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First for nothing will come of this outside of one retarded IT guy going to jail for bank fraud
George Webb said the WaPo quoted him today.
I guess I have to put my disgust aside and read something in that discredited fake news rag.
>no evidence of espionage
Espionage confirmed
He has alot of info on (((them))). He either dies, is scared and reveals nothing or spills ALL the beans
Here's an archive link to WaPo fake news. The article is full of lies as you would expect.
They get the awkward admission that the Awans were breaking protocol (which really means the law) to access information on congressmen (!!!!) and they acknowledge that they are also criminals
But then "some conservatives" are actually alarmed that foreign born guys who have clearly been committing all kinds of crimes had illegal shared access to a large number of Democratic Party congressmen.
>I think the real story here is that conservatives are racist because Muslims are great guys, right goys?
Oh look, more TALKING.
The first 100 times Debbie was about to go down it didn't happen, but maybe the 101st time will be the happening!
So tired of this shit
The WaPo are such a bunch of sleazeballs
Even if we ignore the omissions
> And Imran’s youngest brother, Jamal, 24, started in 2014.
Which means he was 20 when he started working as an IT guy for congress... on a $160k salary of taxpayers' money... for a job that normally pays $40k and he wasn't qualified to do anyway
Dude patience. We cannot get the big guys, without catching the small fish first.
Greg Meeks (D-NY)
Robert Wexler (D-FL)Left 2010
Xavier Becerra (D-CA)Left 2017
>chaired the House Dem Caucus connected to secret server
Chris Bell (D-TX)Left 04
Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH)Left 08
Jim Costa (D-CA)
Hilda Solis (D-CA)Left 09
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Kendrick Meek (D-FL)Left 10
Melissa Bean (D-IL)Left 10
Sandy Levin (D-MI)
Tim Ryan (D-OH)
Baron Hill (D-IN)Left 10
John Sarbanes (D-MD)
Yvette Clarke (D-NY)
Dave Loebsack (D-IA)
Ron Klein (D-FL)Left 10
Joe Donnelly (D-IN)Left 13
Ben Chandler (D-KY)Left 13
Diana DeGette (D-CO)
Jackie Speier (D-CA)
>intel committee.
Rahm Emanuel (D-IL)Left 09
Marcia Fudge (D-OH)
Martin Heinrich (D-NM)Left 13
Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)Left 12
Debbie Halvorson (D-IL)Left 10
Frederica Wilson (D-FL)
John Carney (D-DE)
Cedric Richmond (D-LA)
>Committee on Homeland Sec, rank member on Terror and Cybersec subcommittee
Karen Bass (D-CA)
Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Henry Waxman (D-CA)Left 15
Ron Barber (D-AZ)
Patrick Murphy (D-FL)
House Dem Caucus
Joe Garcia (D-FL)
Joyce Birdson Beatty (D-OH)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Mark Takano (D-CA)
>Committee on Science, Space, and Tech
Dan Kildee (D-MI)
Julia Brownley (D-CA)
Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)Left 17
>Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the Armed Services Committee before becoming senator
Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM)
Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)
Tony Cardenas (D-CA)
Robin Kelly (D-IL)
Joaquin Castro (D-TX)
Katherine Clark (D-MA)
Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)
Joe Crowley (D-NY)
Brad Ashford (D-NE)Left 2017
Andre Carson (D-IN)
>House Select Committee on Intel, rank member on Emerging Threats Subcommittee for counterterror oversight, member of the DoD Intel and Overhead Architecture Subcommittee;
Gwen Graham (D-FL)Left 17
>was on the Armed Services Committee and Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee
Pete Aguilar (D-CA)
Ted Lieu (D-CA)
>subcommittee on NatSec
Seth Moulton (D-MA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Donald McEachin (D-VA)
Stephanie Murphy (D-FL)
Charlie Crist (D-FL)
Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE)
Darren Michael Soto (D-FL)
Keep this thread alive please
Following on
>“At the end of the day, whether they had formal training or not, they were trained on the job by Imran,” said one of Imran Awan’s lawyers, Aaron Marr Page.
