is jesus god or the son of god?
Is jesus god or the son of god?
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He is the son of god on earth and heaven and a man on earth at the same time
Hes a son to himself.
According to the myth, he is both.
part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
Im pretty sure hes the manager but since only two guys ever met the owner like a long ass time ago he might as well own the place.
both plus the holy spirit
Depends on your interpretation. The most popular version implies that Jesus is God and that God gave birth to Jesus as a "subsection" of him, so-to-speak. They're one in the same, but elements of God take different forms (the holy spirit, etc).
It's hard to articulate accurately in a single post, but I'd recommend checking out /lit/'s chart on religious philosophy.
when we say Jesus is the Son of God we mean it in a SPIRITUAL way, NOT a PHYSICAL way, cause Jesus existed infinitely before creation.
John 17:5= And now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory I had with You before the world existed.
He's either an avatar or an incarnation of God. Yahweh didn't actually fuck anyone he just placed a small part of his own essence in a human being.
The difference being that an incarnation is autonomous but it's soul is still just a fraction of the soul of the creator. Avatar of course is a remote controlled robot.
i think in christian theology god is god, jesus (god created a "copy" of him in human form to act as a prophet) and the holy spirit, which would be something like morals or knowing good from wrong and so on
I believe god exists, but i think religions are made up
In every religion there are some points which are unrealistic
Islam often says, it has no flaws, therefore its the true religion
In Islam theology, the earth is on the back of a whale, allah ordered a pen to write down everything that will happen, and mohammed said the sun settles in a muddy pond of water on the earth
And its the same with christianity
>Christian autism
Good job buddy, now go watch Thomas the tank engine.
And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son—
The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son—
And they are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth.
And thus the flesh becoming subject to the Spirit, or the Son to the Father, being one God, suffereth temptation, and yieldeth not to the temptation, but suffereth himself to be mocked, and scourged, and cast out, and disowned by his people.
Remember Jesus is also called the Word of God the father, and the Word of God is itself God
John 1:1= In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
the Word of God then became flesh
John 1:14= The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
still I think it's unclear.. I have read the bible many many times and I still can't figure it out. Maybe it's not so important in the end. What matters is what Jesus is trying to teach men, not really who he is..
Son of God
He is the messiah, yes.
the heck is that?
Charismatic cult leader rightfully punished by the Roman Empire.
If you believe his spurious claims, then you're probably also the type of nigga to follow Jim Jones, Shoko Asahara, Marshall Applewhite, etc etc. You're also in serious danger of believing pro wrestling is real.
Is your dad a father or a son himself?
jesus is the way and the truth and the life. he is therefore god. and also, he is the son of god. and also he is the son of man.
now get behind him, leaf.
Yes, Jesus is God come in the flesh for us. And anything youv'e heard or felt bad about God is because people's hearts are hard and also probably the devil tricks pepole into believing things about God that are actually not true. Like he tries to make you believe God is a monster. And lots of people believe him, I think.
it does matter who he is, because that is where he gets his authority.
He's the Son of God who is simultaneously God who sacrificed himself to himself in order to save the world from his own wrath
Jesus is a kike. Don't follow kike religions, or any religion at all.
Neither. He's a trojan horse to inject healthy European peoples with jewry.
>this is what Catholics believe
He was a very holy guy that was a prophet why the fuck would God have one son while calling all of us His children
>doesn't know where the word "kike" comes from
He has one physical(begotten) son(Jesus) and people who believe on Christ are more like adopted
he was a magician
Jesus comes from the Father like he Said.
But you dont know what the Father is. He is NOT the Demiurge like people want you to think.
The Demiurge is the Imitator / Jealous god who said no other god could be before him.
because it was prophesied in the old testament?
A dead Jew on a stick.
Super holy, the Romans made sure he was full of holes. :)
Killed by Pagans for trying to give us something the Lord of the OT didnt want us to have.
