Poll: Trump supporters want Dreamers to stay in U.S

is this true, Sup Forums? do you want the dreamers to stay?


Absolutly! All my fellow magapedes do!

Oh look, a (((poll))) from (((Vox)))

>a few leftists who ironically bought maga hat burn them to false flag Trump supports disowning him
>False flag fake rally yesterday that nobody showed up to because it wasnt a real rally at all in the middle of 90% blue/nigger DC
>Constant shill posts

Reminder the left has been boxed in to a corner to keep dreamers here legally in exchange for a wall and their only play is to make it appear Trump is losing support for playing them


33%er here. go back, taco goblins.

Christ alive, this is so pathetic.
Nobody believes this.

No one in their right mind would say no to highly educated and skilled labour

That's how you know this is bullshit. They would have said "have no opinion" "meh" or "I'm not against it" not "Want". "want' is a strong word meaning desire to have. No Trump voter is desiring to have this. Maybe they are not conflicted with it but they don't "Want" it.

Anonymous (((((ID: fNH/A6dX))))) KN 09/17/17(Sun)11:14:05 No.141874279▶
Absolutly! All my fellow magapedes do!


What are "dreamers"?

>No one in their right mind would say no to highly educated and skilled labour
Nobody in the right mind would import 1 million non-whites into the country and all the baggage that comes with them. Once they get in, their parents, their siblings, all get in. That 1 million becomes 4 million more brown "people".

>No one in their right mind would say no to highly educated and skilled labour

That's crazy. *Looks at flag*. n/m, makes sense, your country is gone.

yes, we cannot afford to send all those doctors, lawyers and scientists away

Illegal immigrants who "dream" of gaining legitimate status. We have similar systems in Europe, where leftist traitors enact policy where invaders get to appeal and appeal the state's decisions until the leftists can argue that they've been here long enough to warrant automatic acceptance.

If it were up to me, we'd not only kick out scum like that, but the people who made and support those rules right along with them. Can't be that hard to make a fake Moroccan passport for some white commie.

I would

Propaganda here and everywhere
No one wants dreamers except democrats, r/the_donald cult sycophants and other dreamers families so they can flood this land like the locusts they are

this. don't care. assimilate or die

People who are against it are larping or have no empathy

Fuck no

Illegal immigrants that are NOT children- anchor babies, but all of them are in their adulthood at the moment

the term " Dreamer" is just another example how leftists control the narrative, same with "refugees", " undocumented immigrants" , "religion of peace"

And so on, it's a plague and not the smallest inch can be handed to the left in such an important topic. If Trump caves in, he'll be another horrendous sell-out goy president like Raegan, Bush etc.

The question for that poll is

>They should be allowed to stay and become citizens if they meet certain requirements

What does that even mean? There is no framework to this answer. 58% think they should be able to become citizens under "certain circumstances" but what are those circumstances? Each individual is going to have varying standards for that.


what the fuck is a dreamer? I keep seeing it but I don't know what the fuck it means

Oh boy a poll. Surely they can be trusted, not like they were used to push leftist agenda in the 2016 election.

America is fucking Groundhog Day.

This. Us true magapedes know that keeping them in will not only help keep Trump in power, but bring in lots of hard workers when their family's come too. Why would anyone want to get rid of such a skilled and intelligent group of people? You're not racists are you?

We should send them back, but allow them to skip ahead in line applying for citizenship. If they're as bright and talented as they claim they should have no problem justifying why they should stay.

they are illegally in the country kick them out and then they can try and come back as legal immigrants. Why do people want to make this shit so hard

It's a foreign national who dreams of getting government assistance without paying taxes.

Exactly. Useless poll for information purposes, good for propaganda though.


Is it wrong not to give a shit one way or another what happens to these people. I hope in some way they're deported but if they're allowed to stay I won't be butt hurt as long as Trump uses it to get something really good out of it, like voter id laws or something.

These girls are DREAMers

Why does everyone post around these creepy looking girls everywhere? Are they supposed to be attractive or am I missing something?

Well apparently the left and bracketmen have made USA the state where whites have no rights and illegals can come and get amnestied by shiteater shabbo goy republicans year after year

Yes also I had to go through 3 different links just to find the questions and answers to that poll. I'm actually surprised they questioned about the same number of democrats and republicans but this is such a broad open answer to skew it into "Trump supporters want Dreamers to stay in the U.S" is such horseshit.


POTUS should listen to Donald J Trump

Well pack it in guys, the (((polls))) are out. They can't be wrong, right ?