Oh, that's all right then: no problem that an unqualified 20 or 21 year old got a job through pure nepotism and was paid 4 times the going rate of taxpayers' money despite being unqualified.
These DNC fucks are so used to getting away with crimes that they probably don't understand how fucked up what they're saying sounds.
Non-archived real news:
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch was talking about this too.
Man, oh man. I just went through all of those .doc files in that article and I'm gonna have to be honest with you guys, there was zilch in them! Just a big, fat nothingburger! Pretty anticlimactic result but oh well, what can ya do!
Say, speaking of burgers, why don't we all go out for lunch instead of being locked up on this website? I heard Wendy's has some pretty good burgers on their menu!
Lol, another "FAYKE NEWZ" thread. *rolls eyes while yawning*
How come you guys are so obsessed with "corrupted medias"? You realise the media has to be truthful, right? That's their, uh, job? Donald Trump has already been proven to be a liar and spreading of fake news while, for CNN, Bloomberg and many other major news networks, there hasn't been an actual incident where they released a fake news story.
It's time to grow up and go outside. Stop living in your bubble world/echo chamber.
How is the pay? Is it worth it?
>Sup Forums in 2007
>porn and motivational poster memes
>Sup Forums in 2017
>ironic shillposting and fighting to expose global secret societies
Everyone has a different level of patience.
Letting everyone run free just like they always have doesn't make me confident that they are going down.
There is evidence of crimes; there is no evidence that anything is actually being done about it
No mention of the $120k write off of equipment that went missing?
Okay guys, just giving you a Sup Forums PSA!
If you see ANY links to sites that discuss this topic or "leaked emails", do NOT under any circumstance, CLICK THAT LINK!
If you click it, not only will you get tons of tons of viruses (nobody wants a sick computer!) but you'll also be breaking the law (yikes!)!
Your internet provider is tracking all of your internet history so make sure you don't click any fishy links about Seth Rich or leaked emails! Just looking out for you guys from one Sup Forumslack to another! (yipee!)
>In March 2016, auditors in the House’s Chief Administrative Office discovered strange invoices for computer equipment — purchases that were broken into multiple payments of less than $500. Any purchases over that amount require equipment to be placed on an inventory that helps to track it.
>After a referral to the inspector general’s office, investigators found that the IT workers had asked vendors “to split the cost of equipment among multiple items and charged these items as office supplies instead of equipment,” according to the September briefing document.
>As of Sept. 1, 2016, there had been 34 purchases totaling nearly $38,000 “where the costs of the item was manipulated to obtain a purchase price of $499.99,” according to the document. There were $799 iPads and a $640 television on the list, records show.
wew, nothing to see here lads. No problem at all that these guys have access to congressional data including members of intelligence panels and whatnot. They wouldn't do anything shady. Well, except for the fake invoices, the break-ins, the smashed government equipment stored at the house of that marine who the WaPo conspicuously avoid mentioning, the repeated bank fraud the blatant nepotism with suspiciously high salaries, the being caught accessing the network after having been banned and the many other protocol (law) violations.
We won the popolar vote REEEEEEEEEEE
Your isp doesn't do the tracking. Third-party software does that and forwards to your isp and urges them to take action.
In the case of government honeypotting the spyware forwards your info directly to their database as evidence.
Full Awan/DNC scandal timeline:
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Fun fact:
Andre Carson was the first Muslim put on House Committee on Intelligence
By Obama, of course.
Fun fact 2:
Imran Awan liked to play video games with Andre Carson.
AWAN THREADS are some of the most important on Sup Forums right now.
IF you are not damiliar with IMRAN AWAN yet please do.
In case you get exposed to this cancer , lobotomies for EVERYBODY !
Ty for the explanation, however he is just a paid shill
I would hate fuck debbie so hard.
Is he a bot? Can some tech fags confirm?
tfw can't tell if being ironic or unironic
>Trump administration is actually slowing down releasing Clinton shit
Wouldn't surprise me one bit.
