Life of an user in algeria

>tfw a nafri
>tfw can't be nationalistic because my nation sucks
>tfw most of my people larp as arabs and hate berber
>tfw most of my people are brainwashed by a cult
>tfw objectively ugly
>tfw gay
>tfw most of my people will kill me in a heart beat
>tfw niggers are also coming here making things much worst
>tfw even if go to europe i will probably be BTFO by a muslims living there or by a whitie
>tfw no social skills
>tfw i wanna die
>tfw too much of a pussy to do it
>tfw a faggot
i know i'm not the only that ending it so this is thread discussing our self hate
don't be shy user come in .....

Other urls found in this thread:

move to melbourne, where everyone is just like you.

You can always come here, Arab-user.

Lift and write books. Get rich and then you can do what you want. Also stop being gay, it´s obviously only due to feeling that you will never get female attention and subsequently watching gay porn.
Gently transition to tranny porn and then onwards to hardcore anal and finally to softcore vaginal and then NoFap. Give it a year.

i'll give it a try

This triggers me

That's very specific, user.
Did you go through such transition?
Who cares? Your english is rather good, being in a country that speaks french as a second language, you're definitely not a retard, try to manipulate the system, get rich.
Also, Nafri stands from north african intesive offender in german, ignore that portugese neckbeard with the EU memeflag, he's a retarded moorish rapebaby, cucked by some north african.

>tfw born in algeria
>tfw when i was 8 my family won visa lottery to come to America
>tfw that was 1 in 1mil chance
>tfw in 999,999 other timelines, i still live in algeria.

>tfw came to america, go to top university, fuck american girls on the regular

this truly is the best timeline

>tfw a roach
>tfw can't be nationalistic because my nation sucks
>tfw most of my people larp as arabs and hate kurds
>tfw most of my people are brainwashed by a cult
>tfw objectively ugly
>tfw most of my people will kill me in a heart beat
>tfw arabs are also coming here making things much worst
>tfw even if go to europe i will probably be BTFO by a muslim living there
>tfw no social skills
>tfw i wanna die
>tfw too much of a pussy to do it
We share a similar fate

Oooooh, poor thing.