We need a talk, Sup Forums

We need a talk, Sup Forums.

The world needs more half asian/ half white mix.

This mix race is the future.

Seriously, I can't keep my boner down when I am around these Eurasians.

looks like another useless roastie slut to me

Meh i seen better

but they aren't white tho. she would be a lot prettier if she was a white girl with blonde hair.

do you really want a little dick yellow gook as a son ?

First, why are talking about my kids dick you fucking pedo. Second, the size is inherited from fathers side.

Seriously, I can't keep my boner down when around Eurasians.



>half asian/ half white mix
Supreme Gentleman



Why would you be attracted to a slant eyed gook OP, go find a white girl. Your children will look nothing like you if you mate with a chink

Nice cherry picking you fucking loser.

You are just jealous, admit it.

Why does that matter?

you want to race mix but when you see the result you blame the jew nice you are killing western society with you dick

No ones blaming anyone you dumb fucking proxy bitch.

Race mixing is healthy. You dumb fucking animal.

I'm not part Asian, but I am part Mãori and they're more genetically closer to Asians than nigs or white Bois, and let me tell you, I look fucking ugly AF.

day of retribution coming soon

party. HARD.

How do I know youre white?

Wow! Dude, totally believe a faggot with a white supremacist flag. You look like a pig, literally a barn animal. Hmm, were have we heard that before.

>ricky fowler
pure white, pure asian will always be better
blacks are the only race that can improve by mixing.


Because I know the difference between you are and your as in ownership.

The Jew gets it.

Anyone know how well this mix can handle BIG DICKS?

whatever happened to logan stanton anyway

Nah, asian white mix makes society as a whole better.


Going for Latin women on the white side and Asians is the most benign form of mixing.

East Asians are essentially the only ethnic group outside of the West that have been capable of building first world countries, and have histories of highly sophisticated civilization pre-Industrial Revolution.

It's not like there's this abundance of in-shape, based white women around. We have to beget offspring somehow and raise them right. All of you attacking "rice steamers" should take a look in the mirror and ask yourselves how many children you've begotten FFS. Bleaching is better than nothing, you basement-dwelling neets.

Asians are just tiny slit eyed jews

Bleaching is an interesting concept. How does that work ?

Pol wants to mate with subhumans, destroy the white race then blame Jews for it. You dumb whites deserve to be exterminated due to your own stupidity, lack of foresight and traitorous mating choices

Even the hapa men are disgusting.

I just forgot to change that flag from when I was posting in a thread about whites being genetically inferior. But even if I did intentionally post with a white supremacist flag can a mutt not support white nationalism? Also if you want to insult people learn proper English

> were have I heard that

LMFAO Amerifat doesn't even know how to spell where. No wonder you're shilling your race to further destruction.

You are the anti semetic one, pal.

Sorry to burst your bubble, bitch, but race mixing is good for the future, especially with Asians, because we have a lot in common.

beds. Jews can cum too. More women the better.


Asians have a fair complexion, but the word effectively means spreading white genes.

The Japanese have the third largest economy in the world despite having less than half of the US's population, along with extremely low crime rates, and a high level of industriousness and creativity.

But what's the point? If you'd rather live in an all-white methhead trailer park of "humans" as opposed to a high rise in Tokyo or Hong Kong, you're already beyond repair.

I look around at white women my age, the complete lack of quality both inside and out, and I can't fault bleachers at all. It's not ideal, but it's better for a white man than not having children at all.

Anyone have that smuggie, where the guy ignores the arguement to pick out a spelling error?

Common barn animal scum. As a mutt you should support race mixing even more. Sad!

I couldn't agree more.

Hmmm. Marry Asian QT. Get a Supreme Gentleman for a son and a hot for a Eurasian daughter.

I could do worse.

they make cute kids

Just train elliot roger right. He ended up he way he did because his dad was always too busy for him.

Law of large numbers can equate things allot. You observe only one spectrum of white trash. Paraphrasing J. Carlin, half the ppl are worse than the average person.

So in that concept mixing with asian ppl does not equate upgrade automaticaly. You could just as well mix with asian trash.

Import more Asians
Deport kebab


I agree.

USA has roughly 30 million asians.

We need about 50 million total for equilibrium.

kebab has explosive expantion if you invest enough money and time

>Listening to a Jew

Asians and whites have highest IQs likely beneficial incompatible mix overall.

Yay hapas

Bullshit. My little Hapas look so much like me my phone tags them with my name in pictures. They just have a little tan in winter. They will be slaying the pussy is 10 years.

Inb4 you cherry pick photos of ugly hapas and hapa psychos as if white people don't have mental issues and go on shooting rampages

You're projecting your self hatred due to being a basement neet who's never going to reproduce.

Truly the real masterrace