Why does europe keep bringing muslims in
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Same reason why America brought blacks in, they need someone to fuck their women
Why does America keep bringing mexicans in?
Jews owned the ships.
the pic is for you.
because agricultural slavery is necessary in these dark ages.
Diversity makes Europe stronger. But don't come here, we are too poor!
HAhahaa fucking hell that's priceless
Europe is run by islam now. All the leaders are puppets of islam
">Here Zanzu, my body, in word and build"
sides in space
we dont "bring" mexicans in, they just walk here. Syria is nowhere near France so whats your excuse?
>The immigrants coming to Europe are only Muslims
Same reason the abo's brought in convicts that GB didn't want. They need someone to breed with.
Si Si senor Americano, habla no ingles?
What's your excuse for being 56% white and going lower while Trump accepted amnesty, that turned California forever blue?
>why did abo's bring in in convicts
hahahahahahahaha this is my new reply to the immigration argument.
so that jews feel unsafe and go live in israel
Jews make up most of the higher positions in their societies, because Europeans are trusting and inclusive to a fucking fault.
Also, Europeans desire to constantly virtue-signal, derived from decades of being exposed to kike propaganda, is why Europe is on the verge.
why does sneed keep bringing chuck in
quit being obsessed with % of white. Fact is there are more white people in the US then any one European country, and our birth rates are much higher
>derived from decades of being exposed to kike propaganda
That your country produced, the propaganda that turned your country into degeneracy capital of the world. I just love how Americans always ignore just how fucked you are too. Fix your own shit.
>quit being obsessed with % of white
Minorities don't vote right. Your percentage is going lower and lower every year. You are turning into next Brazil and you're obsessing over Europe. Why do you refuse to fix it?
California was already forever blue you fucking uneducated twat.
You ever been there?
That place has been a liberal hellhole since the Jews established Hollywood there.
They want to create the next powder-keg that will launch Europe into a third world war.
>the jews don't run the media
Only a literal Jew would ever have the balls to push that shit.
No it wasn't, read the past election results before Reagan happened. It was red almost always. Why are you ignoring your problems? It's so cute that you Americans talk about Europeans as if you know what you're talking about.
EU collective officials =/= European countries and governments, more or less
They're making a power play by trying to outweigh the native populations with imported immigrants, to increase their dominion over those individual countries.
Who do you think the "refugees" are going to side with: their disgruntled neighbors next door and local politicans who want them gone and won't take anymore, or the collectivists from the EU who threaten those dissenters and dangle the promise of handouts like a carrot from a stick?
So why is your country so overly protective over Israel? Why do you let them run your country when they're clearly Israel first kind of people?
>That place has been a liberal hellhole since the Jews established Hollywood there
California was a Red state until Clinton in the 90's, and Holly wood has been around since the 20's, so no fuck you. Its just been the last 25 years theyve become super liberal but the whole country has gotten much more liberal in the same time period. I mean even in california they voted against gay marriage in 2008
>EU Jew trying to give anyone advice
That's a joke kike.
Also, Reagan was an anomaly, everyone voted for him.
I love how you Jews use Pilpul to use one example as though it's the standard pattern.
You really are awful little rats.
Because of you motherfuckers. Kill yourself.
Why are you avoiding admitting that your country has just as big problems as Europe has? It's always jooz this jooz that. Where does this pedophilia acceptance come from? From US
Because they subverted us, you weasel Jew, and you know that.
Jews use nepotism to raise other Jews up to high levels in goyim society, so they can discreetly run things.
It happens in literally all societies that allow the Jews in.
Prior to the internet opening up the information to the world, it was a closed system.
What they didn't want you to know, most people didn't.
It's only since the internet have people started to catch on in droves.
The more you deny very basic facts about the Jews, the more you look like one.
So that's why we started bringing them in when whites were the majority?
Also, why would you want the dumbest people to breed?
Doesnt make any sense.
What's with niggers and shitskims always pushing the white women want nigger dick shit?
Are you guys that insecure about your race?
>it's always joos this joos that
kek whatcha up to rabbi?
No it doesnt.
You're still avoiding it. It's starting to look like that you know that your problems are at least as big as Europe has. Keep the delusion coming, it's so delicious to see just how stupid you people are. Why are you 56% white? No European country is that low.
>inb4 muh we have more white people than anyone else
Doesn't matter, few decades ago you used to be 90% white. Not anymore. Still going lower.
Yes it does.
Why is the EU overly protective of muslims?
Ayyy don't get mad because you couldn't beat the cuck
No it doesn't.
Didn't answer my question. American banter is leaf tier.
No cucks here. I am better than you. You will die in shitty syria. :)
>why would you want the dumbest people to breed?
Dumb people are easier to manipulate and dont know their rights.
Most jobs nowadays are repetitive. many are manual labour and few require intellect.
You didnt answer mine.
Because you cant haha.
Why do you guys like people who wipe their ass with their hand so much?