There is still ZERO evidence that anything is being done about anything.
ZERO percent of the swamp has been drained
The only thing you can say playing Devil's advocate for the WaPo at this point (which they have repeatedly shown they do not deserve) is if they were to list all of the criminal activity the Awans are at least closely linked to (and very often it seems clearly guilty of), then they'd be writing a novel instead of a newspaper article.
Ehm look a little bit closer at Muller
It's not Trump himself slowing it down. It's the permanent government people who hate Trump and want to protect Hillary because they are part of the same corrupt deep state scam she is - albeit as little fish. They get that if Hillary goes down, it will vindicate Trump and an overwhelming majority of the American people will begin to demand more transparency from their government. And transparency is bad for corrupt deep state business.
>There is still ZERO evidence that anything is being done about anything.
Simply untrue.
That's not Debbie.
You can Google a high school yearbook photo of her, and clearly the chick with tits is not Debbie.
The yearbook photo looks like a young gremlin, like adult Debbie.
No way she magically had a few good years in between total gremlin status.
Also that pic is at least 8 years too recent to be a young debbie
>The congressional networks they were accessing do not contain any classified information, which is held on separate servers that have rigid protections and very limited access. The House network does contain lawmakers’ email, but a senior House official said IT workers could not access it unless lawmakers provided their passwords.
>The House network does contain lawmakers’ email, but a senior House official said IT workers could not access it unless lawmakers provided their passwords.
>unless lawmakers provided their passwords.
>unless lawmakers provided their passwords.
>unless lawmakers provided their passwords.
They wouldn't do that though, would they?
Stop fucking babies, it's flat out wrong.
does whichever article it is say which games they played user?
aahahahaa so true
>Her fierce defense of the Awans at times puzzled even some in her own party.
She may yet go under the bus
>In May, Wasserman Schultz chided the Capitol Police chief during a public hearing after officers confiscated a laptop that had been left in a Capitol Building hallway. It belonged to her office and had been issued to Imran Awan.
>“I think you’re violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and should suspect there will be consequences,” Wasserman Schultz told the chief.
So they admit that this exists:
>She has also suggested that data moving off her office’s server might have been files the office routinely stored on Dropbox, an Internet-based document-sharing service. House rules prohibit moving data off the main server
Very big point...
>but Wasserman Schultz has said in a public hearing that House administrators had not made those rules clear.
..."it's not my fault I committed criminal actions". The Hillary defense.
“My concern was they were being singled out,” Wasserman Schultz told The Post.
>and now we're back to the comfortable ground of implying Islamophobia is the real reason behind the concern of "some conservatives"
>look closer at mueller
That's all speculation.
Speculation built on speculation built on hope.
As I said, there is still no EVIDENCE that anything is being done.
Lol I'm sure there is a secret DNC kiddie porn server hosted in the non existent basement of Comet Ping Pong pizza.
Must be interesting living in you delusional bubble.
thats a copypasta hes trolling
>Right-wing conspiracy theorists with large followings on the Internet have spun the revelations into intricate tales, trying to make the case that Imran Awan was the source of leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee that were published by WikiLeaks during last year’s presidential election.
WaPo really are disingenuous fagets. Everyone knows that Seth Rich is the likely source of the emails. The reason we bring up Awan in the context of the DNC leak is to show that actual criminals had access to their servers... so the idea that it was irrefutably MUH RUSSIANS who did the hacking is obviously bullshit.
>U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia was behind the hacking.
Like they concluded Saddam had WMDs
>it's not Trump, it's the swamp
And whose job is it to drain the swamp?
I've been saying from day 1 that his priority needs to be draining the swamp.
After the swamp is drained, everything else becomes easy.
Until the swamp is drained, everything else is nearly impossible.