Based romans killing kike shit religions before they start, your cult had to make do with a dead prophet.
But you have it all wrong, the Jews are Pagans too.
fuck off blasphemer. is that why Rome adopted Christianity as their religion?
This. He is the physical manifestation of God on Earth and part of the Trinity but proceeds from God himself as the Son.
Yeah 500 years later it was made legal, youre literally a fucking terrorist.
Rome is built on the City to Saturn.
You will still find the old Temple to Saturn there.
Saturn is Cronos the Pagan Father god
He is a man eater
The Father, the Son and the Spirit are all one of the same, but are each their own entity. They glorify each other and are each humbled by the others.
>jewish subversives destroy Rome
>s-see guys christianity is good!
He was a Jew who the Romans used to institute Pagan worship among the sons of Abraham .
>not an argument
>doesn't provide anything to the discussion
Please fucking gas yourself faggot
Saturn is El, the Chief Archon.
Their Lord is an Archon.
He fucked his own mother I think.
He is the Son of God, The only begotten Son of God. He is NOT the Father. They are both united in the same ethics and rules, but they are separate beings, not one. The trinitarian doctrine was injected into the faith from pagan roots around 200 AD. Christians before then always understood that the Messiah was not the Father. The Father loved the world and GAVE His ONLY SON. What a measure of love. The trinitarian doctrine makes this sacrifice of the Father less significant, and minimizes His love for us. Jesus is the Father (YHWH) ONLY SON. The Bible says that the Father is GREATER than the Son (Jesus Himself says this).
In the beginning man was made in the image of a plurality. "Let US make man in OUR image." After sin enters into the world, the Father removed Himself so that the world was not burned up. The Son, Yeshua (Jesus) has always been the singular Elohim with us, with the Father watching over. When Jesus returns again, He will be at the right hand of YHWH. They are a Father - Son relationship. Why is this so hard for people to understand. The trinity doctrine is a lie that was never part of the early church.
this is true.
he was also both god and the son of god.
In reality...
He was
On a stick
Are you a retard? It was the jews that killed Christ, Pontius Pilate washed his hands meaning that he wanted nothing to do with Christ and letting the jews decide his fate.
The Divine Spark of Spirit comes from the Aeons.
The Father is the Aeon of Aeons and the first Aeon is the Son.
Are you a gnostic ?
Crucified on a Symbol of Saturn
Jesus is the son of the father. The son is the Creator of the universe. Heavenly Father, the universe of universes.
Hear and be wise. The God of the sons of Adam is not the highest monarch of the heavenly zones.
Above him swells one so much greater that his greatness cannot be measured. Even the name of God
defiles him, for he is not a god but a singleness of being without discontinuity. He shines with a pure
light no eye can see and speaks in thunder no ear can hear. There is none existing prior to him to limit
his duration. He is ineffable and perfect, standing alone complete unto himself.
Neither male nor female, neither large nor small, neither breath nor flesh, the mind of man can never
question his qualities for he is unknowable. He endures outside of time and encompasses duration. He
is the Father of Aeons. He rules before and above all existence. He gives knowledge but is not Wisdom.
He gives mercy but is not Love. The name of him is forever unspeakable, for in it are all names and
moments in the existence of things, and if ever it were spoken aloud the universe would unravel like the
hem of a garment and come to an end.
To edgy for me.
lol a mudslime appears
He is ded kike on stick
Rome didnt mention he came back alive.
Christianity is pure choice, do you choose to worship ded kile on sticks and if you do, are you intetested in the communist church?
In reality.....
You are
Why do bible niggers always write like they're evil sorcerers from an 80's b-movie?
Jesus is the Son of the Unknowable Father.
He is the Gnostic Savior.
The Demiurge is the Chief Craftsman of the Realm of Darkness. The First Ruler or Authority.
Jesus has three parts to Him, He;s God, has a soul and a Physical body
it's called culture. you know, the thing Britain used to have
Jesus is the
embodiment of God.
