>There are people right now on Sup Forums who really believe there are no-go zones in europe
There are people right now on Sup Forums who really believe there are no-go zones in europe
>Implying Europe still exists
worst bait
europe IS a no go zone
Then go to one and post a picture with timestamp
for retards like you yes
there are in america
Even as kids, it's pretty much just generally understood that there are places white people do not go.
South Central LA, Detroit, Washington DC after dark.
The concept of a "no-go zone" is relatively new to Europe, but we've had them for generations
There are places in europe with a high crime rate but comparing them to brazilian favelas or south central la is just ridiculous
wasn't it reported there are a whole bunch of places in Sweden the cops don't even enter at night anymore? Probably because of grenades of peace.
Lol shill. Kill yourself
>there are people on this website who believe what OP says
It's funny. They might advise you not to go in there, but you'll only know for sure once you're violated, killed, and dragged through the streets.
I saged btw
Saged this too
Those police look like they have lost their souls.
lol you faggots let antifa step all over you, kys
>wake up
>see this on drudgereport
Yeah eroupe really seems nice
Does this look like a "Go Zone" to (((you)))?
there are literally no go zones in my capital city. i wouldnt even go there during daylight and its been like this as long as I can remember.
I was taught about the Islamic Caliphate of Eurasia.
>if we don't call it a no go zone, then no go zones don't exist
There are no no no no no no go zones in America, only cultural enrichment and diversity. Detroit is one of our most vibrant and diverse cities.
Your mom is a no-go zone.
>There are people right now on Sup Forums who haven't seen the revised EU flag.
There are no-go zones in Europe..
I invite them to come to Molenbeek, Brussels.
No-go zones are not the same as ghettos. There's ghettos in America but police and emergency services still operate in those areas. In Europe the no-go moniker is a government term which signifies that emergency services are forbidden to go there.
'no go zone' is just another term for enclave. Thats what they do, carve themselves enclaves from which they operate criminally and politically. Their logistics (muslim butchers, bakers and grocery stores) are situated there as well as their religious temples. Its from these enclaves terrorism also organizes, recruits and operates. Thats what a no go zone is. Of course we cant go into their enclaves, its their territory.
There are many documentaries by journalists of no-go zones.
Living in Villejuif, Paris suburb. There is a group stealing phones and beating people randomly near the metro and tramway station Louis Aragon. Not on the news yet but this is a common occurence since a few weeks
Fuck you you fucking asshole piece of shit
I bet you thought that was clever vdidnt you
Fucking die you retard
But why are they forbidden to go there? Do you know the reason?
>who really believe there are no-go zones in europe
There are no-go zones in the USA. Why is it so hard to imagine them in another country.
It's not worth the trouble. They usually get attacked and if that doesn't happen, No one cooperates. So it's just a big waste of time.
>picture with policemen
There have been cases of EMS being shit at and car jacked in Detroi
The mail won't even deliver to certain ghettos in my city, and we're no where close to Detroit levels of crime
Someone post the video when journalist go check out a no-go zone to show everyone they are safe. They get attacked and a camera nearly gets run over, They just run his foot. iirc
Some ambulances that have no choice but to enter a no go zone are usually escorted by guards with guns
Take a stroll through Malmo, Sweden.
jesus christ
that was only ever said of sweden wasnt it? And its true for malmo in the case of sweden.
Ems does go to no go zones. They just require a police escort because they get attacked by retarded niggers if they don't
Ofc there are no-gones you fcking shill
And show your flag.
Eh, my hostel was around there. Never seen that many dindus in any european place (and I live in Berlin), but no one bothered me or tried to rob me in the whole week I was there.
Just gotta be a man about it.
ok tell me where is a no go zones ill go there right fucking now u faggot
RosengÄrd, Rinkeby, Tensta. There you have three out of 55 in Sweden
But nah OP, even my travel agency told me South America is safer than "Europe" now.
Litterally every area dominated by muslims and shitskins in general is a no-go zone for normal people.
True, I no longer go back to Evurope.
Nippon Ichiban!!!!