How do we raise STEM skills among our students?
the other answer is wrong.
yes i have taken CORE.
5 sets of 3
people actually posted to prove they could solve 2nd grade math holy shit my sides
By importing more muslims
A set of five threes*
You illiterate mongoloid 56% faced filth.
Worst part is that they got it wrong.
unsolvable, you aren't given the value of x
by replacing the niggers with asians
This is 3 times 5, not 5 times 3. How does it feel being to stupid even by american standards?
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
stem related shit in vidyagames.
that wii surgery game was cool
Shop, labs, robotic, and music in the upper grades
Woodworking & metal working in middle school.
Free exploration of raw materials in elementary.
Kids need to learn math, science, and enginerring in a concrete way.
You roll an N sided fair die M times, where M >= N. What is the probability that you see each of the N faces of the die at least once?
do teachers really not see how retarded this is?
It took me a moment to realize what it was asking until I saw what other people were posting.
This is fucking stupid.
It's taking an already simple problem and adding five times as many steps to dumb it down further.
>repeated addition
>not just instantly knowing 5x3 by looking at it
5 / (1/3) = 15
>100 x 1
>use repeated addition to solve this
Common core is for retards.
>"repeated addition"
Not sure what that is, and I also don't care, I just immediately know what 5x3 is because I have half a brain.
Are you sure about that shitposting?
American education thread?
Close Sup Forums tab and open khanacademy. Easy.
(N/N) x (N-1/N) x ... x (1/N) for M = N
>2nd grade
Wait, is it considered 2ND GRADE?
Why use it to be able to know the complicated way of getting the same result?
Math is a meme.
I assume it's ok, but i always fail to grasp why it's five threes instead of three fives. Burger semantics at it again?
Yep, N!/(N^N) is correct for the special case when M = N. Now try the more general case when M >= N
Holy shit, am I stupid?
Oh shit, Alberto
I'll just post my old OC
Teaching is a last-resort career for women
Only correct answer here so far
100 loan.
Spend 97.
3 left.
Give back 2.
Loan is 98.
Money on hand is 1.
Pay back 1.
Loan is 97.
100-97 = 3
The trick is that you don't add 1 to 98 getting 99, you subtract 1 from 98 getting 97.
You may be onto something, user...
Solve this one, then.
>How do we raise STEM skills among our students?
homeschool them.
(((They))) are doing everything in their power to make your educational system DESTROY your child's ability to think critically.
no seriously im mad now
whats the answer
There is no missing dollar. You borrowed $49 + $49 = $98 from mom and dad, spent $97, and now you have $1.
its a very old word problem, designed to piss you off
the 1$ you are holding is part of the money you need to use to pay the debt
so you actually substract it from the 98, not add it
don't equate debt with real money, that only works for the federal reserve
More STEM classes, less or no non-STEM classes. The future of the white race is pretty dependent on engineers and scientists finding a way off this fucking rock so we live in peace on a space colony.
literally why
even if you're retarded enough to force them to do this shit, the order in which it is done does not, and could never matter
I don't give a fuck what DeVos does other than this, if she murders Common Core, then we're good here
the question never said of equal pieces. she could be sly and just cut a tiny piece off even smaller than the one in the gif and it still would be correct.
That $98 is debt, so adding the $1 savings makes no sense, it should be instead 98-1=$97
50 + 50 - 97 = -49 -49 +1
X = 15
Fuck, I should think more before posting.
common core is designed to allow niggers to pass math classes
as someone who has tutored niggers, it is not possible for them to comprehend what they are doing, they are genuinely puzzled by why 'variables' need to exist
so this is every bit as evil as you are imagining
Nothing is missing, the equation is wrong.
-49 + -49 = -98 + 1 = -97
It's comparing apples to oranges. Amount of remaining debt gets added to the amount of money in your pocket, but shouldn't be equal to $100.
Shirt is $125
You borrow $100 from mother and $100 from father, result with $200 in pocket and your debt is -$200
You buy shirt, get $75 in change
You have $75 in pocket and your debt is -$200
You send $5 to mother, $5 to father
You have $65 in pocket and your debt is -$190
Now as in example we add your $65 and remaining debt of $190 and get $255. Where do they come from? Nowhere, it's just nonsense.
