Excellent Russian TV report about BASED North Korea

North Korea as it is without (((Western))) propagandist cartoons.

Ultra-masculine, ultra-Nationalist, ultra-Racialist, ultra-Conservative BASED and PROUD people that would rather die than to become (((americanized))). Feminine JEWest has no chance.

Article, videos and transcripts here: russia-insider.com/en/military/inside-n-korea-how-us-under-estimates-them-excellent-russian-tv-report/ri20946

North Korea: /ourguys/

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Go ahead and move there so we can drop a bomb on your head, commie.

Watch the report! They completely abandoned Marxism in the 1970's and completely embraced the Nationalism-Racialism that was always there in the first place...

Bump! Because it is important for White Nationalists to know the truth about this noble, bold and courageous Nationalist-Racialist nation.

I respect NK.

Kikes want to install a rothschild bad badly.

North Korea will be bombed to pieces. Feels great to drink commie tears when that happens. Take the neoconservative pill, we are great.

Go be a good goy somewhere else.

West is more commie right now than norks.

And let's not forget that they are racist and male-supremacist...Kikes hate Nature and the Natural Order.

>waaah we're being oppressed
Stop shooting missiles of Japanese airspace.
Stop testing nukes.

jesus look how chubby and retarded he appears. why do those gooks worship that fat bastard? any of the guys in that picture could take him

Wrong. After DPRK is finished, Iran will be next. How does that make you feel? Your commie dictators fall one by one.

Lol its shit. want to turn people into androgynous mongrel retards

>stop doing that
>get invaded like Iran or Libya.

Kim and North Korean males don't let their women be defiled by AfricanJew sperm unlike Western males. A masculine chubby nerd is worth 1000x feminine handsome chads.

Russia should take example from NK and stop cucking for muslims.

Unfortunately due to their communism they're also a destitute police-stat where the people are starving.

JEWnited States and the JEWest in general only understand the language of force. Any nation that want's to survive the Jewish onslaught has to have a sharp sword.

yea poverty and starvation is the epitome of masculinity

It's because they're great. They get shit done while you're here crying about muh reee evil invaders waa stop. The weak should fear the strong. Fat ass Kim will be gone, commie Assad will be gone, Khamenei will be gone. You're crying because you know this will happen.

Muslims are not really a problem in Russia because they know their place and all those Muslims in Moscow and other cities are temporary immigrants that return when their work contract is over.

The problem with Russia IMO is that while Putin&Co have their hearts in the right place, their minds are infected with the evil and feminine Jewish values of the French Revolution, democracy, Human Rights, freedom, equality, "The People" and all that crap...those values are slowly feminizing Russia too.

they must be among the ugliest people on the planet

even though the fat leader man in the middle is setting the tone literally none of the starved peons can bring themselves to fake a smile for him.

I don't care about fuckng North Korea. They're fucking useless and offer nothing to the international community but if China wants to use them as a proxy and buffer GO AHEAD. I just don't want this tubby faggot rocking the boat so much. Why can't the chinks kill him off and install a puppet regime?

We hear that crap all the time. Can you show me evidence that currently starvation exists in NK?

And the few times that there was starvation was because the JEWnited States and the JEWest are trying to asphyxiate them

hurrr yeah meanwhile they worship black basketball stars like Dennis Rodman.

What came first? The female or the jew?

that WAS a good report
>when asked if they are afraid of nuclear war?
>no we will just hide in tunnels and play the accordion. have a good time.

How much do you want to bet that BASED North Korea will be around long after "Liberal JEWmocracy" and the JEWest (as we know it) is gone??

Ultimately, the ultra-femininity of the Jews and the Jewish system is what will be their undoing.

The sooner NK gets nuclear weapons, the sooner they'll have the security and latitude to implement some Dengist style economic reforms while retaining their equivalent to the Chinese People Democratic Dictatorship. In a few decades, NK will be like China. Kim needs insurance against Judeo-American instigated regime change. They're the highest IQ nation on the planet. There's no fucking reason they can't handle having nukes. Monkey nigger Americans have to bomb. Pakiniggers have the bomb. Kikes have the bomb. I for one hope the Norks pull it off.

I've been thinking, I know that the US attacking first could possibly lead to WW3, but what if South Korea invades first? I know they won't because of all the artillery pointed directly at Seoul, but I was curious since I was seeing that South Korean "decapitation unit" thing online

Nope. Cause even with regular weapons, Kim can lay waste on seoul within an hour.

There would be worldwide outrage (even though it is considered inevitable) that president trump allowed this to happen.