It's either mass arrests or Trump gets nothing done. Right now Trump is leaning towards the latter
this post reminded me that your flag is a meme and need to be filtered
It is illegal to do split disbursement contracts. I've worked with GSA contractors. That is a big no-no
>Awan’s lawyers said Alvi left to allow the family to rent out their home because they had lost their jobs and “to temporarily escape the media frenzy,”
WHAT media frenzy? The media are actively ignoring this and have been for months - with very rare exceptions.
>which included “harassment” of her three children at home and at school.
>simply untrue
What evidence do you have that ARRESTS are going to happen?
What evidence do you have that EVERYONE is under investigation?
You have hope and speculation, but no evidence that anything is being done you faggot
>congress, judicial, military, terrorists, FBI, big business
So after he drains the swamp... is there gonna be an America left to Make Great Again?
No shit it's wrong Mr 69. Too bad nothing is being done
checked rekt and kek
So what? Put your hand into the sand, and sleep in that degrading positition? All we can do is work with what we have and publish the information. Giving up is for losers.
This guy's teeth will end up getting kicked in one day. I'm not making a threat or necessarily predicting this will happen. I just know that if (((they))) are actually trying to split this country in half to stay on top of the global game board, that they are using this man and likely guiding him in what he does. Obviously Zuckerkike is giving away the info freely, but this guy(Muller) is prolonging an investigation that has no substance...And he's doing it solely for the reason of trying to sway the 2018 vote. He's a fuckin cuck and a puppet with a goatse bumhole to prove it. If shit hits the fan here in the states, I hope he is being protected, because the American people aren't biting the line anymore. Not the ones that matter at least.
We're heading for interesting times anons.
And I'm not a prophet, but I'd give woe to the politicians and "Admins of intelligence" who think they can stop the storm of free people trampling over their chest. There's a reason why a slanted judge always had the fastest horse in town back in the time our country was being founded. It's because they knew they couldn't pull this bs, and if they did, they'd have to get out of town fast.
worth filtering, obvious shill
>And whose job is it to drain the swamp?
Trump's and his supporters.
But it's not easy. You're talking about a massive bribery and war racket that is 50 years in the making and in control of trillions of Dollars. It's not going to go away out of shame just because Trump, Hannity, Bannon and an army of Twitter frogs are calling it out.
>mass arrests
It's true that there is blatant crimes committed by basically Obama's entire front line. Hillary and Soros even more so. But you see how the leaks worked and how corrupted the judicial mechanisms are. If Trump were to even float the idea of pursuing them like that, all of the targets would know about it within the hour. Game that one out and think about where it ends.
It sucks but it has to be done slowly.
>after he drains the swamp
He's drained 0% so far, so it's unrealistic to think he ever will.
A government will exist, it just needs to be manned by people who had nothing to do with the previous government
Obvious evidence of crime. The problem is that the idea seems to be to pretend that the Awans are guilty of a bit of fraud and that's it. Then they can close the case and say "it was a Muslim doing a bad thing but it was small time and anyone believing a conspiracy theory that he may have been involved in more is a racist".
This is why we need to shine a light on it.
This is GOLD!
You said there is a zero chance of anything changing.
That's obviously an incorrect statement. Things do change. You'd probably have been able to find a lot of like minded people in 1775.
I didn't say it was going to happen. I didn't even say that it's likely. But it is possible.
The fact that you don't understand the difference makes you the faggot - and a faggot with poor reading comprehension at that.
>He's drained 0% so far, so it's unrealistic to think he ever will.
Well, I'm no expert on what happening here
But it seems to me like this is a web where if one goes down, every one else is implicated, even if they don't get time, faith in American Institutions will essentially be dead
So it's either every one or no one
Am I correct in that assessment?
Bump for justice
>giving up is for losers
I haven't "given up"
I've simply adjusted my expectations to more closely match reality.
I don't want to be a raving lunatic 3 years from now because no one has been arrested.
All throughout human history, the elite criminals get away with their crimes. Why should I go insane because I 100% had faith that magically things would be different this time?
Trump said the right things, but he's not prepared to do the things that are needed to drain the swamp.