>Why are you 56% white? No European country is that low.
You know exactly why, Jew.
Just keep the butthurt coming Pedro. Are you not answering my question because you don't speak English? Habla usted Ingles? You're 56% white, why is that? Why is the number going lower?
Typical stupid burger
And Jew banter is manipulation and lies, always.
Ahhh makes sense, because brown people and niggers pretty much are the dumbest fucking animals alive.
So the plan is to make everyone dumb like niggers and muslims because they are easier to control?
Idk. They commit acts of violence over cartoons and canceled gibs...soo this plan is dumb.
We were better off killing everyone except white people.
Why didnt think of that?
It's because your women don't like weak white "men". Your "men" are women. Even your soldiers are women. Non-whites are more masculine.
Iraq or wtf ever, bitch. You know mine, yours is a irrelevant.
Dumb sand nigger. God, i hope american forces wax your stupid little nigger ass.
Alright burger
Then how come all races still prefer white men?
You watch to much hollyjew haha.
Niggers and shitskins are weak and emaciated betas.
Politicians are getting bribed with votes and money from muslim organizations and EU officials think that it will help facilitate the federalization of Europe into their superstate project. mass immigration always benefits those who have already obtained money and power. If you have one bullet, give it to the politician. A baseball bat and a pair of hedge clippers will be sufficient for foreign rapists
Yeah that's what I though, shitskin bitch.
That's why out country comes into yours and kills your stupid fucking sand nigger people. Had family that died? Good, bitch.
Rather have a Mexican than Muslims. 1st Generation Mexicans are pretty fucking awful, but they're kids tend to integrate well... Muslims, however, remain Muslim. Never heard a Mexican try to ban things that we love in western society, but I have seen and heard the Muslims trying.
>prefer white men?
Is that why white people are dying out worldwide? Is that why homosexuality is mostly white people thing? Transgenders too. Because white men are preferred. Yeah right. I'm starting to think white people dying is the best option because of inbred low IQ trailer park Cletuses like you
did a whitie hurt your feelings user?
you seem pretty rustled
oh yeah, definitely got his feelings hurt.
probably tried to get with a white woman and got rejected kek
Not really, but just in case you manage to do it, you should rush. When you're old, whites are already smaller minority. Very sad and weak race.
They're still not white.
It's not "Europe". It's communists. And communists do it because they want to destroy the West.
Stop asking simple questions, for fuck's sake. America isn't any safer than we are. You just import Mexicans, for the same reasons, with the same effects.
Mass immigration is one of the best ways to destroy a society. After all, it's what did in both Roman Empires, too.
Where do you see white women getting with them?
Lol why are so many shitskins so insecure abour race?
You fuckers cant get white pussy so you cry about it on Sup Forums
Feelings hurt, nigger? Haha :)
I don't buy into Jew propaganda meant to demoralize their enemies.
Whites will be fine.
Well, much better off than non-whites, that's for sure.
Alright burger, I get it
Niggers and skitskins arent low IQ?
Are you kidding!? Lmao
Why? You know precisely why Rabbi. Now drop your shitty meme flag.
Way more shitskin muslims died.
So happy :) haha.
Whoa, average American sure looks very white in 2050. Let's face it, you're finished.
Of other races mixing, mayve. Dont forget white men will fuck your colored women too :) haha the white race is dying more due to birth rate, not because of race mixing.
Haha look how mad you get because you cant get white pussy.
>sites Jew rag as source
nice one.
that's totally not propaganda kek
you're trying way too hard to get to me user.
I can tell I rustled you kek
Yeah, I was there but killing you gave me this undescribable feeling, damnit.
I wish you would come back
At least there is white pussy left here, it's pretty hard to find it there.
Why is your cousin fucking friend admitting that whites are dying out worldwide? It's almost like I'm right.
To kill off jews. Your country doesn't allow us the direct approach.
Bitch, you were hiding in a basement.
look at you raging
you really gotta learn to hide that shit better user
you're way too obvious
like an open wound
am I witnessing baby's first troll attempt?
Yeah but lots of white european women dont get with niggers and shitskins. So you have to make it where they dont habe a choice by rape or too many.
So it's definitely not becsuse they want to. Most white women still get with white men.
This makes you so mad lol.
Europe has magic soil that makes it so when you stand on it you start developing incredible civilizations. The more people that can participate in this, the better.
Then how does it feel that many of you burgers have died to men hiding in a basement?
That's disrespectful to the burgers who died
European women are ugly and Europe is full. Muslim would be much more happy in their own country for sure. Only silly people would travel to countries that are already full and have ugly women.
Why are you not breeding? Why aren't your other cousin fucking people breeding? Why does the right keep losing? Why aren't your favorite right wing e-celebrities getting kids? So white genocide isn't real, then? :)
Fuck those guys.
I can just see you frantically and angrily typing that with clenched teeth.
You just can't hide the boiling rage.
here's why
among other reasons
This is the reason, user.