Lest we forget that this country has had a war boner since july 7 1953 and has been going no fap ever since. The entire society is militarized. The army is what every single fucking Nork Kid dreams to be part of. They've been filled with propaganda since they're in the crib. It would be an endless guerilla war, and they ain't afraid to pull the trigger.

And remember what China said? "If America attacks first we intervene" are they bluffing? Im not that anxious to know to be honest. not that I fear the Chinese army, just that we might get in this war for alot more than we first thought. China's a security council member, too. They can and will veto every legislation about "military action in north korea"

Now factor in Nuclear weapons, and you got a Korean genocide waiting to happen.

>not going full Juche
what's wrong with you?

>Why can't the chinks kill him off and install a puppet regime?
Because it'll look like they couldn't handle a small country like North Korea and they will appear weak to the international community

That is exactly the kind of society we want for Whites and White nations. That felling of belonging to a community, that warm heart and guts of cold steel, that believe in something higher than themselves.

I am happy that many White Nationalists are beginning to see the truth about NK but we got to spread the message.

PS - The meme is truth eheheheh...

The TV report also speaks about how their military is extremely rational. Emotionally retarded Pakis having nukes is a reason to worry not NK having nukes.

I think the best option for Trump is to step up to China and say "You will uphold sanctions as well as stopping oil trade or we will attack North Korea", and he needs to do it with a terrifying presence as well

>they really do all look the same

MFW Kimmy is the whitest North Korean I have ever seen.

Really makes you think.

>Russian TV report
Is well known to broadcast complete and utter bullshit propaganda that couldn't be father from the truth most of the time
They are commies. Communism is anti-nationalist. But you probably believe that Russia is this moral paragon where nationalism is at an all time high too, so I won't waste any more of my time on this.

You see, I would believe what you were saying if all the North was saying was "we want a deterrence against a possible US invasion" but they don't just say that, they threaten the US on a near weekly basis, which is why they're a major cause for concern, the massive hateboner they have for the US is huge, not even Nazis put up posters of US soldiers killing and drinking the blood of women in hallways of elementary schools

As far as I can tell, there's nothing in the ideology that prohibits exporting goods, just a reliance on foreign trade and imports. The Norks are not stupid people. I guarantee they have world-class economists they they sent to MIT on fake passports. Now they ARE probably willing to allow millions of the population to die off if it means making a more sustainable economy, but I think they'll do whatever it takes to become a self-sustaining power, including economic experimentation as along as it doesn't threaten the political system--which is where nuclear weapons come in.

I hate white bashing, but there is something true about implicit white supremacy, and it's particularly exhibited by white leftists. Somehow westerners can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that the Norks are essentially the same genes that brought us the Japanese and later the Chinese economic dynamos. These are not stupid people. They know EXACTLY what they're doing. Meanwhile the west is sleepwalking (under jewish hypnotism) toward oblivion. Soon it will be the Chinks and Norks demanding that Europe get rid of its nukes before the Muslims take over.

About Kim's makeup department?

I'm a against the norks and commies as well but you can't really be "anti nationalist" if you love your own country, nationalism isn't a political party, it's a mindset

I dont think they will be able to.
once nk starts bragging they can turn any country into a nuclear dustbowl, they're gonna get freedom'd

The fact he wishes he was white.

lots of brown people and food > no brown people no food

The chinks are "loyal" to their dear leader, not the nation itself. It is basically a tiny Soviet Union, where you tend to dissapear the moment you criticize the govt. and/or current supreme leader.

They're presenting like a cornered cobra. You do realize that the US has tried to dominate them just like we did to Japan all the way back it the 1800's. We sent a naval expedition to Pyongyang in 1871 to try to force them to open the country just like we did to Japan. The Koreans burned out ship and killed everyone on board. They are current in believing the US has had eyes on their country for a century and a half.

Do you think a 105 IQ race doesn't know what its doing? What the fuck do you care if they like Americans or not? You think they want to invade the US, or China or something?

>you act like a Korean nuclear holocaust is bad
at least I can play overwatch without getting rekt by Koreans

>once nk starts bragging they can turn any country into a nuclear dustbowl, they're gonna get freedom'd
Not with China in the way, we're either gonna need to falseflag an attack or wait for them to strike first, neither of them are very good options, even those might even be enough, just take a look at this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardment_of_Yeonpyeong, an unprovoked North Korean attack on South Korea that resulted in South Korean casualties and we did nothing because China believed them when they said the south started it

>not the nation itself
What the fuck do you know about Koreans? North and South, they're among the most nationalistic people in the world.

Anyone who makes the claim that North Korea is not a communist state should be sterilized so they cannot pollute the human gene pool. There is a great report by none other than VICE about North Korea on YouTube that interviews NK citizens that risk death to escape that fucking hellhole. There have even been incidents of cannibalism, that is to say human meat sometimes being sold in markets.

