My boyfriend was killed by a Muslim

My boyfriend was killed by a Muslim

He was hanging out with his friends, when they were attacked by a group of Muslims. the rest were just hospitalised, he died

I don't think i can move on from this, i don't think i can go back to gay dating. He was special, he can't be replaced

I think im going to move to a different country, marry a woman and try and forget, becasue i'm no the verge of doing something terrible, i can't live in the same city as those fucking Muslim animals anymore. Every time i see a mosque i want to barricade the doors and burn the bastards alive.

Where should a white man move to escape Islam and marry a white woman to have white kids?

Thats pretty gay user

Why don't you just convert to Islam and submit to the will of Allah,senpai? Deep down you know this is what you want.

Nobody can take your post seriously with that fuckin meme flag, fag.

Just out of interest, are you a top or a bottom?

Allah has given you a gift beyond imagining by severing you from the sin and degeneracy you immersed yourself in. Accept His gift, read the sign He has sent you and convert to glorious Islam. Then, you may attempt to repay Allah and absolve yourself of a life of depravity by achieving martyrdom. Pulse Nightclub will look like a child's prank by the time you are finished.

it is the will of allah

They should've killed you too

As a Swede, I feel conflicted.
My Islamic ideals and my homosexuality clashes.

Submit to me sticking dead pigs in your child rape centres, you know, mosques

Piss poor LARP.

> 5533
So you think about becoming a refugee?
Fuck you.
All refugees are scum of the earth.

There is thing invasion of islam never end until there is islam.
There is no real escape on long run.
Take your revenge or forget it and run where in next 5 years you gonna have same problem

I'm white, i'd be an expat

oh no a fag died

who cares

>gay man pretending he is disgusted by pedophilia
oh i am laffin

marry a trapfaggot and make him pretend to be a trad-wife while you adopt or surrogate white kids

You flee from something = refugee.
Nobody needs more faggot pussies like you.

gay men shouldn't marry white women. In fact they shouldn't marry women at all. That's just selfish

kill hundreds of them
an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth


also are you bongistani?

if you do, it is just the will of allah : )

I'm sorry fellow gaybro. Do what you can to keep those filthy mudslimes out of your nation to keep this from happening again.

Which country/city did this take place in?

Stay and take one for the team. Go postal on those rapefugees

1000 of these fuckers isn't worth one of him

the will of allah is that mosques will burn

>becasue i'm no the verge of doing something terrible
Something awesome you mean

OP is gay


then get on it, faggot

just as homosexuals are thrown from the roofs of minarets, it is simply the will of allah : )

Shias are le based and Persians are Aryans

Sorry gay bro

I'll never understand why people who support lgbt also support Islam


>Where should a white man move to escape Islam

You stay and fight you little punk ass bitch faggot nigger jew. Are your balls only needed for when you want to fuck shit stained faggot ass? You are still a man, act like it.

wtf I love muslims now?!

kill yourself, mentally ill dude from europe
taking with you a bunch of muslim won't do you any better, but it sure is a step in the right direction for anyone in europe

rather want gays than Muslims

Remember to set it off at several location so that any emergency exits or improvised ones are inaccessible.

Because acceptance of homosexual lifestyles is a right-wing value, promotion of it it left wing

I heard that a part of pol is aiming for a white ethnostate somewhere in America. Maybe you could join up?



> Gay
> Boyfriend dies
> Decided to stop being Gay

So you are saying being Gay is a choice?

checked and im sorry for your loss user
and i actually hate fags too but desu that sucks obviously your faggot lover was also a friend so im sorry.

i'm saying i could never love another man

Where did you get the idea we want you back, fag ? White race does not need more diseased death squads in their community.
Choke on a schlong etc etc.

Also Homosexual here

Sorry to hear that but you shouldent live in a city that has Muslims

Also I'm dating a fellow nazi so he is always aware

>becasue i'm no the verge of doing something terrible
Do it. Do you really think if the police even found the murderer that he would receive a harsh punishment? No.


>>tfw when OP is a literal faggot but not one for simply being OP and is seeing the Light!

>fellow nazi
no you aren't you mentally ill degenerate

>fags finally realizing they threw in with the wrong side

I'm not going to say "I told you so" or any of that bullshit, even though the leftist love for Muslims seems like a way to spite Christians, even though we were never any real threat to you people.

I'm sorry for your loss bro.

>Every time i see a mosque i want to barricade the doors and burn the bastards alive.

Perhaps you should go full Buddhist on them...

Dude so long as they fight with us instead of against us as some queers then they can atone for the their homosex later. It's the flamboyants that need the rope. It's what Hitler did and what Hitler would say.

