cringe inducing people to come across
Don't underestimate the sheer magnitude of the tenuously-repressed hatred between a woman and all of her female friends
*a female american tourist
Men are alright.
Still 10 times better than muds tho.
But did the four victims reflect Europe's vibrant diversity?
Why do Americans think they can walk around Muslim countries without following the local customs?
Attacker was white, a victim of an acid attack herself. You guys are way too quick to blames Muslims
I don't mind american tourists, it's so easy to just outrun them if they get too rambunctious.
well executed
>jealous of white skin and high intelligence
Okay Ahmed
Would a burka protect against acid? Are burkas acid-proof?
Yes, they offer excellent protection to the whole body except for the eyes so acid attacks are basically harmless
is it weird that I read tourist as terrorist?
there goes that tourism money
you'll find that we spend well when we travel, this will only be bad for France
dumb frogs
This American tourists are scum, always fat fucks with zero integrity or respect.
European liberals, commies and Muslims
Who cares
It goes both ways. Anyone who crosses the Atlantic is obnoxious.
Marseille is the cancer of France, even more than other majors cities.
If you have to come to France, try avoiding all cities with 50.000+ habitants. France suburbs and countryside is gorgeous and people are nicer.
Friendship with France Ended
now Bongland is My Best Friend
Archived link (NYC): archive.is
Four young women
>tfw was on vacation this summer
>go to Hamburg
>terrorist stabbing
>go to Heathrow
>undisclosed happening, heavily armed police
never leaving mummy Listhaug again
>Yes, they offer excellent protection to the whole body except for the eyes
Probably they confer more eye protection than the Nijab
I went to france in high school, we went into a restaurant filled with black waiters, nigger waiter dropped all the plates then blamed a fellow student of mine.
Safe to say i'm never going back to france.
You've done nothing to deserve our respect for hundreds of years.
>there goes that tourism money
It's already going
>american women
>high intelligence
>came for the friendship posts
>left satified
>tfw all the tojo tourist trash comes here now
I fucking hate zipperheads, two bombs were not enough.
When you go to a third world country like France, where the zoos are really just places to gather animals to be butchered for powdered rhino horn or whatever else the witch doctor tells you will make your penis stand up, you have to be aware of your surroundings, and keep a gun handy at all times.
Thats because the only people who travel, generally, are rich at birth using there parents money. The vast majority of us cant afford to go/cant get enough time off work to justify going so far.
Muslim women are just as fanatical as Muslim men, especially when it comes to keeping other women in line with Islamic morals.
It's them or us. Choose wisely. We're infinitely louder and more obnoxious
I can't argue with this...
One suspect arrested.
She said a 41-year-old female suspect has been arrested.
Original source: cbc.ca
Archived link: archive.is
The arrested suspect was 41 year old woman.
Why would we respect you when you don't even respect yourselves? You let foreigners shit on you all day, we're not going to treat you any better. At least we leave after a weak and don't force you to hold any benefit concerts for dismembered 12 year olds.
>Four young women
aka. roasties. aka race traitor pro immigration whores. nothing of value has been acidized.
Come to the US, we'll at least let you defend yourself.
French tourists are rude and smell like dirty unwashed ass, you're no prize either.
Only the Germans are worst.
This is annually from 2015, so it is not updated. With Terrorism Index from 2016
Now that's a reason to feel ashmed of being french. We let the traitors bring them in.
Isn't there even a syndrome that describes the absolute let down that Paris is?
I keep telling everyone I know not to go to Europe, that they will get acid attacked or trucked or beheaded. Unfortunately not many listen and would rather risk their lives in this Islamic hellhole.
quick rundown on the part and parcel thing
How is this bad though? She sees government aid and abet acid throwing muslims which also includes HUGE amounts of the renaissance-socialist Derrida-cocksucking frenchie traitors. Now this was tourists but US helped communism win =
How are they innocent? Curious.
The only reason the EU exists is because the US allows it to exist.
We'd simply have to pull our funding. Your security dwindles. Immediately overrun by shit skins, like a scene out of 28 days later.
If I was being cucked this hard, I'd probably throw shade too, just because my ego. It's hard to live with the fact that you owe your existence to Burgerland.
We'll keep eating our Burgers, and the tax dollars will go to keeping those Muzzie Dicks out of your little girls smelly pisshole. We know the score. Say what you like.
You're welcome.
I bet the attackers were quintessentially French.
>tfw these woman will probably still go #notallmuslims and suck refugee dick
>The only reason the EU exists is because the US allows it to exist.
Burgerposting has reached new heights
Source with updated news? Or Leafposting?
Ok I retract, to young. Sad.
I just fucking knew this scene would be posted...
>Being shocked by anything that happens there.
no truck one?
Get a Life bin that Truck
Brits on holidays act like chavs. Drinking and fighting. Hue hues and chinks are the worst though.
Hue hues who go to the US are usually rich teens who think they own the ground they walk on and disregard rules.
Chinks, always break the rules then plead ignorance.
Le frogs are arrogant and they always want to tell you how much better the food is in france.
There fault for wasting there time and money
Don't be sorry.
Bin that lorry.
No one's struck
If you bin that truck.