WTF I love Mexicans now

I don't fucking understand the people who want illegal immigrants to stay in a country. Fair enough if the government is dumb enough to take in "refugees" even though it's pretty much the same. These wetbacks don't even say they left Mexico because they are going to get their head cut off by cartels. It's just stupid shit while they go on about Mexican pride and how cool being a mexican is. It reminds me of maoris that move here and then go on about how they are all blacks and shit. Just go back to New Zealand at least you fought the whites there. Our natives were so shit most of them died or fled into the desert

why even have a wall if we grant amnesty to everybody?

Honestly why don't they just open up a donation for the wall? I'd gladly throw in $100.

mexicans aren't skilled Sven, lel

also they still harbor fantasies about retaking the Southwest and hate the US all while crying racism and demanding handouts.

welp, i'm convinced. after all, foreign and domestic policy should be determined by media polling

it's ugly spics mexican citizen on Sup Forums shilling for their subhuman peoples. that's the best the taco gremlin can find so he posts it everywhere thinking it's attractive to white men. he's a cuckold who want so to offer his women so he can stay

Sup Forums literally BTFO

Women and the numales believe feelings should supersede the law, it's as simple as that. We wouldn't be having this problem if we had never given women the right to vote.

someone should start up a gofundme or kickstarter or whatever for The Wall desu

If Trump allows dreamers to stay he loses my vote in 2020. And I won't be voting to Trump loyalists 2018.

I'm not going to decide until his decision is final though. But one fact remains, this issue is absolutely non-negotiable.

All illegals, including Dreamers, are going back whether they like it or not.

I voted for Trump.
I'll vote for Trump again.
I want Dreamers to go back to Mexico.
I want the wall.
America was better when it was 90% white.
This shit has to end somehow.

>I don't fucking understand the people who want illegal immigrants to stay in a country.
When you have been brainwashed by the media, intelligence in all levels of society for DECADES, the result is exactly that

Trump supporters are obsessed with DACA, and conveintly ignore the other 30 million illegals. They are not leaving folks. They never were. Trump is not loading up trains and sending them back. If .Gov wanted them to go back, they would cut off all government assistance. But, they don't. Oh well. When DACA retards are given citizenship, they can pay taxes like the rest of us slaves, and train thier replacements of H1Bs. Just brace yourselves for our inevitable collapse.

are they identical triplets or am I racist because they all look the same?

- Fake news
- Fake polls

Mega propaganda drive from shariablue and Soros.

>highly educated and skilled
They aren't. Most are basically human garbage. The fact that they were dropped here by illiterate invader parents should inform you of this.

Well you're sure ain't gonna get any of that with Trump, sorry bro. He obviously got scared/subverted by the establishment


Oh yes, the same polls that said Hillary would win in a landslide? The fucking Jews want amnesty. Now that the media is shilling for amnesty I'm even MORE against it.

Under the conditions that they receive no citizenship or voting privileges for the wall funding.

you have to start somewhere. further radicalization is inevitable as more people start to realize this. it's always good to have the wall in place, since the last few times we had mass Mexicans deportations they just came right back.

Mexicans should just be declared an irredentist invading force and all legal Mexican nationals should be expelled.

And anyone you elect will. Presidents do not have any power.

I have a few opinions on this. Not saying any of them are necessarily correct.

1) The Jews push the idea that legal immigrants are an overall plus and that they're America loving law abiding citizens that assimilate. This may apply to most white immigrants but colored immigrants usually don't give a fuck about America and are here to abuse the system and make America like their home country.

2) They don't understand the danger of amnesty for illegal Latinos. Most Latinos, legal or illegal, don't want to assimilate and they always want big government. They love welfare. California is blue because of amnesty. Many conservatives fail to acknowledge the voting patterns of Latinos.

3) They have sympathy for the Dreamers. Personally, I feel bad for some kids but I know a majority of them are a net loss for America. I'd say deport 99.9% of dreamers. Regardless, Dems love to pull heart strings of the normies.

But they won't be labeled that. Americans are not angry enough that do anything that would force thier hand. Trump is just a little bubble gum holding this circus side show together.

give it a few more years.