WW3 in 2 weeks

You realize there are other forms of authoritarianism besides communist, yes?

In the same way that Russians are, yes. That is not nationalism but a totalitarian, imperialistic mockery of it.

nice b8, North Korea wasn't even founded until the 1940s and the only reason why the US troops are still there to this day is to deter against another North Korean invasion

They're literal Kike of the Asia.

No. Koreans are racial supremacists. NK makes women who are sex trafficed get abortions so their country isn't polluted with Chinese genes, let along arab or nigger or white genes.

Show your flag you commie shill. Explain to us how your not a 20 something year old college dumbass taking Marxist ideology class by tenured college professor who is lying to you while making 6 figures a year, and working on average less than 20 hours a week. You are being lied to, and if the North Koreans have built such a great place, I suggest you move there, or STFU.

Korea is a NATION. The current political system does not replace the nation. The nation is much older, ancient. They conceive of themselves as the same nation they've always been. The rulers change, the nation stays the same. NK and SK still believe their two countries are still one nation. That's OFFICIAL policy btw.

>Koreans are racial supremacists
There, same thing I said: a totalitarian and imperialistic mockery of it.

To the shills, move to North Korea, or Cuba, or STFU. How does it feel to be in debt for the rest of your lives with a useless degree? Why won't any of you move to Cuba and North Korea and practice what you preach?

Even the South Koreans have supremacist sentiments.

Leave it to a Balti to see Fictional Commie Threats (tm) were there are none.

You know why is that? Because the Jew-Freemason-BlackmailedPedo (aka JEWlluminati) power structure completely dominated the Baltics and they know that the best way to do propaganda in the Baltics is to use historical grudges, the formula that they use in the West (Human Rights! Muh Liberal Democracy! etc) is not as effective in the Baltics.

>interviews NK citizens that risk death to escape
Gee, it's almost like they can say anything to get shekels from JewSA for propaganda or something. Nah, it can't be.

Failed nation...fixed it for you comrade. How come your not moving there? What is stopping you?

Great example on how Sup Forums is actually just a contrarían board. No real political discussion goes on, just who can have the most contrarian opinion.

Reporters study this website hard to figure out where Sup Forums stands on the political spectrum so they can predict what they will support; its easy to predict.

Im VERY "rightwing" i assure you. And why would i want to move to NK? I want my nation to be just like theirs on the ideological-cultural level.

PS - Bezmenov warned in several of his books that the Capitalists and the Communists are working together. Those interviews and lectures that he did he deliberately toned down the message.

South Korea is failed? Korea is a nation divided by two political systems.

Oh look, you can post canned muh capitalism memes. Call me in 100 years and tell me how capitalism and Jew Central Banks worked out for North America and Western Europe. I bet you'll be saying "that wasn't REAL capitalism". The irony will be fucking hilarious.

on Starcraft?

>NK and SK still believe their two countries are still one nation
You see the problem is that the two sides of this "one nation" have two very different ideology, one ideology embraces the west and it's values and live prosperous and thriving lives because of it despite these so called "jew overlord" meanwhile the other side hates the west and isolates itself even from it's single ally to pursue a foolish weapons program to prevent an invasion that was never going to happen when they could be feeding their people and be just as prosperous and thriving without having to rely on the west

Why "supremacist" ??? Since when wanting to preserve Planetary-level diversity and your race is "supremacist"???

foreigners dating with korean girls, homosexuality, islam are all illegal in nk.

they're really some sort of natsoc (collectivist nationalist)

Goodbye, Best Korea. It was fun to see you resistance. You were the inspiration for all us freaks an marginals to stand for our beliefs, whatever it was, despite everything. Now it's time to behold your last journey. Good night, sweet princess.

As usual, crickets from the 20 something year old indoctrinated commies that are hiding their western flags. Yet another lame attempt from leftypol to shill for a system they would not live, or even survive under. Your professors lied to you all, so keep that in mind while you struggle all your lives to pay back tens of thousands of dollars for a degree that is not marketable in modern western society. Just ask any North Korean tourists you find. Don't want to move there huh? Take a vacation to North Korea, and see for yourself. Ask your college professor why there is no college exchange program with North Korean students.

Show your flag faggot

>Since when wanting to preserve Planetary-level diversity and your race is "supremacist"???
No, that's not supremacist at all. What's supremacist is the reflexive assumption that non-whites are stupid, or foolish, or otherwise incapable of full agency. It's why most of the calculation about NK, and China as well, coming out of western media and western thinktanks are so off base. Too many whites (not all, especially among the red-pilled race realists) still think that inside every gook is an American wishing for freedom. Whites cannot conceive of alternate modes of being. All other races are just unperfected white people, which is why so many whites are keen on imported them and "fixing" them.