(I can't believe that nobody has written it yet)

I also am a literal faggot, but I'm half-convinced that gay relationships are essentially dysfuntional.
Like, I love aryan male aesthetics, that's what I'm attracted to, but I sort of don't think two males can keep each other (spiritually) satisfied(?) because the male personality is competitive ... the top is the dominant personality, but he will have feelings of guilt about sort of psychologically castrating the bottom, but the bottom, (literally) full of testosterone will constantly and unconciously attempt to gain dominance over the top.
I still kind of look with disgust on hetero relationships because the female is biologically set up to be submissive, basically biologically designed to be a victim of male intrusion, and the way you create a stable relationship with a female is you psychologically dominate her in a way that's identical to Stockholm syndrome. This is the cold hard reality, no matter how much we dress traditional marriage up as a fairy tale.
Lesbians form incredibly stable and loyal relationships, but are also incredibly abusive to each other, physically and otherwise.
Idk, sexuality fucking scares me.
You can /technically/ go about getting a relationship with a woman in the bluepilled normie way, but she will dominate you and turn you into her wageslave bitchboy ... sometimes literal cuckold. My dad is that way, a basically entirely emasculated working man who is unable to say anything critical to my mom.
fuck i didn't mean to rant about my psychological issues on Sup Forums
My condolences regarding your boyfriend. There's nothing wrong with turning to spirituality for a while, taking it slow, until you sort out what you want in life. That's where I'm at anyway.
idk i literally have no good advice to give. there's pros and cons to every option you could take from here
do what thou wilt

>that mosques will burn
Never seen gays do it
On the other hand,...

>It's what Hitler did and what Hitler would say.
sure it is faggot
go choke and die on a dick

It's a shame you weren't taken as well.


oh, I was actually in that thread.
someone complained about that it was too close to an earlier joke about the same thing, but that's alright I guess.

Have a surrogate baby and become a single father teach them about your lost love

>jew and spic

That's fucking retarded.

I've had ex's like you, they just use it as a way to switch from male to female because they are unwilling to try.

Was this in the news?

I'd take smart people and hard working people over fags any day.

it's time for revenge

>escaping Islam
Wrong answer. Why submit, why cede territory, why choose fear and persecution instead of bravery and pride?

it's time for vengeance

If you are not larping OP then i am on your side. Fuck these muslim loving basement dweller "nazis".

хaхa yби ce пeдepиштe никaквo

>tfw fags will be our greatest allies in the upcomming wars
I have nothing against you homos, you can use the pooper of other men if they desire as long as you stay away from mine

Meњaм 400 илјaди мycлимaни oд Maкeдoнијa зa 400 илјaди пeдepи вo CEКOJ eбaн мoмeнт.

Иди пyши им гo y џaмијa eбaтe дeбилoт

You won't do it, if you had the balls to do it, you wouldn't be LARPing on Sup Forums, you'd be getting the shotgun ready.

>false dichotomy
cигypнo yштe yмaш мoдpици a cтoјaн

>Every time i see a mosque i want to barricade the doors and burn the bastards alive.

You have a Plan, now Pic related

If you would take the jew over the fag you are a stupid, stupid fuck
The former just leads to more of the latter

what a fucking faggot

Зaeбaн cи нeмa пo

It's an unfortunately very successful bit of propaganda that feminism has infected us with that the sexes are to be at "war" with one another, and in conflict, rather than being complementary. \pol\ too has taken this bait.

I'm sorry for your loss. It's not much of a consolation, but intense love generally lasts two to three years. People tend to be serial monogamists as a default; children can and should anchor and check that tendency but don't always do.

Anger is justified in your situation, but if allowed boundless freedom will overtake your life. Anyway, take care of yourself; and sorry for your loss.

>muh me me image macros

Serves you right you degenerate fag. When the day of the rope comes you will be joining those Muslims in Hell

Boo fuckin' hoo. One faggot less in the world.
>marry a woman
haha good one.
That image is so cringy it gives me a headache every time I see it

Are you seriously criticizing their culture like that you fucking biggot?

This thread is a larp.
OP is a fag.


the correct course of action for gay men in your situation is to commit yourself to the nationalist cause and keep yourself in the closet. You have a natural advantage over straight men in that if normal circumstances continued you would have had a very low likely of reproducing anyway, therefore if for some reason you come to great harm it isn't as much of a loss for the future of the people as a straight man who would likely have reproduced (same logic goes for neets)

You're not high enough up in the oppression Olympics anymore

Move here my dude

Worst comes to worst you can get a Filipino fuckboi or something

Be the spark that starts the explosion user.
we're all waiting.

wtf I love Muslims now