>sig figs
this is why i don't respect physic or chemist students
Nah, it's designed to trick you by how you use language. No good riddle should include something that is wrong in the question.
Actually using sig figs the answer would still be 75, faggot
>Holy shit we have wi-fi and internet in #1917! Has science gone that far #TrenchFoot
This. Rare to find an ME that grew up building and machining things.
Honestly it isn't even a important goal at this point. Gradschool was a huge eye opener for how uncompetitive domestic students are, at least in many physical sciences.
I was one of two people in a Chemistry department of ~100 with US citizenship. The department was bending over backwards to retain domestic students. Absolutely free ride plus living wages. They offered me more than the Chinese post-docs were making.
For every semi-motivated American there was a bucket full of Indian and Asian foreign students. The foreign students were honestly more qualified initially. They had much better work ethics because it was sink or swim. Failure wasn't an option for them.
Once the foreign students graduated they would swallow working as $15 permatemps.
The influx of foreign students skews things really bad. I don't have anything against them personally. All the ones I met were great people.
Still, they raise the academic bar and conversely lower the standard in industry. They come into academia as superior students and leave as mediocre cheap labor. It's a pretty nasty cycle of feedback.
Making STEM more attractive starts in industry. STEM programs need to be more vocationally oriented, especially for undergraduates.
fuck off physicsfag.
t. brainlet
>I bet they will make a video game about us but instead of us with niggers #trench foot
But that makes sense though. It's just a weird way of doing it. We did the same when I went to school over 20 years ago.
5 + 8 is more than ten. So you form a ten to put in the tens' place, and put the rest in the ones' place. It's helping kids learn how to do math in their head, which is arguably a useful skill to have.
>But that makes sense though. It's just a very poor wording.
Children who participate in classical music on average have seventy percent increase in their grades. It has a lot to due with the fact the learning an instrument can help you develop your brain majorly. It is a logical and intellectual practice life chess and similar games.
common core, ever heard of it?????
>Making STEM more attractive starts in industry.
HR has flattened the employee structure so every scientist and engineer is on the bottom rung and there is a revolving door in and out. Wages are meager. They can always find what they need for the meager price they want from H1B candidates. Psych majors become HR people and they can sniff out autism too.
I can see the answer in my head, but I don't know how to express it mathematically.
As M increases over N, we get M-N chances to re-roll the dice to see a new number. It follows that large M-N makes our probability go up.
I also see how the timing of needing a re-roll effects the outcome. If I get to the very end of a large N set, and I never see the same face twice, then my re-rolls have a 1/N chance of helping. However, if my re-roll is needed at the very beginning, then a re-roll has a near N/N chance of helping.
How do I express this properly?
Outright ban shitty courses like Gender Studies from being taught in public owned or funded Universities
Put cameras in all lecture halls so professors can be held accountable if they start spreading propaganda
this leaf fucks
Actually have an engaged class, one where kids will have fun learning things that they should know or simply getting a head start in life by learning engineering, working with machinery or programs like AutoCad or Solidworks.
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
= 15
>Burger semantics at it again?
This is a new phenomenon. Even 10-15 years ago when I was learning this shit in school they taught us the Commutative Property (two numbers can be multiplied in either order and result in the same answer). I don't know what (((their))) goal is with Common Core, but it honestly scares me.
Dude again, that's actually a clever way of doing it in your head.
I do it like so:
325 - 38
Okay, Let's subtract the smaller of each in turn
325 - 38 =
305 - 18 =
300 - 13 =
Now, let's subtract one at a time.
290 - 3 =
This works for me because I just have to do very small operations at a time, so I just have to remember the numbers.
It's probably not the fastest, but I'm just too used to doing it this way.
Ackcyually, a Term (A x B) only shows that 'A' and 'B' are operands fed to the Operator 'x'. Even if we assume 'x' to be a 'mathematical Multiplication' (which by the way could be a number of mathematically different operations depending on what the operands we are looking at) and assume both 'A' and 'B' to be Real Numbers (which is what normies most likely use in their everyday life), then we still lack the information required to know how the author defined repeated addition. Both options (using the left operand as multiplier / the right one as multiplicand and the opposite variant) form a valid base for a localized definition (there is no universally accepted one) of 'repeated addition', as long as the author sticks with the chosen definition through the scope in which it was meant to be used.
