Japan doesn't fear North Korea

Japan doesn't fear North Korea.

Our mountains and landscape make an invasion impossible. We have several times their population, better technology, and a great self defense force (自衛隊). It is the the Jietai.

One cannot destroy the land, the Emperor or his family, or the spirits of our people. In addition we have many strong allies. But most of all we have integrity and the promotion of peace. Japan will not strike first and this means that the majority of the world will support Japan.

So we will continue to buy the real estate and promote the company. Please continue to support Japan through the importation of our products. Made in Japan is the best!


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but if the shit goes down you stream HD of the happening 27/7, deal?

but what if you get invaded by a nuke, smart guy

post qt helicopters

>Japan will not strike first
>Pearl Harbor

japan is amazing

post yfw Japan and North Korea are secret allies and the missile threat is a ruse to bait unsespecting American soldiers into the range of a Japanese sneak attack

>NK invading anyone with it's cold war era army

imagine getting killed by that thing. the last thing you see is a big smiling anime girl before your body is shredded by bullets.