>Jew-Freemason-BlackmailedPedo (aka JEWlluminati)
Oh, your're this guy. I remember you from before. Always so triggered my our presence. Carry on.

They are here to stay Mr. Wannabe American...and Russia better become more like them and start to send the likes of you to concentration camp because the Jewish onslaught is just getting started. Putin The Democrat will either have to stop being a Democrat or he will have to go if Russia is to survive.

> it wasnt implemented correctly
> Should have killed more opposition


You have no answer for the success of Chinese Socialist Market Economics except to call it "capitalism" because that fits better into your world view.

two guys right behind him look like they are thinking about killing him

>get told
>"lol kill yourself"

You would have been saying the EXACT same thing about China vs. Taiwan in the 1960's. But China had the secure sovereignty necessary to implement Dengism in the 1970's, and now it's viewed as a fully legitimate state by everyone in the west. NK is China 50 years ago. You're thinking too 3-dimentionally.

Yes...keep biting your nails over the Fictional RussianNorkCommieWhatever threat while the Jews destroy you with general degeneracy, faggotry, feminism and "anti racist" indoctrination that will sooner or later become a flood of black/brown hordes.

Oh, and btw, SOUTH Korea had a military dictatorship as recently as 1980 following the assassination of the president. So get your history straight, and get some perspective before you make determinations about North Korea. Try to view it on a timeline over the next three or four decades, and compare it to the recent history of the rest of the region.


Chinese Denginism was made by the Jews giving them access to JEWestern markets and by massive transfers of technology (mass production technology to be precise). China and NK can be compared up to a point...but NK is building it's system from ground up to be independent. China is a semi paper tiger because it is completely dependent on the JEWest.

It made a calculated risk for the short to medium term, and so far it's working. Their long term plan is to transition to a self-sustaining Eurasian trade block once they can no longer rely on selling cheap goods to a prosperous, still mostly white, and consumerist west. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a first steps in the ultimate plan.

>western influence caused this country to be prosperous and thriving in the present
>but you see in the past blah blah
You're to focused on the past instead of the now, and right now, South Korea is one of the most prosperous asian countries while their northern neighbors are to focused on the past and would rather build pointless nuclear weapons instead of feeding their own citizens

The scariest thing for me is that fucking retards like you actually believe the bullshit you're spewing.

> Oh, we just need to do it the right way and socialism will be so much better.

There's a reason that the 'Jew banks' and capitalism have lead to the strongest economies on the planet, especially where the power of the free markets have been the most free (i.e. the US)

“Is it really true that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest? . . . And just tell me where in the world you find these angels who are going to organize society for us.”

Kind of reminds me of a few dictators in the Middle East who wouldn't play ball with the EU and the Untied States. They even wanted to go so far as to remain financially solvent and independent of international banks. Oh, the horror.


If only there were a peaceful solution as opposed to american saber rattling against north korea, sanctions and military drills will only further alienate them


> “Well first of all, tell me: Is there some society you know that doesn’t run on greed? You think Russia doesn’t run on greed? You think China doesn’t run on greed? What is greed? Of course, none of us are greedy, it’s only the other fellow who’s greedy. The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade. If you want to know where the masses are worse off, worst off, it’s exactly in the kinds of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.”
― Milton Friedman

es mesmo burro

The USSR was a powerful country too, but it had an unsustainable system that eventually lead to its collapse. The neoliberal model is unsustainable and is going to cause a racial, followed by an economic collapse in the west. Meanwhile, China has abandoned the Labor Theory of Value as a functional pricing mechanism, and instead switch to the market for price, thus fixing the fundamental problem with classical Marxian economics. It resulted in even FASTER economic expansion than the west experienced in the last 100 years. I think you have to judge systems historically, in the present, and with reasonable future projections. The current system in China is a serious contender with the western system that is beginning to show dire cracks. You can't simply dismiss the western weaknesses as "not real capitalism" or not incidental, You have to accept them at features of the system, and admit that it's not perfect, and the 'muh capitalism vs. muh communism' idealogical dualism is no longer relevant, a relic of the 20th century.

>open video
>why is US trying to destabilize the middle east?
>close video
I really fucking hate this garbage, middle eastern destabilization would have happened regardless of US intervention, shit like the arab spring still would have happened whether or not the US invaded Iraq

Theyre a communist country. The opposite if ourguys.

If they werent communists they wouldnt be starving.