Trying to drain the swamp legally will never work. Assassinations and extraordinary renditions are necessary. Torture would be required. Public executions. Suspension of habeas corpus.
>has to he done slowly
Then it won't be done at all.
Trump doesn't get 20 years to work on it. The next president will not continue with it.
If arrests only start in a few years then whichever Democrat wins in 2020 will effectively end it. You can forget about prosecutions
>everyone or no one
But they can't arrest EVERYONE on the same day. There would need to be waves of mass arrests.
Right now none of them are being taken down.
Based on human history, it's more likely to be "none" than "all."
>Appearing at Imran Awan’s first court appearance on Sept. 1 was George Webb, a self-described citizen journalist from Fort Wayne, Ind., who has cultivated 40,000 followers by posting hundreds of conspiratorial videos on YouTube.
By conspiratorial, I think they mean factual videos in which he occasionally puts forward hypotheses that should be investigated. There is no muddling of fact and conjecture at all.
>He filed papers asking the judge if he could present evidence in the bank-fraud case that would reveal a host of other crimes, including money laundering to terrorist organizations.
oy vey!
>The judge denied the unusual request
Like I said, everyone knows conspiracies don't exist.
>Outside the courthouse, Webb said that he believed prosecutors were conspiring with Awan’s lawyers to minimize the case.
>“They’re orchestrating this thing, making it look like there’s a trial here,” Webb said. “There’s no trial here. They are trying to make this look like a small, simple bank fraud case. It’s not. It’s a spy ring in Congress.”
>It’s a spy ring in Congress
>It’s a spy ring in Congress
>It’s a spy ring in Congress
Hey but instead of all of this access that a man with ties to all kinds of shady Muslim businessmen and politicians had, and that he will soon be convicted for fraud against the US taxpayer, we want you to instead focus on the innuendo, anonymous sources, hysterical speculation and discredited dossiers of our Russia meme.
That's right anons: believe the fake Russia spy story while we cover for the real Islamic spy ring in Congress.
>And whose job is it to drain the swamp?
The voters. And if they are prevented from performing their duty...The militia.
He has 4 years and people who work against him. Give him some time, he is anointed by god.
>Democrat wins in 2020
Top kek.
He gets 8.
You seem to be putting a lot of faith in that crystal ball of yours.
>whichever Democrat wins in 2020
kek, OK I'm done talking to you now.
Democrats for prison 2017 !!
hol' up ! better :
Leftists for prison, 2017 !!
Can someone give me a basic gestault on the phoneboooth thing?
It's really happening this time XD
I-I promise
OK anons, I gotta go do normie shit, now.
Remember: the Awans look like the most credible way that we can nail the Democrats because there is such blatant criminality on their part, such shady connections and such a major national security angle. Normies can't just dismiss it - even the Islamophobia defense looks absurd. Going after the DNC is not politics at this point; it's national traitors in the literal sense that need to be prosecuted... and that's even if you don't believe there is anything at all to certain other "debunked conspiracy theories".
Read the WaPo article, everyone:
There's a lotta fake news, opinion sterring and glaring omissions but there are some important admissions too.
>stuff we've known about for months obviously but it's always a victory when we force the corporate media to acknowledge these things after months of dismissing it as a nothingburger
Then here's George Webb himself giving a rejoinder to the article, pointing out what's wrong with it:
Enjoy your Sunday afternoons.
Probably. Idk if isps work the same for every country. I know in Canada they can't really do much besides strong arm you into admitting you did something.
1. Trump can't do much without taking out the swamp.
2. Not taking out the swamp me and he won't do much.
3. Not doing much, while receiving constant negative news coverage at home and abroad, means a likely loss.
I'm glad I voted for him, but he won't win in 2020 on a platform of "oops I forgot to drain the swamp, give me a 2nd chance."
Stop demoralasing fag. He will be able to take out the swamp after mid elections
Depends who they run against him. The outlook is rather grim for any Dem that steps up currently.