The reason why people intuitively think there was a "sole correct way" to solve that question is due to the way that multiplication is used in their native languages: In English for example the term (5x3) would be read as '5 times 3' or '3 multiplied by 5', which suggests - by linguistic intuition - that the leftmost operand takes on the role of a multiplier, while the right operand gets interpreted as multiplicand. That's how they intuitively see the 'repeated addition'-representation of the Term (5x3) as (3+3+3+3+3+3), even though there are not actual rules stating that it has to be that way.
Also, when native english (normie) speakers interpret 3 as multiplier and 5 as multiplicand and claim that it HAS to be seen that way, they seem to forget that (5x3) can also be interpreted as 3 being a scalar whose purpose is to scale the second operand 5.
The array task in Burgeranons pic is just another example of this stupidity. While i would have solved it as the teacher would have done myself, there simply isn't any rule stating that the array-based representation of the term (4x6) has to look that way, unless the teacher defined it beforehand.
But doesn't every kid learn music, how to read sheet music, play a basic instrument, etc.?
The purpose of mandatory education is to produce an educated citizen that can partake in society. How can you consider yourself educated if you can't understand the basics of music?
Granted, we learned how to play a recorder (it's a cheap and simple to play instrument), and our to our parents' ears distress, the school took their music classes very seriously. I could play it properly after a year though.
I would be very sad if my kid didn't learn how to read and play music.
I dont blame someone for not remembering some meme tactic they heard about 15 years ago
Why not post a REAL question.
this is due to the parents being rich enough to pay for lessons and making their kid learn a skill rather than just zone out infront of a tablet
Germany weeds out its retards:
Children and young people with disabilities are required to attend school, just as are their non-disabled peers. When a child reaches school age, their parents or guardians enrol them in either the Grundschule (general primary school) or in the relevant Förderschule (special school). If it is assumed that a child cannot be sufficiently helped in lessons at a mainstream school without special educational assistance, the school supervisory authority recognises that the child concerned has special educational needs and a decision is taken on what sort of school they should attend and where (a certain type of Förderschule or a mainstream school offering additional assistance on an individual basis). Pupils who are attending a mainstream school, but are not receiving the assistance they require may be transferred to another type of school in the course of their school career.
In the USA, 21 year old freshman retards destroy public schools
Picture shows Baltimore City Public High School student athlete scholars taking a break from their rigorous STEM curriculum
>How can you consider yourself educated if you can't understand the basics of music?
I was just starting to think Norway was cool and then you come out with something like that.
>BLM flag
I understand. No need to rustle jimmies.
I don't think so. Growing up we weren't exactly rich, but I started learning violin growing up. It gave me great perspective and genuinely improved my ability not just as a student but in general improved my learning skills.
What is more interesting is what happens after the "Grundschule".
Instead of lumping all students together (like in a Highschool) they either go to the "Gymnasium" if they intend to to go to university or to the "Gesamtschule", if the students intend to learn a trade. (Sometimes there is also a third option).
This means that for the most part the smart (mostly native Germans) got to one school and the "less gifted" (often turks) to another.
Sadly this system has become severely watered down in the last decades since more and more students are going to the "Gymnasium" without being qualified enough.
You don't need a lot of money to learn classical music. You need an instrument, and someone to teach you, and parents who care.
None of these are functions of being rich.
Hell, a recorder is downright cheap:
Once they have gotten their instrument you just need sheet music, and that's not expensive either.
Look here's a free lesson sheet. It's a bit harder on a recorder, since you have to control your breath, but in essence you just have to play the G key, and you're in business.
There's nothing about learning and appreciating music that presupposes you being rich user. Stop looking down on the poor.
Common Core is retarded, end of discussion.
Maybe that is why American youth are getting dumber and dumber by the second.
Do you honestly not see the point of producing cultured citizens and not people who are good enough to vote and be gainfully employed at some Jewish company?
I guess I just assumed all music teachers were jewy like all the suburban moms paying $80 an hour for piano lessons for little Kayden. Still my point about the parents not just letting the xbox raise the kids stands
In Norway the people who get into the trade school are not the dumbest people. The gymnasium-equivalents are both the most academically minded and the dumbest.
Keeps our tradesmen competitive, I guess.