Yeah I know lots of them are fucked up when I saw two news stories recently with the pro poof shit here at the moment. One was a Greens MP that is a member of the LGBTQI+ whatever the fuck they want to call it. It was because she met her husband in the 80s and they married now he is a women so she must be a lesbian but their marriage is still legal with the law. The other was another I think two Greens MP's one is a Lesbian who raises her kid with another gay male MP and his butt buddy and her ex-partner who was a women but they had to break up when the chick wanted to be a man. One of the gay guys is the kids biological dad. This shit is not fucking normal in any way, it's like they all decided to start sniffing petrol because they want to understand abo's

Sure they do, constitution isn't worth shit in your country or any western country, look at Obongo, unconstitutional bills, amendments into say obamacare without congress approval, many others

Trump just spoke platitudes and fooled his base, could have cancelled the unconstitutional bills and changes, yet the one thing he's done so far is pretty much made any white concerned for his survival a terrorist. A fucking joke of a president


It will be too late, unless you plan on killing people in DC, they don't care how pissed off you are. We're toe jam to the establishment. Elections are pointless. The only way you stop this is causing the money to stop flowing to them.


Our government has been operating outside the Constitution and laws for decades. We let them as rape us without the condom.

and shilary has a 98% chance of winning

>highly educated and skilled labour
you stupid fuck, what do you think these cunts are? they're even worse than their parents

you can never have enough slaves

Best reason yet for sending them back. (((They))) want them here.

If only the dreamers would get their shit together and fucking apply for citizenship already, then I'd give a little less shit about them.

Are these the same pollsters who said shillery was going to win?

>Actually going along with this "Dreamers" label the media have created

Holy shit you're subverted.

I mean I don't know what the hell needs to happen for any real change to take place. Most probably a world-wide catastrophe a huge economical crash, floods - nuclear war to shake up the stronghold the leftist communist bracketmen have established

The actual right itself is so divided it's hilarious, the communists probably sit back and laugh at all this at their spare time, the wedge between the right blue-white collar workers, everyone calling each other a fed, leftist plant etc. This shit was happening way back in 60s as well as George Lincoln Rockwell pointed out in one of his more private speeches

we live in a timeline now that when people take polls everyone lies. The yes voters say they will not no, and the no voters say they will vote yes. Everyone is secretly trolling each other

Yeah, forget about raising our own children to be productive and developing our own peoples' skills, let's just import workers!

There's more to a society than profit margins, Swede.

chesscucks are legit delusional at this point

Brought to you by the same people that produced
>according to polls Hillary has a 99.9% chance of winning

>If only the dreamers would get their shit together and fucking apply for citizenship already, then I'd give a little less shit about them.
Yes cause we need more immigration

Oops, forgot I had a meme flag from shitposting in another thread.

>Using Breitbart as a source
Ayo hol up

This fucking newspeak though, what is a fucking dreamer?

Can someone give me a quick rundown about all of this? A month after the election I started working fulltime and haven't had time to keep up with Trump. All the shit I see points to him caving to mainstream opinions.

Its fucking amazing we live in a time where no one answers stuff honestly. I have never answered a poll or an option question honestly I've always said what the other person wanted to hear or what would be socially acceptable. Has it always been like this?

This whole fiasco is a big and effective shill campaign. Don is just using DACA to get concessions out of the dems. I never heard from the horse's mouth that it will be signed into law in its current form.

Cue thousands of concern trolls and false flag hat burning bullshit. Just more media deception.

>Hey, I know you kinda broke the law but here's your reward: free citizenship. Now, I know you got your reward by breaking the law but please don't keep breaking it, okay?
Jesus if there is any Trump supporter who actually likes dreamers then I don't know why the fuck did you support him in the first place, immigration was his main thing

Just fuck off, this damage control is pure cringe. Name just one thing Trump has done out of his big promises, why even SPEAK with democrats in the first place?

He's over, you can only ignore things for that long like counter shilling his continued war in afghanistan and others

What's even worse this shit takes place during every presidency and they just continue to fall for it

SKLEMPF's post-facto anchor-baby lobby

>is the media telling the truth

I answer Honestly to people I feel are my friends, like real friends. Ones that will not cast me aside because I think differently to them. These people are my mates. The rest I either just lie to not cause conflict or say whatever I think will piss them off because they have no power to affect my life

If he cucks he dooms the US.

This is my stance against Arab immigrants and I use Europe as an example. They don't integrate. They confine themselves to ghettos and then demand the host country changes to their wants.


I will gladly disavow him if you can show me that he has granted amnesty to dreamers, allowed them to bring their family, and all for nothing in return.

You will reply with more name calling rather than evidence.

I was polled only once ever; phone call during the 2016 elections.
>Do you plan on voting for Hillary?
Ok thank you have a nice day.