What should I read about it ?
Do you practice meditation or stuff like that to achieve gnosis ? How ?
What do you think about Valentinianism ? Is the Demiurge pure evil or just an imperfect but still benevolent being ?
Who exactly were Jesus, Buddha and the others ?
Sorry, I ask a lot of questions, I'm just genuinely interested in the subject
That is a hypercube you bonehead, and your Gnostic nonsense has clearly clouded your mind to interpreting the nuance of Dali.
You know there is a reason why Gnostics were kicked out of every church as they tried to inject their Satanic doctrine into the faith... because they are pretenders, proven fraudsters, and wrote their nonsense hundreds of years after Christ. They are not first hand witnesses, and the fact that you have read them and believe it means you are acutely susceptible to hypnotic trance induction and weak minded. CRITICALLY analyze the Gnostics history and you will realize how full of shit they are.
t. Historical Gnostic Scholar
Communism is a pure atheist ideology, thats why in every communist revolution they kill the priests, monks and nuns first.
The shit you morons believe.
None of you can even explain it because it makes no sense.
O doeth who angers the lord and unbelieveth shall have eternal fire!.
Woo woo woo woo
His death and resurrection is proof of his power over life and death.
At the last supper he tried to show us the Bread of Long Living and the Elixir of Life.
The Eucharist is the Grail that seekers are after. It is the Philosopher Stone.
I can't tell if this is bait or anticatho satire. Cronos tried to eat Saturn. Also he only tried ate his children (gods).
A man that managed to fool many.
If writing like a tolkeinesque wizard is what you consider to be culture then you can keep it. Dumb leaf.
This is the Alchemical trinity of Salt, Sulfur and Mercury.
Salt is the Body, Sulfur the Soul and Mercury the Spirit.
We are Triune Beings. Avatars.
The Divine Spark of Spirit which comes from above is held here in this Body.
We are in the Prison of the Serpent Archon.
His Simulacrum
He is the piscean savior for classical globalists.
Praise the Lord essijah 42:12
Gibe me your money stupid goyim
Will you stop it with your bullshit. Everyone here knows Gnosticism is Satanic. They were pagans who tried to take over the faith hundreds of years after Christ. It is what the Freemasons basically follow, and it is entirely LUCIFERIAN.
You will realize this one day.
Yeah woo woo, cough up the fucking money or you go to hell!
Well, when you put it like that....
I think it's some sort of compensatory reflex. They're truly dumb, so write like a mystical elf because they think it looks smart.
Fucking hell Jews get rich off retarded goyim, they just need to write fan fiction.
*tips yarmulke*
How can we get rich off kikestrians?
>What should I read about it ?
The Nag Hammadi is the biggest collection of Gnostic texts and it was found relatively recently in a cave in Egypt
>Do you practice meditation or stuff like that to achieve gnosis ? How ?
I came to Gnosticism through my research into Alchemy, but before I knew what any of that was I did meditate sometimes.
>What do you think about Valentinianism ? Is the Demiurge pure evil or just an imperfect but still benevolent being ?
Valentinians are like Luke Skywalker. They know the Demiurge is their father and they still see good in him. They want to turn him to the Light.
>Who exactly were Jesus, Buddha and the others ?
Jesus was an Aeon, it means an Emanation of the One. The One is the Monad or the All. The True Father and the Supreme being. The Ineffable Unknowable God.
>Sorry, I ask a lot of questions, I'm just genuinely interested in the subject
Yea Gnosticism seems to have alot of the answers we are seeking.
Jesus is god, jesus is the word but the idea of a trinity is retarded and not found in the bible
>1After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. 2And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? 3And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir. 4And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir. 5And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. 6And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. 7And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.
You worship a jewish book you fucking subhumsn.
The Gnostic Satan is the Demiurge, he is the Imitator who says he is the Creator.